You may make personal use of this information for your own research.
Written permission is required if you wish to copy, or publish this
information, in any form, for profit.
CAVEAT: No warranty is made concerning the accuracy of this information,
much of which was obtained from family members who may have retold
held family myths, or who may have deliberatly left out details to
the family name.
Admirals’s Letters, The
Agricultural Life in East Anglia
Amos’ Bible
Barnby Giant, The
Beamish & Crawford
Brewery, The
Book Extracts
Books by Beamishes
Books Concerning Beamishes
Burton Name, The
Carbery Hunt, The
Cheating at Cards
Chronological Tables: Ireland
Coat of Arms
Composer: Sally Beamish
Court of Requests: complaint 1605
Coventry Murder, The
Distribution of Beamish Name 2,
Documentary Abstracts
East Anglia
East Anglia: Early Families
Emigration: North America
Esther: A Still Voice –
a summary
Extracts and Stories 18,
Fishing Boats Owned by Beamishes
Fishing From Lowestoft
Founder of Irish Lines, Presumed
Geelong Advertiser: extracts
Genealogical Summary
Griffiths Valuations Ireland
Group Captain Victor Beamish 42,
Guinness Connection, The
Indianapolis, Beamishes of
Lahana House
Landownership in Ireland
Leemount House
Louisa's Diary: Extracts
Love At First Sight
Marshal Without Glory:
Masonic Lodge, Bandon
Medieval References
New Beamish, A
Obituaries 16, 19,
Odds And Others
Official Sources
Origin of the Name Beamish
Plantation of Munster
Railway Catastrophe
Ranunculus F.F. Beamish-Double
Registration Districts, England/Wales
Relationship Chart
Rincrew Duel
Saginaw County
Silk Weavers of Coventry
Tennis, Mrs Beamish
Values, Prices, Equivalents
Whale Expert
Will of George Beamish 1625
Will of Thomas
Beamish 1637
Will of John Beamish 1645
Will, summary of, Lord Chelwood
Will, extracts of, Mary Beamish 1861
Will, extracts of, John Beamish 1854
Wills, extracts of, Ireland
complied by Charles Beamish
Any genealogical compilation can not but be indebted to those who have
gone before, This work is therefore dedicated to the late
C. T. M. Beamish whose book published in 1950, provides the basis for
this present work. With the kind permission of his family extracts
from his book have been reproduced in this edition.
Sincere thanks are due to all those who have assisted in this compilation, several having gone to a great deal of trouble in seeking information. Especial thanks are due to Anne Paulizky for hours spent in St Catherine's House General Register Office (GRO), London; to Samuel and the late Tom Beamish in Ireland; to Victor, Eddy, Charles and cousins in Suffolk; to Keith and Garry Beamish and Edna Budds in Australia; to Mavis Oosthuizen in South Africa; to the late Leslie Beamish in Ohio; to James Beamish in Arizona, to Lynn Beamish of Owosso and Gayle Zimmerman of Flint, Michigan; to Robert Cordingley of Indianapolis; to Theresa Beamish of Wales; to family members, to amateur and professional researchers not directly connected with the family. The latter must include the Family History Service Centre of the Church of Christ Latter Day Saints (Mormons) for the International Genealogical Index. Also the Guild of One Name Studies, the Port of Lowestoft Research Society, the Suffolk and Warwickshire Family History Societies, and the library staff in Cork, Coventry and Lowestoft; and researchers far and wide who have made information available on the World Wide Web..
C.T.M. Beamish included variations on the name Beamish, eg Beaumays, Beamiss. These have for the most part been omitted from this book to enable all the Beamish entries to be included. He also compiled a separate appendix on the name Bemis, based upon the book "Bond's Genealogies And History of Watertown", Massachusetts, USA. This appendix has not been repeated but is available, as is a list of Beamiss GRO registrations. For those interested the introduction to the Bemis appendix is repeated below,
"In 1630 the first settlers of Watertown founded their township, which is one of the earliest in New England. By 1640 there was a certain Joseph Bemis in Watertown and from his are descended a large number of people of that name. Since the local place names are often the same as those in Suffolk, England, and many of the earliest settlers claim descent from East Anglian families, it is not unreasonable to think that Joseph Bemis may also have come from Suffolk, where Bemis is not an unusual variant of the name Beamish at that time. ... The name has remained in the form Bemis..,. Dr Bond died in 1858 and the information only goes up to 1855.
About 300 names are given as descendants of Joseph Bemis. From entries given by the Mormon's IGI for the USA it can be seen that those descendants prospered and multiplied. Any genealogical work on the name Bemis must therefore be entirely separate.
No genealogical work can ever be complete. The compiler therefore hopes that others will use these indexes in order to extend their own researches, and would welcome further information,
It must be further stated that no genealogical work can ever be assumed to be entirely accurate. With so much information collected and copied it is impossible to verify every entry, and mistakes may well have occurred. So care should be taken in extracting information. The compiler apologises however for his own errors and would gladly accept corrections. It should also be remembered that family members may not have always told the truth, both by commission or omission, for whatever reason.
C.T.M. Beamish, in writing of possible links between Suffolk and Ireland,
- "To this day there are a number (sic) of people of the name of Beamish
in the Lowestoft district." And in the Plantation of Munster - "Now
the family is scattered, few of them live in Ireland; indeed
the majority live in the Dominions and United States," At that time,
before 1950, it would have been impossible to carry out the surveys of
counties and countries now possible in order to verify such a statement.
As can be seen Suffolk has the highest number of entries in Britain, and
a great number of Beamishes can be seen to live in Britain.
back to CONTENTS
In fact telephone directories for 1993 give
the following number of entries:
Great Britain 427, Canada 310, United States 300, Australia 218, Ireland
61, New Zealand 40, Northern Ireland 12, Germany 2. For Suffolk
there are 70 entries; the largest number for any British county. British
county entries for 1993: Avon 6, Bedfordshire
4, Berkshire 9,Buckinghamshire 3, Cambridgeshire 7, Cheshire
8, Clwyd 5, Cornwall 3, Cumbria 2, Derbyshire 1, Devonshire 5, Dorset 5,
Dumfries 1, Dyfed 4, Sussex 19, Essex, Gloucestershire 14, Gwent 1, Gwynedd
1, Hampshire 14, Hertfordshire 4, Inverness 3, Kent 21, Lancashire 23,
Leicestershire 2, Lincolnshire 2, London 34, Merseyside 40, Mid Glamorgan
1, Middlesex 3, Midlothian 3, Norfolk 5, Nth Humberside 4, Northamptonshire
1, Northumberland 3, Nottinghamshire 8, Perth 1, Somerset 2, Sth Humberside
3, 5th Yorkshire 3, Staffordshire 2, Suffolk 70, Surrey 9, Tyne & Wear
2, Warwickshire 10, W Glamorgan 8, W Midlands 12, W Yorkshire 10, Wiltshire
1, Worcestershire 1.
back to CONTENTS
The majority of readers of this book will be unfamiliar with important
dates in genealogy. To assist those readers a brief summary of events
in the United Kingdom follows. It is hoped these will assist
in further research.
1538 Parish registers first kept in England. Typically 6% only
still exist.
1558 Church of England established
1598 Registers fist kept in parchment books and all earlier books were
to be copied.
1634 First Parish registers in Ireland.
1641 First British Passport issued; previously letters
of conduct.
1642 Outbreak of Civil War in England and churches plundered; many
registers lost. A Parish Registrar appointed but individuals often
1642-60 Interregnum. Many gaps in records during this period.
1662-89 Hearth Tax.
1680 Listing of all Catholics.
1694 Tax levied on baptisms marriages and burials. Two shillings
charged on baptisms unless shown to be a pauper.
Not all infants baptised.
1710 Stamp Duty on apprenticeship indentures.
1722 Workhouse Test Act.
1732 Women required to name father of illegitimate children.
1752 Change of Calendar; 2nd Sept followed by 14th.
1753 Hardwicke’s Marriage Act, designed to stop Fleet marriages and
other abuses.
1754 Registers printed in standard format for marriages.
1778 Catholic Relief Act; Catholics allowed to keep own records.
1783 Levy of threepence imposed on all parish register entries except
in case of the poor. Many became paupers overnight or withheld infants
from baptism.
1813 Registers printed in standard form for baptisms and burials.
1834 Poor Law Act. Charity provided by Guardians of the Poor,
or local squire or parson.
1837 National registration and indexes in England and Wales. Registrar
responsible. Some falsified returns, since payment was made on numbers
First Civil Marriages, conducted by the Registrar.
1838 Public Record Office established.
1839 British Consuls overseas started returns of BMDs.
1852 Boundaries of many Civil registration districts changed, and several
times subsequently.
1855 National registration and indexes in Scotland.
1858 Probate Act. All wills since 1857 held at Somerset House.
1858 Wills now proved in Principal Probate Register, London or in District
Probate Registers.
1864 National registration and indexes in Ireland.
1866 Age first given in death registers.
1874 Responsibility for registration now that of next of kin.
1875 Registration made compulsory.
The name of the father of illegitimate child can only be included if
he attends with the mother at the Registration Office.
1881 Army registers begin; many kept by chaplains.
1882 Married Women's Property Act. For the first time wives allowed
to own property.
1894 Parish Councils Act.
1898 Nonconformist ministers allowed to officiate marriages in own
chapels unsupervised by Superintendent Registrars.
1907 Marriage Act permits marriage with dead wife’s sister.
1911 September of this year mother's name first given in birth registers.
1912 Spouse's name first given in marriage registers.
1920 Royal Air Force registers start.
1921 Independence of Ireland; registers no longer held in England.
1927 Start of indexes to adoptions.
1928 Minimum legal age of marriage raised, formerly 12 for girls and
14 for boys, now 16 for both.
1929 Air registers are begun.
1930 Royal Navy registers are commenced.
1931 Marriage Act now permits marriage to divorced wife’s sister.
1932 Family Law Reform Act lowers age of majority to 18 from 21.
Date of birth of deceased given in Death Indices.
1974 County boundary changes in England and Wales.
General Registrar’s Office moves from Somerset House to St Catherine’s
1975 National Health Service number and full date of birth given in
English GRO registration indexes.
1986 Details of occupations of both parents recorded on birth certificates.
In England censuses available for public inspection are: 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901. The 1841 census is least useful since this gives only name, age for adults to nearest 5 years. occupation. and whether or not born in same county as that where census taken. The 1851 and subsequent censuses give name, address, relationship, marital status, age, occupation, and place of birth.
In Australia compulsory registration began in New South Wales from 1
March 1856 (index to all BDMs held by NSW Registry for years 1788-1945):
in Victoria from 1 Jul 1853 (an index held on records from 1837-88
held in Victoria Registry): in Western Australia from 1841: in Tasmania
from 1&38 (an index held on records 1803-99 in Tasmania Registry):
South Australia (index from 1836): in Northern Territory from 1870 (index
held on records 1870-1902). Access to records is restricted; to births
after 1905 and marriages within last 50 years (in NSW deaths accessed after
30 years).
back to CONTENTS
* * *
Sources used by CTM Beamish in his 1950 book.
Parish Registers.
County Cork:
Abbeystrowery 1778-1936, Aghadown 1878-1937, Ardfield, 1835-1936, Athnowan,
1853-1937, Ballydahob 1826-1937, Ballymartle & Ballinaboy 1800-1937,
Ballymodan 1695-1936, Blackrock 1820-1937, Brinny 1797-1937, Caheragh
1836-1937, Carrigaline & Killanully 1801-1937, Carrigtwohill 1776-1937,
Casthehaven 1845-1936, Castleventry 1846-1936, Clonmel or Queenstown 1761-1937,
Cork City (St Ann Shandon 1772-1928, St Fin Barre 1752-1937, St Johns
1891-1937, Holy Trinity 1643-1665, 1708-1937, St Lukes 1837-1937, St Mary
Shandon 1802-1938, St Nicholas 1723-1937, St Peter 1847-1937), Desert Serges
1811-1936, Drimoleague 1802-1938, Drinagh 1845-1937, Durrus 1903-1937,
Fanlobbus 1845-1936, Innishannon & Ballinadee 1693-1937, Kilbrogan
1752-1936 Kilgarriffe 1845-1937, Kilmacabea with Myross &
Kilfaughnaby 1845-1936, Kilmeen 1806-1937, Kilmocomogue,
Kilnagroe & Kilmaloda 1846-1936, Kinneigh & Ballymoney 1805-1936,
Kinsale & Rincurran 1688-1937, Lislee 1809- 1937, Macroom
1727-1937 (with Ballyvourney, Clondrohid, Inchigula, Kilmichael & Kilnamatory),
Monkstown 1842-1937, Moviddy 1848-1937 (with Kilmurry,Aglish
& Canaway), Murragh 1739-1936 (with Killowen), Nohoval
1846-1937, Ratholarin & Templetrine 1846-1937, Rathcooney 1749-1937,
Ross & Rathbarry 1695-1936, Rushbrooke 1866-1937, St Edmund 1865-1937,
Schull 1845-1937, Teampol-na-mboct 1859-1937, Timoloeague & Abbey Mahon
From Dublin Parish Register Society publications: St John the Evangelist,
St Michan's, SS Peter & Kevin, St Nicholas without Dublin, SS Andrew,
Anne, Audven & Bridge, SS Marie, Luke, Catherine & Wraburgh, St
Catherine's, St Patrick.
Parish Registers published, T/script and
MS, held at the Society of
Genealogists: Brettenham, Bradwell
Ash, Burstall, Brundish, Buxhall, Bedingfield, Bardwell,
Gt & Lt Bealings, Brightwell, Lt Barton, Barton Mills, Chillisford,
Culpho, Bury St Edmunds, Canton, Chevington, Culford, Clopton, Combs, Denham,
Ellough, Frostenden, Preston, Hoxne, Holton, Hollesley, Hasketon, Ickworth,
Ingham, Ipswich, Knodishall, Kelsale, Lowestoft, Letherington, Levinton,
Monks Eleigh, Monks Soham, Nacton, Pakenham, Lt Saxham, Snolley,
Stow, Spexhall, Sproughton, Shelley, Thorington,
Timworth, Ufford, Wissett, Wherstead, Wordwell, Whelmetham.
Also in part: Gt Finborough, Kersey, Onehouse, Stradbroke, Wingfield, Wattisham
St Vedast & St Michael Le Quern; St Benet & St Peter, Paul's
Boyd’s Marriage Index
Held by the SOG: 1500-1600; Cornwall9 Derbyshire, Devon, Durham, Lancashire,
Northumberland, Shropshire, Somerset, Yorkshire. 1500-1837;
Essex, Norfolk, Middlesex, Suffolk.
Boyd's London Burials
Irish Wills & Marriage Licences (Calendars)
Cork, Ross & Cloyne Marriage Licences to 1750, Cork Marriage Licences
from 1750, Cloyne Marriage Licences 1623-1800, Dublin Marriage Licences
1800-1858,Dublin Consistorial Marriage Licences, Irish Prerogative
Marriage Licences, Cork & Ross Wills 1548-1800, 1802-1833. Irish Prerogative
Wills, Cork Diocesan
Administrations, Irish Prerogative Intestate Administrations.
English Wills & Marriage Licences (Calendars)
P.C.C. Wills 1400-1700, P.C.C. Admons 1572-80, Bristol
Wills 1572-1792, Ipswich Wills 1444-1600, Gloucester Wills 1541-1650, Lichfield
Wills & Admons 1616-1652, Worcester Wills 1601-52, Leicester Marriage
Bonds & Allegations 1590-1729, Hampshire Marriage Licence Allegations,
London Marriage Licences 1615-82, Salisbury Marriage Licences 1632-1714,
Norwich Marriage Licences, Ipswich Marriage Licences 1613-1750.
General - Official and original sources
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland 1558-1670, Carew mss 1575-1623, Registry
of Deeds, Dublin 1708-1840, Council Book of Bandonbridge, Depositions
relating to losses sustained in the rebellion of 1641 (Trinity College
Dublin), Report of the Record Commissioners 1824-5, Militia Yeomanry &
Volunteer Lists 1805, a census of Ireland c1659, Trinity College
Register, Memorials of the Dead, Hibernian Magazine Marriages 1771-1812,
Deaths in Magazine (College of Arms), Council Books of Clonakilty, Cork
Kinsale & Youghal, Caulfield Papers (Trinity College) (not fully explored).
Oxford Graduates 1500-1886, Cambridge graduates to 1751, 1800-1884,
Gray's Inn Admissions 1521-1881, Lincoln's Inn
Admissions 1420-1893, Chancery proceedings 1538-1714, Apprentices
1710-1760, Aliens in London 1523-1623, Star Chamber Proceedings 1593-1603,
Suffolk Subsidy Returns, Suffolk Muster Rolls c1534-40, Suffolk Hearth
Tax 1674, Suffolk Feet of Fines, Visitations of the Co of Huntingdon.
General - Books etc,
Ireland: - Bennett, History of Bandon; Brady, Records of Cork, etc;
Cole, History of Cork, etc; Burke, Irish Landed Gentry 1912; Burke, Royal
Burke, History of the Commoners; O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; O'Hart, Irish Landed Gentry in the time of Cromwell; J.G, White, Historical & Topographical Notes on Buttevant, etc; British Hunts & Huntsmen, vol 4 1911; Cusack, History of Cork; Lewis, Topographical Dictionary of Ireland; Dorothea Townsend9 Officer of the Long Parliament; Corinthian, History of Yachting in South Ireland 1720-1909; Pigot & Co, Directory of Ireland 1824; Guy's, City & County Directory of Ireland various dates; Joyce, Place Names.
England :- Copinger, Suffolk Records & Mss; Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae,
T Duffus Hardy 1854: Salop Parish register Society vol 3; Transactions
Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society vol 5 Pt 3.
America:- New England Historical & Genealogical Register 1875;
Bowditch, Suffolk (New England) Surnames 1861;First Settlers of Ye Plantation;
A. M. Burke, Prominent Families of America; Waters, Genealogical Gleanings
in England; Suffolk (New England) manorial Families; Bond, Genealogies
& History of Watertown 1855.
back to CONTENTS
Official sources additional to CTMB's 1950 book
St Catherine's House General Register Office (GRO) indexes: Births
1837-1980, marriages 1837-1962, Deaths 1837-1964 England & Wales.
G.R.O. for Ireland indexes: Births 1864-1921, Marriages 1845-1921.
International Genealogical Index of baptisms and marriages, all counties
in England, Wales and Ireland. Note: The IGI does not give full coverage.
G.R.O. wills 1858-1920
Lee’s Survey of Lowestoft, Suffolk
Warwickshire Poor Law Settlement and Removal Index.
Suffolk Censuses:
Halesworth, Mutford 1841-51-61-71-81; Lowestoft 1821-31-51-81; Gunton,
Kessingland, Ashby, Flixton, Herringfleet, Hopton, Corton, Somerleyton,
Kirkley, Lound, Blundeston, Oulton, Oulton workhouse, Gisleham, Pakefield,
Rushmere, Carlton Colville 1851; Wrentham 1841-51-61-71-81
Indexed censuses for 1881: number of entries:
CHS 9, ESS 18, FLN 0, GLA 4, GLS 4, HAM 9, HRT 10, KEN 36, LEI 15,
LIN 1, MDX 82, MON 8, NFK 2, STS 3, SFK 70, SRY 58, SXX 0, WAR 58, YKS
16 & Royal Navy 0
Indexed censuses for 1851: NFK, WAR
Suffolk Parish Registers:
Barnby: Baptism 1538-1900, Marriages 1538-1899, Banns 1825-1918.
South Cove: Baptisms 1538-1900, Marriages 1538-1899, Burials 1538-1924.
Kelsale: Baptisms 1538-1812 , Marriages 1538-1812, Burials 1538-1812,
Marriages 1538-1812. Ringfield: Baptisms 1678-1936, Marriages 1751-1984,
Burials 1679-1983. Pakefield: Baptisms 1678-1936, Marriages 1681-1965,
Burials 1679-1984. Covehithe: Baptisms 1574-1900, Banns 1769-1900,
Marriages 1600-1900, Burials 1559-1919. Kessingland: Baptisms 1800-1907.
Kirkley: Baptisms 1701-1908. Carlton Colville: Baptisms 1800-1901.
Mutford: Baptisms 1800-1901.
Suffolk Memorial Inscriptions Index.
Victoria: Births 1890-1913, Marriages 1853-88, Deaths 1856-1930.
New South Wales: Births 1832-1918, Marriages 1834-1940, Deaths
1833-1944, Queensland : Births 1890-94 Western Australia : Births
1881-1898, Deaths 1860-99. Tasmania: Births 1868-99, Marriages 1867-99
New Zealand:
Births 1840-1900, Marriages 1840-54, Deaths 1866-1900.
Telephone Directory Entries c1993:
United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Ireland,
Germany, South Africa.
United States census and Social Security records.
List of officers in the Royal Irish Constabulary.
Debt of Honour Register, Commonwealth War Graves Commission (32
entries) (40 matching documents);
Resource File; Ancestry World Tree; ;;; Ellis Island Arrivals 1892-1924 (214 entries)
back to CONTENTS
* * *
There are three variations of the origin and meaning of the name Beamish;
but the first two would appear to
be spurious. Sabine Baring-Gould, in his book "Family Names And
Their Story", alleges that the name comes from
Boemish, or Boehemian. There are no such variations in
spellings amongst the names collected - from every
county in England - however, so it would seem an unlikely derivation.
And no other authority backs this theory.
Secondly there is a parish in County Durham called Beamish, which now
has its well-known heritage museum.
Although some may take this to be the place of origin, this is doubtful.
It is said that some 200 years ago a local
squire gave a few acres of land there to his daughter as a wedding
gift, and she had a house built. She thought the
area so lovely that she called it Beamish, the beautiful hall.
Some time later coal was found and a village built to
house the miners, the village then taking its name from the hall.
In "A Dictionary of Surnames" by Patrick Hanks &
Flavia Hodges the parish is given as being first mentioned in the 13th
century, and that it is possible that a few
bearers of the name might take their name from there.
The same book gives Beamish, English and Irish (Norman), habitation
name from Beaumais sur Dives in Calvados,
or Beaumetz in Somme and Pas de Calais. In the last there are
three different places of similar name – Beaumetz les
Aire, Beaumetz les Cambrais, Beaumetz les Loges. There is mention
in “Signposts To The Past” by Margaret
Gelling of – Berkshire: Beamy’s Castle (in Swallowfield), Bray.
In The Origin Of English Surnames by P.H. Reaney, published by Routledge
& Kegan Paul Ltd 1967 the names Beam(e)s, Beamish and Beamiss are all
given as deriving from Beaumais sur Dives.
Beaumais sur Dives lies four miles east of Falais, the birthplace of
Duke William of Normandy (The
Conqueror). Beaumais sur Dives means “beautiful house on the
River Dives”. The River Dives enters the
sea near Caen, at the departure point of William’s army in 1066.
There is a Beaumes recorded on the Battle
roll as a follower of William but this is considered to
be unreliable and cannot be held as proof that a Beamish landed in 1066
to do battle with King Harold. However, it would seem likely that
the first bearer of the name in England must have landed shortly afterward,
possibly arriving with the churchmen, courtiers and officials. The first
mention of the name is in 1108.
The diagram below indicates the position of Beaumais in relation to other villages and Falais.
* Cantepie les Croix
* Beaumais * la Noe
sur Dives
* Japigny
* Crocy * le Colombier
< Falais
4 mls
The Beamish name has, through the years, been variously spelled.
The following list is one of possible variants,
though it should be emphasised that not everyone bearing one of these
names may necessarily be a Beamish.
Bamies, Bamis, Bamish, Baymish, Beamasse, Beame, Beames, Beamice,
Beamis, Beamss,
Beamus, Beamys, Beamyshe, Beaumais, Beaumayes, Beaumes,
Beaumeys, Beaumies,
Beaumays, Beaymys, Beemes, Beemish, Belmis (feminine of Beaumais),
de Belmis, Bemas,
Bemech, Bemes, Bemis, Bemish, Bemishe, Bemisse, Bemmes, Bemmis, Bemus,
Bemysh, Beymish, Bomish.
Distribution of the Beamish name.
It will be seen from the lists of names in this study that there are
very few Beamishes in the north-east of England
(and certainly no early names), the majority being found in the Midlands,
East Anglia, the South-East and the south
of Ireland. It would appear from these.lists that the initial
appearance of the Beamish name was in and around
London, following the Norman invasion. It then moved to Shropshire,
and then across to East Anglia, and finally
back to London. It is presently assumed that the Irish
lines originated in East Anglia, though absolute proof is
The Midlands
Here a substantial branch would appear to have descended directly from
the lords of Tong, Shropshire and developed around Coventry, Warwickshire.
The first record of a name in this area (spelled as Beamish) is at Wooten
Wawen, Warwickshire in 15'72. This family seems to have stayed in
the area up to the present day, its lines spreading only, until quite recently,
into Leicester and Staffordshire.
East Anglia:
The East Anglian branch appears to have
arrived via Lincolnshire and Huntingdonshire, being directly connected
with the lords of Donnington, and was concentrated in south Suffolk
and along the Suffolk/Essex border. The
earliest reference is l226, with several others - as shown below -
on to 1594, which would confirm that Beamish
families were established in the area from only a short time after
the initial arrival from Normandy.
Original Settlers in Ireland
It is from this branch that, at the moment, it is supposed the Irish
branch directly descends, from one Francis Beamishe who married Alice ?
c1583, and who may have married a Catherine Rivett at Wingfield on 12 March
1586. His son Thomas may then be the Beamish who began the Irish
dynasty - part of the Anglo-Irish Ascendancy; and which produced the progenitor
of the present, later, East Anglian line. Thomas' departure to Ireland
would have been c1590, when Elizabeth the First was intent upon settling
Protestants in Ireland, by providing land grants. (This is
further enlarged upon in the section on Ireland). This East
Anglian branch seems to have been quite small. But, considering the
lack of early documentation, numbers are impossible to
accurately estimate. The difficulty also is in separating these old
lines from later lines. This is because at some point in the 17/18th
century a Beamish is said to have returned to England from Ireland and
began the branch which is now concentrated in north-east Suffolk (enlarged
upon in the section on Suffolk).
It is improbable that contact would have been entirely lost between Suffolk and Ireland, especially since some of the Suffolk families - reference the will of George Beamish of Great Finborough in 1625 - were comparatively wealthy. The original Beamish who went to Ireland is assumed to have lived in Brundish. The returnee is said, by descendants, to have been a servant at Worlingham, near Beccles. But family myth is apt to be defective and the compiler believes that the place was in fact Worlingworth - which is only three miles from Brundish
However, at the moment this is conjecture and impossible to prove. As to quite when this Beamish left Ireland, this is difficult to ascertain since information on the early Irish families is sparse. The earliest known name of this Suffolk line is Samuel Beamish of Walpole, who had a son Samuel baptised 18 September 1730, which would make the senior Samuel's birth c1700. This would put his departure from Ireland - presuming he is the returnee - c1720. There is a contemporary quote by Jonathon Swift (1726), in reference to Ireland at that time, that "The whole body of the 'gentry are utterly destitute of all means 'to make provision for their younger sons, either in the church, the law, the revenue, or, of late, in the army; and, in the desperate condition of trade, it is equally vain to think of making them merchants". This may well be the reason that 'Samuel' left Ireland. Unfortunately there is no record of such a Samuel born in Ireland at that time, so the theory remains unproven. It may also be that it is necessary to go back a further generation, to Samuel's father, to discover the returnee. Many Protestants left Ireland in 1687, when James the Second had given control of the country to the Catholics; so this earlier date may be more accurate.
There is some confusion in regard to the lists of names in some areas
because of immigration from Ireland, principally in the 19th century.
And in some cases researchers are faced with the difficulty of tracing
their line back. This is for several reasons: illiteracy, loss
of records, lack of interest in tracing lines. The Irish lines themselves
have ‘reliable’ records only for those wealthier, literate branches who
would have kept records for the purposes of property transfer. There
are many Irish descendants who cannot with certainty trace their lines
back into Ireland because of lack of evidence. Unless there
is a definite link into a reliable established line then it is almost
impossible to prove a connection. By looking at the names of deaths
recorded at the General Register Office, London many are shown not to be
born in England and are therefore likely to be Irish born. But few
of these can with certainty be linked into Ireland. It may however
be possible to confirm links at a later date, when new Irish records become
available. The loss of records in 1922 has not proved to be so disastrous
as at first thought.
back to CONTENTS
There are several Beamish families in other countries;
principally the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.
Most - but not all - appear to be directly descended from Irish families.
back to CONTENTS
* * *
The following information is taken from 'Memoirs Of De Belmeis by Col. James Maybury Beamish, who postulates the origins of the Beamish name. This should be taken as of interest to researchers but not as proof of origin.
1108 Richard de Beaumes, or de Belmeis, surnamed the Red, was elected Bishop of London at Whitsuntide at Mortlake and consecrated at Pagenham on 26 July. He died 10 January 1127 and was buried at St Oayth’s, Essex. He is supposed to have been born at Swallowfield near Reading, Berkshire, where there are the remains of a moat to show the castle or manor house of Beamys.
1139 Richard Fitzwater, or de'Belmeis, nephew of' the Bishop, had the
dignity of Archdeacon of Middlesex
conferred upon 'him during his minority He was ordained
Archbishop Theobald at Otford, Kent on 20
1140 September 1152 and consecrated Bishop of London on 28 September
1152. He died 4 May 1162.
Tong, Shropshire
There is a Beamish hall at Albrighton which is said to have been the
residence of the lords of Donnington. [Note:
But see paragraph on Beamish celandine. CHJB) Albrighton
is two miles from Tong. The hamlet of Tong is as
insignificant now as it probably was in medieval times.
1139 Robert de Beaumes of Tong witnessed the grant to Buildwas
1194 In November Robert de Beaumes, probably son of the above, was
one of four knights whose view of a lawsuit
1195 was reported at Westminster.
1196 In December Henry the Third granted letters patent of 'protection
to Robert de Beaumais so long as he should
1197 be in the service of Prince Edward in parts beyond the sea.
1261 Henry the Third granted Robert de Helmets a licence
to hunt in the county of Salop (Shropshire)'.
c1205 Robert died, leaving his wife Matilda 'and son Hugh 'to
1267 Hugh received a licence to 'hunt deer, badgers and 'wild cats
in the forests of Salop and Staffordshire.
After the forfeiture of Earl Belesme, William de Beaumes, a presumed
brother of Richard, Bishop of London, to whom Henry the First gave the
lordship of Tong and Donnington, was lord of Donnington. He
was succeeded by Richard de Belmeis who attested a charter to Lilleshall
Abbey on behalf of Philip de Belmeis, lord of Tong. Another Richard,
probably the son of Philip, contested with Alan de Upton concerning lands
at Meadowley. The name Ranulph de Belmeis also occurs in connection
with these lands.
1167 The manor of Donnington was amerced ½ mark and the lord was then Richard de'Belmeis1 who would appear to be the same person who in 1189 was indebted to Aaron, a rich Jew of Lincoln. (Note: Aaron's house still exists and is presently the headquarters of the Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology- CHJB) From Aaron he borrowed £4.8.6d but the king, having taken the matter into his own hands, de Belmeis paid off the debt in instalments, which were completed by the year 1200.
Walter, the next lord of Donnington, was brought to trial for robbery and violence but acquitted.
1240 Walter de Belmeis was entered as holding a knights fee in Donnington of the barony of Fitz-Peter
1256 Walter de Belmeis, by then dead, left issue by Joanna his wife,
a son Roger who succeeded him in his rights. Joanna had difficulty
in obtaining dower, and at assizes in January 1256 sued several undertenants
in Donnington. At the same time Roger was in litigation with the
prioress of Whitenuns of Brewood concerning his mother’s rights of estover
in Donnington Wood.
The same year Hugh de Acrove, Sheriff of Shropshire, returned Roger de' Belmeis as a defaulter in that he ought to have been a knight and paid certain fees to the king as holder of lands worth £15 per annum. William, son of Walter Spink of Culeshall, quitted Roger, son of Walter de Beaumes, all lands held in Donnington under Roger’s ancestors,
John de Belmeis (son of Roger?) was the next lord.
1270 John' de Belmeis had contention with 'the Master of the Knights Templar about his property at Meadowsley near Bridgenorth;
On 5 July Henry the Third granted his 'beloved valet' Hugh de Beaumes, who had been present with him at the siege of Kenilworth castle, the marriage of Hilaria, widow of William de Harcourt, or at least the fine for such marriage. This Hugh, who did not marry Hilaria but instead Isolda de Mer was not closely related to the de Beaumes mentioned above; he was descended from Walter de Belmeis, another brother of Richard, Bishop of London. It appears that the issue of this marriage of Hugh and Isolda inherited Donnington in due course, not as heirs of John de Belmeis, on whom and on whose son John his brother Hugh de Belmeis lord of Donnington settled the lordship, but rather more probably he succeeded because Henry son of Hugh and Isolda married an heiress (sister or niece} of John de Belmeis of the Donnington line.
1272 A law suit between Hugh de Beaumis and Isolda on the one part and John Mer of the other before the King’s Justices concerning a settlement of her dower.
Alan de Beaumes was accused at assizes of 'larceny but acquitted by jurors of Brimstone ' Hundred
John de Belmeis, lord of Donnington9 purchased from Hugh de Beaumes
the manor of Stanway. (Essex
Or Gloucestershire?]
1284 John de Belmeis held the manor of Donnington with Culeshall and Shakerlaw.
1292 John and Hugh de Beaumes Jurors of Brimstone Hundred; an objection to the former that although a tenant of 'knights fee he was not' a knight.
1296 On 11 July Sir Hugh and John de Beaumes appeared in an inquest on the death of Fulke de Pembrage lord of Tong, their overlord.
1304 On 1 May an inquisition was held on behalf of Edward the First
as to whether John de Beaumys' intention of
giving 10 acres of land to the Prioress of the Whitenuns of Brewood
would deleteriously affect the king's
1305 On 12 June an inquisition held after the death of Hugh de Belmais
of Tong (husband of Isold de Mer) which
shows that he held a messuage (mansion house and grounds) in John’s
lordship of Donnington. John Belmeis
was himself dead within ten years, leaving sons Hugh and John.
The latter resigned his rights in Donnington
and Stanway to Hugh. This deed was made 1305-24 wherein
he was styled John de Beaumeys son of John de
Beaumeys lord of Donnington; among the witness was Henry de Beaumes.
Alan la Zouche (called also Earl of Brittany) married Alicia, the daughter of Philip de Beaumies.
1330 A deed whereby Agnes, daughter of Hugh de Beaumeys, released her rights in the manor of Donnington to her uncle Robert
1340 A deed whereby Henry de Beaumes lord of the manor of Donnington made a grant to his son John and Felicia his wife, daughter of Robert Fitz-Peter of Magner Lymberg.
1362 Henry de Wynnesbury was lord of Donnington. His wife
Joan was apparently heiress of the de Belmeis
1363 family and brought Donnington to her husband.
The male line thus ceased.
Lincolnsh ire
1277 Hugo de Beaumes was stated to hold the township of Limberge
of the House of Chester, but the service due in respect thereof was
not known.
Expedition against Llewellyn Prince of Wales; Muster before the Constable
and Earl Marshal at Worcester in the
octave of St John the Baptist, 1 July John de Beaumes acknowledged
the service due from Ricondus de Riparus, and
performed the same on his behalf. Expedition against Llewellyn
Prince of Wales – Muster Worcester, and again Muster at Carmarthen on Thursday
next before the feast of St Margaret 15 July. His service
during 40 days was transferred to the king by Edmund Earl of Lancaster,
to be performed under the latter in West Wales. This Hugo may be he mentioned
in Donnington.
1282 Hugo de Beaumes was ignorant of service which he owed, was prepared to perform the same when the amount should be known to him. Expedition against the Welsh - Muster at Rhuddlan on Wednesday next before the feast of St Peter ad Vinculus 5 August.
1300 Hugo de Beaumes was returned from the county of Lincoln as holding lands to the amount of £40 value per annum, and as such was summoned under general writ to perform military service against the Scots - Muster at Carlisle on the Nativity of St John the Baptist 24 June.
1295 Robert de Beaumes a juror for the Hundred of Normaneros.
William de Beaumys; a ward of Earl of Gloucester, was found to be possessed of lands and rents of the' yearly value of £30 in Sautre in the Hundred of Normaneros, and of other tenements at Pappeworth.
Rogerius de Beaumeys son and heir, alive 40 anno 47 Henry 111. (1263)
Jacobus Beaumays one compulsory military service for King Edward 1 in war against the Scots and has been at assembly in Huntingdon.
Reginaldus de Beaumays fee tenant, a military service in Sautre et Papeworth 8 Edward 11 to ll Edward 11.
Reginaldus de Beaumays to hold or fee for one military service, in Sautre and Papeworth 8 Edward 11 and 11 Edward 11.
“To all of them which shall see' and hear this present letter, Thomas
Brendall of Fenton cousin and heir to John
Beaumys sometime of Sautre, greeting.
As the arms of the said ancestors of' the said John since the
day of his death by law and right are escheated unto me
as the next heir of his lineage, Know ye that I the aforesaid Thomas
have given and granted by these presents the
whole arms aforesaid with their appurtenances to Sir. William Moyne,
Kt., which arms are: Argent a cross azure five
garbs or, to have and to hold the said arms with their appurtenances
to the said Sir William Moyne and his heirs and
assigns for ever.
In witness whereof I have this present letter set my seal.
Given at Sautre the 22nd day of November in the 15th year of King Richard
the Second (1392).”
Robert had William, who had Jacob, who had Nicholas, who died without a son so that his daughter Margaret inherited, then her daughter Cecilia who married Grendon. Their son was Thomas Grendal de Fenton who passed the Beaumays arms to Sir William Moyne.
1226 John de Beaumes appointed attorney by William la Bigod
concerning tenants and land at Great Bradley.
1229 John de Beaumes appointed attorney by William del Auney in proceedings against Simon de Perespont and other tenants of one carucate in Benacre, 30 acres in Kessingland and 40 acres -in Giselham. (carucate amount of land that could be ploughed by a team of oxen in one season)
John de Beaumes appointed attorney by Robert son of Odo in proceedings against Robert son of Constantine and Margaret his wife, Alan Begheld, Margaret daughter of Agnes, Robert Capps, tenants concerning messuages etc in Yarmouth.
John de Beaumes appointed attorney by Nicholas de Cundy in proceedings against Adam Ingulf and Salerna his wife and Mabel de Fonte concerning 4 acres in Somerleyton.
1239 John de Beaumes- appointed attorney- by Edmond de Tuddeh in proceedings
against William de Knapwell
concerning one carucate in Tuddenham St Mary.
1240 John de Beaumes and Matilda in proceedings against William son of Reynerus - in Wynesham.
1240/1 - John de -Beaumes granted lands -at Brokes- to the church of SS Peter and Paul Ipswich - in- frank almoin. [frank- almoin -land tenure without obligations except religious; saying of prayers]
1244 John de Beaumes and Matilda his wife and others in proceedings against Robert de Cokefield in Wytesham, Wosterfield and Akeham. John de Beaumes granted -SS Peter and Paul Ipswich a frank almoin the rent from the messuage in Ipswich which was Amfrey the chaplains.
Geoffrey de Beaumes, son of William de Beaumes, confirmed to St Peter’s Ipswich the gift which his father made from rent issuing from a certain messuage.
Matilda widow of John de Beaumes, released to the church of SS Peter and Paul Ipswich the right of dower which her said husband gave them.
Matilda, wife of Godfrey de Burends, in proceedings against Geoffrey de Beaumes in Ipswich.
1263 Godfrey de Beaumes in proceedings against Wiilliam son of Elyas de Subbyr and Alice his wife in Hemmyngston. - -
1314 Complaint against Robert de Beaumayes for entering and hunting upon the land of Payn Tibotot at Nettlestead and Braunford.
1327 Roberto de Beaumeys, villata de Cleydone in the Hundred of Cleydone, subsidy return 12 pence. (villata – a farmer; hundred – a division of land originally supposed to bear 100 families)
1462 William Alnewke, Bishop of London, John Viscount Beame and others in proceedings against Richard Duke of York and Cecilia his wife of the manor and town of Southwold.
1523 Thomas Bemys of Kersey in the Hundred of Colneis, subsidy return, in goods £2-1s-0d (subsidy return – a form of taxation)
Kateryn Bemys of Kersey in the Hundred of Cosford, subsidy return, in goods, £1-1s-0d
1534-40 Thomas Bemys, able archer, of Kersey in the Hundred of Cosford, muster rolls.
1566 Thomas Bemys of Brettenham in the Hundred of Cosford, subsidy return, in goods £3-2s-6d
1567 John Bemis of Buxhall in the Hundred of Stowe, subsidy return, in goods £4-3s-4d.
1594 The attorney-general proceeded against John Bemesh as the purchaser of Stanstead (Stanstreet) Hall, Brettenham; as to the royalties and profits etc.
1614 John, a prisoner, died in Ipswich jail.
1620 John Bemis of Witchford, Isle of Ely, was admitted as sizar at Caius College, Cambridge on 5 June 1620 aged 16. He got his BA in 1624, MA in 1629, was ordained deacon and priest at Peterborough in 1625, became canon of All Saints and St Mary, Shouldham, Norfolk 1662.
1679 John, a prisoner, died in Bury St Edmunds jail.
Further to this, it is known that no Beamish was ever transported as a criminal from East Anglia 1660-1775.
Old form of village names:
Wytesham - now Wattisham
Wosterf ield - now Westerfield
Akeham - now Akenham
Hemmyngston - now Hemmingstone
Cleydone - now Claydon
Great Finborough
What follows is a short survey of Finborough Magna as background
to the will of George Beamish in 1625. In the 17th Century it was a region
of wood-pasture; supporting dairy cattle, pigs, horses and poultry; growing
wheat, barley, rye, oats, peas, vetches, hops and hemp. In 1603 it
supported 120 adults; in 1674 59 households in 46 inhabited houses,
During the years 1600-49 there were 2 husbandmen,
13 yeomen; 1650-99 2 house-carpenters, 2
husbandmen, 9 yeomen, 1 miller, 1 spinster, 1 tailor, 1 shoemaker, 1 carpenter.
The Church of St Andrew was then the original building dating from
the 11th century. In 1645 the Rev. Phillip Parsons was ejected by
the Suffolk Committee for Scandalous Ministers; In 1535 the benefices
was valued at £5 is 3d. In 1676 there were 7 nonconformists.
back to CONTENTS
In the name of god Amen the Twentieth day of November in the year of
our Lord one
Thousand Six Hundred and Five & Twenty I George Beamish of Ffinborough
magna in the county of Suffolk & Dyeces of Norwich yeoman being sicke
in body now therefore
resolve in myne & in perfecte memory prayers be given unto Almighty
god doe constitute
ordayne & make this my Testamente & last will utterly &
clerely & thereby makinge & settinge
Asyde all other wills & Testamentes by me evertofore made in memory
& fformer ffollowing
herto I Bequeath my Soul into the mercyful hands of Almighty god my
master & to His sonne Jesus christ Redeemer & saviour hopeing &
Steadfastly beleavinge
have Remyssion of all my sinns & Eternal Salvation only by
his merciful name
Blod Shedinge & my body to be Buried in the graveyard of Ffinborough
magna -Afforesaide or else where it shall please god to call me.
And as concirnge my worldly
goods whereth it hathe please god to bless me I doe dispose of them
as ffoloweth
Item I give & bequeath unto Anne my beloved wyefe my Tennenente
Lyenge in Ffinborough magna Afforsaid with all the lands whatsoever booth
ffree from & lease to her
same Tennament belonging & Apptaining to have & hold ontoe
occupyr enjoye and take Imedeatily After my deceace Apon tomeirow that
She Shall bringe up my saide two
yonger children in persone vertuous Educacon untill they shall Attayne
to their sevral
ages of one & twenty years A I will that my son's wyefe shall paye
unto my said two yonger children martha & dorothy the sum of fforty
Pownse of currant monye of England that is to saye to eyther of them Twentye
Pownse when they shall
Accomplysh their sevrall Ages of One & Twenty years Anno yf it
shall happen that
eyther of my son's daughters shall depte their lyfe before she hathe
receyved her saide
gyfte Then I will that her saide gyfte dep(ar)ted shalbe equally p~ar1ted
Amonge all my
daughters then Lyvinge pte & pte alike & payd unto them by
Anne my saide wyefe at such
tyle as my said daughter dep~ar1ted should have Accomplysh her Age
of one & twenty
yeares ye she had solonge Lyved Item I gyve & bequeath unto Willm
my sone the Ffull & whole
sum of Thirtye powndes of lawful monye of Englande to be payed unto
hym by the hande
of myne executor in manner & Forme Following that is to saye Fyve
pow ndes p(ar]cell thereof at
such tyme as he shall become apprentice & Twenty powndes more pEar]cell
when he shall accomplysh he Ffull dye of Three & twentye yeares
& Fyve powndes more residue thereof
when he shall accomplysh his Ffull dye of Three & twentye yeares
Sign X George
sign followed att
Thomas Sellowes alf(ia)s Smyth
Thomas bastard
Phil. Barne
Item I gyve & Bequeathe unto George my sone the ffull & whole
some of Twenty pownde
of currant monye of England to be payed unto hyme by the hande of mye
executor in manner
& Fforme Ff01 lowing that is to saye Ffyve powndes p(ar]cell thereof
at the Feaste daye of St
John Baptiste one whole yeare follinge next After my decease &
Fyve powndes more
P(ar)cell thereof that daye Twelve months then next followinge &
Tenne powndes more
p(ar)cell thereof that daye Twelve months then next followinge &
Tenne powndes more
& All my Residue & thereof I resolve to be duly willed unto
hym by myne executor within tenne dayes next followinge mye decease
Residue thereof that daye Twelve monthe then next ensewinge and Also
my beste and newest cloke to be delyv(er)ed unto hym by myne Executor w(i)thin
tenne dayes next after my decease
Item I gyve and next after my decease
Bequeathe unto Thomas my sone the full & whole some of Twentye
& two ponde of currant monye of England to be payed unto hyme by myne
executor as Ffollowing
that is to saye Ffortye shil}ings p(ar)cell thereof to bind hym apprentice
& Twentye pownde
more residue thereof when he shall accomplysh his full age of one &
Twentye yeares
Item I gyve & Bequeat:he unto Robert my sone the full & whole
some of twentye powndes of Lawfull mony of England to be payed unto hym
by the hand of myne executor
when he shall accomplyshe his full age of one & Twentye yeares
Item I gyve and
Bequeathe unto Elizabeth my daughter her ffull & whole some of
Thirtye powndes of
Lawful monye of England to be payed unto her or her Assigns by her
hande of myne
Executors she as Ffolloweth that is to saye Ffyve pownde p[ar]cell
thereof at the Feast daye of
St Michael Th'archangell one whole yeare followinge next After my decease
& Ffyve pownde more p(ar]cell thereof that day Twelve monthe then next
& Ffyve pownde more p[ar)cell thereof that day Twelve monthe then
next followinge
& Fftene pownde more residue thereof that day Twelve monthe then
followinge And I doe Also gyve unto her my Seconde Brass pott to be
delyvered unto her by myne executor tenne dayes following next after my
decease & also I gyve unto her my Ffetherbed & Bowlster which is
upon her hall chamber to be
delyvered unto her likwise by myne Executor then Tenne dayes following
next after
my decease Item I gyve & bequeathe unto my daughter her ffull &
whole some of Thirtene Pownde Sixe
John Sellowes als Smyth
Thomas bastard
Phil Barne
Sign(um) Testator George Beamysh
Shillings & eight pence of Lawfull monye of England to be payed
unto her or her Assigns by the hande of myne executor at the daye marriage
All the Reste of my goods & chattels of what kinde soevfer3 unbequeathed
I gyve & Bequeath
unto Anne my wyfe Ffinallye I doe ordayne constitute& Appoynte
Anne my welbeloved wyffe & Robert Call her Brother to be myne executor
to see this my last will & Testament by this Fforme accordinge to my
Own intent and meaneing and as my trust is in Them And it is my Ffull Intente
& playn meaninge that Anne my wyfe shall out of her overplusse of my
goods & chattels paye & Discharge all my Debts Legacyes Funerall
probate of my will & allother necessary charges belonginge to the same
Three wittesses of this my last will and testament are these p(ar)tyes
whose names be hereunder written, that is to Saye.
Thomas Bastard
John Sellowes als Smyth
Phi Barne George Beamysh
* * *
To assess monetary equivalents in modern values (1994) multiply by 100. Thus cash sums of total £l55-6s-8d = £15,533. The value of land and house is of course unknown. But what this will indicates is that George Beamish was a moderately wealthy man:
Below is a family tree of George's family
May be wife of ? = George
= Ann
George buried
at Buxhall m1606
By his first wife George had a son George c5 Feb 1601, who married
Alice Baldry on 29 Jun 1626. By his second
wife George had Thomas 1609, William 1614, Robert, Ann 1612, Dorothy
1620, Martha 1624
back to CONTENTS
Memorant that John Beamish late of Levington
in the Dormtio (County) of Suffolk marrion (marriner) being of perfect
mind and memoria upon the third day of January
in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred fforty ffive
make and declare his last will and lastant
testament nuncuperative in manner and forme following on after words
to, the like effect (that is to say he did will and
bequeath) that Hanah Beamish daughter of Thomas Beamish his grandchild
should have all the money which mr Parker
and William Brigg did owe him uppon bond which in all was ffive and
sixtie pownds, and that she should have the
same immediately after his death, being words avowe soe uttered by
the said John Beamish att his owne home situate
in Levington: aforesaid this day and yeare abovesaid, and with intent
to make his last will and lastant testament
nuncuperative in the house of James Garner and Margarett Reeve whose
names are subscribed as witnesses.
James Baine Margarett Broome
Probate of Will of John Beamish 1645
Probatum fuit hoc testam(en)tu(m) nuncuperative apud Cip(enha)m coram
discreto viro m(agist]ro Rob(er]to Woodside Surr(oga)to vene(rabi]lis viri
m(agist]ri Rob(er)ti Kinge, legum d(o)c(t]oris,
in et p( er) totum Archi[diaco]natu(m) Suff(olkl Com(mlissarii
etc l(egil]time constitut(o) decimo die Januani A(ann)o d(omi)ni 1645
P(er] fidele testimoniufm] Jacobi Garner et Margarete Reeve- testiu(m]
et de super veritate eiusdem etc Jurat
Et com(m)issa fuit Ad(ministrati)o bon(orumJ
etc cu(m) hu(ius]mod[o) test(ment)o nuncupativo eid(em] annex(at)l
Margarete Beamishe nepoti etc, salvo etc.
This nuncuperative (verbal) will was proved at Chippenham before
the distinguished Master Robert Woodside, Surrogate of the worshipful Master
Robert Kinge, Doctor of Laws, lawfully constituted Commisary in and throughout
the whole of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, on the tenth day of January.
in the year of Our Lord 1645.
By. the faithful sworn testimony of James Garner and Margaret
Reeve, witnesses etc, of and upon the truth of the same etc.
And administration of the goods etc, with this nuncuperative will annexed
to the same, was granted to Margaret Beamish, granddaughter by his eldest
son, and next of kin etc, she having been sworn etc (all rights whatsoever).
back to CONTENTS
Administration of Estate of Thomas Beamish 1637
Januani 1637 stilo Angliae
Tertioeiusdem Com(m]issa fuit ad(ministrati)o bonor(u)m etc Thome Beamish nuper du(m) vixit de Pakenham def[unct)i Marie Beamish vid(ue) rel(I)c(t)e eiusdem def(unct]i
(In margin)
In(vento)riu(m) ex(hibi)tum
£79 - 4s - 4d
* *
January 1637 in the English Style (ie 1637/38)
On the third day of the same, administration of the goods etc of Thomas Beamish, late, whilst he lived at Pakenham, deceased, was granted to Mary Beamish, widow, relict of the same deceased.
(In margin)
(Inventory to be exhibited by the Feast of the Purification (of the
Virgin Mary).
Inventory exhibited: value £79 - 4s - 4d
Account (to be rendered by the Feast) of (Saint) John
back to CONTENTS
* * *
OBITUARY: (Possibly from the Geelong Advertiser)
A wave of regret swept over the district on Monday when it became apparent
that Mrs F. Beamish had passed away. the deceased was a resident
of Werribee for many years, where she was well and favourably known.
The possessor of a charitable nature she was always willing to lend support
to any worthy cause. Only recently in company with her husband and family
the late Mrs Beamish went to reside at Oreand, 89 Holmes Road, Moonie Ponds.
Left to mourn their losses are the sorrowing husband and the following
members of the family, all of whom are highly respected in Werribee:- Nellie
(Mrs W. Smith, Werribee), Arthur (Undera), Cyril, Elsie (Mrs H. C. Wilson,
Werribee), Keith (Brisbane> and Geoffrey. Mrs J. Beamish, of Stawell
Street is a sister of the deceased.
On Wednesday the burial took place at the Werribee cemetery, Leaving
her late residence about 1 pm the cortege
proceeded to St Thomas' Church of England, Werribee, where a short
service was held. The building was packed to
its utmost. At the conclusion the funeral wended its way to the
last resting place of the deceased and a remarkable
tribute of esteem in which she was held was forthcoming by the
large number of mourners who attended. The
prayers at the graveside were read by Rev W.J.T. Pay. The pall
bearers were Hon. J.H. Lister, M.H.R., Mr Bob
Beamish, Mr Frank Beamish, Cr J. McMurray, Mr Jim M'Pherson,
Mr J. Palmer, Mr Jack Anderson and Mr C.
Johnson. Many beautiful and costly wreaths were received from
the following:- Mr and Mrs 3. Beamish and family,
Mr Clyde and Mrs Lucy Anderson, colleagues Cook and Sons, Melbourne
office. 'Mrs M. Walker and family, Mr
and Mrs H. Skuse, Mrs H.C. Wilson, Mr and Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Williamson
and family, Messrs D. and R, Frumes,
Em White, and Jack Stevens, Tadgell Bros., Miss Bon Walter, Mrs
Swanton, Mrs Hall, Mrs Foley, Mr and Mrs H.
Cassidy and family, Mrs Hyman and family, Mr and Mrs J.S. Anderson,
Mr Jack Shoahan and family, Mrs Wright,
Werribee, Red Cross Society, Mr R. Smith (Armadale Road), Mr and Mrs
Hartley, Mrs Wright, Mr Claude and Miss
Ethel Johnson, Mr and Mrs Bernhardt and family, members St Thomas Ladies
Guild. The Funeral arrangements were admirably carried out by Mr
E.W. Jackson, the well-known William station undertaker.
* * *
75 years ago: 1891
A sensational accident occurred at the railway station yards yesterday
afternoon about one o'clock. The driver of a large cart, fitted
with a framework used in the conveyance of hay, belonging to Messrs J.
and H. Beamish, farmers of Werribee, incautiously removed the winkers from
the horse attached to the cart, with the object of giving the animal a
feed. Becoming frightened the horse bolted, and made for the gate
leading from the yard to Railway Terrace, where a cab was on the point
of entering. The runaway swerved to one side and brought the
offside wheel of the cart into violent collision with the gas-lamp and
the gate post. The great force of the blow broke the stiff post and
three of the fence pickets, lifted the lamp pillar off a masonry foundation,
and broke the gas pipe inside the pillar
The lamp and the pillar fell on the hay frame, and the horse, unchecked
by the disastrous collision careered along Railway Terrace into Mercer
Street, where the glass of the lamp was smashed. But when the runaway
was crossing the railway bridge, in Mercer Street, Mr Walley, firewood
merchant, ran from his office and caught the horse before further damage
was done. The lamp pillar, which was undamaged, was drawn back to
the entrance gate of the railway yard by the horse.
· *
Mr Frank Beamish has imported from America a fine piano-box buggy which,
with his trotting horse the “Draper” in the shafts, is to be exhibited
at the Albert Park Speedway on Saturday August 29th 1903.
* * *
A An extract from "Victoria And Its Metropolis" Volume 11: The Colony And Its People 1888":
Francis Beamish, who came from Cork, Ireland, with his parents in 1852,
being then 12 years of age. He followed the gold diggings in various
parts of the colony and New Zealand for some time and about 20 years ago
started farming on rented land, purchasing his present homestead of
600 acres at Wyndham twelve years since, and having at a later period bought
450 acres in Gippsam. He is now engaged in grazing, dairy farming
and hay growing. Mr Beamish has been a member of the Wyndham Council
for over two years and is also on the Board of Advice and the Cemetery
Trust. He was first married to Miss Elizabeth Kingston who died some
seven years ago leaving 3 sons and 2 daughters, and a second time to Miss
Francis Thomas Beamish, nephew of above Francis, bought his uncle's
home known as the "Pines", Synnott St, Werribee, and later this property
was cut up into 40 or more building blocks and 3 streets were named after
his family; Francis Street, Beamish Street and Anderson Street (Anderson
being the maiden name of his wife). This home was built by Francis
Beamish in 1884, the same year as the Presbyterian Church, his nephew Francis
lived in it for 23 years (it is now a private hospital). While living
in this home in Werribee Francis carried on farming and grazing on properties
named "Causes" and "The Bend" and "Bleak Hut" on the Ballam Road.
Francis Beamish and his wife Elizabeth (nee Kingston) and Francis Thomas
Beamish and his wife Elizabeth (nee Anderson) are all buried in Werribee
Cemetery, also the parents and grandparents of Francis Beamish and Elizabeth,
Francis’ father Abraham and Anastasia Beamish, Elizabeth’s parents Jane
and Stephen Anderson, grandparents Ellen and Elliot Armstrong, also grandparents
James and Jessie.
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* * *
CHURCH CENTENARY - 27 March 1960
St Thomas's Church of England, Werribee will celebrate its parish centenary
tomorrow. All former parishioners are invited to family celebrations
and thanksgiving at 3pm. The old wooden building which served as
the parish church a century ago is still used as a kindergarten.
One family, the Beamishes, have been members of the church for six generations.
A founder member of the original church was Mr Thomas Chirnside.
The foundation stone was laid by Mr J.P. Chirnside 60 years ago.
* * *
Newstead, Tuesday A fortune in Ireland has been inherited
by Mr F. Beamish, a prospector, of Fryerstown.
He was recently advised that an aunt in Ireland had bequeathed him about
£5,000 in money and several farming
properties, the total value of which is said to amount to almost six figures.
Mr Beamish will leave for Ireland soon, but hopes to return to the district
after he has attended to his affairs. He
came to the Castlemaine district about five years ago, and since then has
been engaged in prospecting work.
On Sunday, 12 December, the church is to be further enriched by the
unveiling and dedication of a new altar. This has been made possible
by a gift from the late Ethel Maude Beamish and the family of the late
Francis Thomas and Elizabeth Beamish. The following inscription will
appear on the altar:- Presented by Ethel Maude Beamish.
In loving memory of her parents Franncis Thomas Beamish 23/12/1865-13/3/1040
and Elizabeth Beamish 1/11/1871-19/11/1928. Both of whom were born
in the parish and worshipped in this church. Thus will be commemorated
to the lives of two persons who are respectfully ‘remembered by their dear
ones’ and many friends. The Church is grateful for this gift, and
future generations will guard it faithfully in memory of those in whose
memory it is given.
* *
"Spent day at Leemount. Mr Beamish
gave me early cabbage plants. Mr B. lent 'me 'Widow Barnaby' and
'Oliver Twist'.
* * *
In the following sketches, the principal settlers of this section of the county are noticed:
Henry 'Bemish, was born at Rochester. N.Y., in 1830; is a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Conklin) Bemish; natives of Ireland, who came to Rochester about 1819, and went into the grocery business, which they continued for several years. His mother died there in 1834, and his father came to Michigan in 1838 and settled where East Saginaw now stands. He died at Pine Run and was buried there. The subject of this sketch came to Michigan in 1838 and settled at Saginaw, with his father, and remained there several years, and made occasional trips to New York. In 1855 he settled in Thomastown, and there followed farming and lumbering, being 13 years with one firm. He came to Richland (now Hemlock, sic) in 1878 and bought the hotel which he now occupies. He was married in Saginaw City; Nov. 27, 1853, to Delia Irish, a native of Oakland County. They had 5 children in all, 4 of whom are living -Norman T., who married Nellie E. Lewis, and resides at Hemlock; Wm. F., Henry, Edward (deceased) and Edwin . While in Thomastown he was Commissioner for five years, Justice of the Peace two years, Road-master about seven years, and since being in Richland was Commissioner and Constable three years. which office he holds at the present time. Mr Bemish is an old settler and prominent man, keeping the only hotel in Hemlock City, situated on the business street, and forms a prominent feature of the city.
* * *
OBITUARY: Lowestoft Journal 11 December 1992
The funeral took place at Gorleston Crematorium on Monday for Mrs Sabina
Esther Beamish, of Hanover Close, Lowestoft, who died on December 1, aged
89. Mourners were Mrs S Houghton, Mr & Mrs D Beamish, Mr & Mrs
J Beamish, Mr P Cook, Mr & Mrs C Chipperfield, Master C Chipperfield,
Mr & Mrs P Houghton, Mr & Mrs S Sutton, Mr A Beamish1 Mr
S Beamish, Mr C Beamish, Mr & Mrs P Savage, Mr & Mrs C Beamish
and Mr & Mrs D Cook
The Beamish families in East Anglia can probably be divided into two distinct groups. Firstly the older families, from whom presently we suppose a Thomas Beamish went to Ireland and began those lines, and secondly the descendants of the Beamish who we think probably returned from Ireland c1700.
The earlier and older lines are represented by disparate families who are difficult to match one to another yet who would probably trace their lines directly back to the knights of Doddington. Most of these lines would at first sight appear to have disappeared shortly after Tudor times. However this may be a mistaken view. There were families still in the south and west of Suffolk into the 18th century who, from their names, would appear to be part of the older lines. Whether or not they have descendants still in Suffolk, or elsewhere, in the 20th century however is yet uncertain, for no links to present-day families are apparent in East Anglia. It is perhaps possible that the Beamishes in north-east. Suffolk today are two distinct families, representing the two lines; or there has been a name change; or indeed the older line has died out.
There are distinct lines of families bearing the name Beamiss in the
19th century GRO registers, centring on Ely, Cambridge, Thetford, Royston
and Risbridge who may well have a direct connection with the Beamish families,
as a variation. on the name. There are also those with the name Bemis,
some of whom emigrated to America in the early 17th century and whose descendants
are referred to by C.T.M. Beamish as living in New England. The name
Bemis occurs often in the IGI for New York, and continues in East
Anglia. The settlements of New England took many of their names from
East Anglia. It may well be therefore that far from disappearing
the name Beamish became transposed by the older lines into a spelling variable.
In most instances in this book such variations are ignored, but for those
interested a supplement of names is held and can be consulted.
back to CONTENTS
The earliest references to the name Beamish occur in Baylham (between
Ipswich and Needham Market).
William, who died 1457, had Alice and Thomas
Thomas, who died 1465, married Katrin and had Alice and John
John, who died 1516, married Margaret and had John and Richard.
References occur in Brettenham 1564-93, Buxhall 1583-1644, Hesset 1566,
Stowlangtoft 1638, Ingham 1624, Bury
St Edmunds 1629-79, Great Blakenham 1606, Tattingstone 1738, Werstead
1713, Bosford 1557, Brundish 1584-
1731, Kelsale 1583-1727, Wilby 1581-85, Athelington 1726, Laxfield
1695-1778, Mistley 1641, Great Dunmow
1570-81, Trimley St Martin 1685-96, Hasketon 1730, Clopton 1746-50,
Ashungton 1634, Bradfield Combust
1628, Dedham 1540-86, Colchester 1640-75, Depden 1635, Onehouse 1570-1600,
Wattisham 1540-1508, Great
Finborough 1601-24, Chelsworth 1619, Ixworth 1616, Combs, 1630, Pakenham
1628-64, Hoxne 1653-57,
Stradbroke 1588-1728, Ipswich 1697-1731, Nacton 1593-1617, Levington
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The following is an abstract held in the Public Record Office, and a copy in the Society of Genealogists, London. With the copies of wills given elsewhere this gives some indication of the comparative wealth of some families in early 17th century Suffolk.
RQ 2/405/11 3 James I (1605/6)
(Bill of complaint missing, so meaning not always apparent)
1. Top missing: Answer/ of Henry Sandford of Dedham (Essex) of defendants
of Bill of Complaint of Luke Bemyshe.
Says about two years since John Beamyshe, father of complainant, sold two 'cloathes' to one Richard Lewes of Ipswiche, merchant . But Beamyshe, being doubtful about security in a bond of £40. John Beamyshe died and defendant paid £20 to his executors. Dispute about this bond in which the name of one 'Andrewes’ occurs.
2. Writ from the king. commanding witnesses to be called on behalf of
Luke Beamyshe to answer
interrogatories. Date 12 Feb 4 James 1 (1607)
3. Items of above interrogatory.
4. Items of interrogatory on behalf of Edward Andrewes, defendant re
knowledge of sale of 'clothes' to Lewes and payment etc.
5. Depositions of :
Thomas Beamishe of Watsham, Suffolk, clerk, age 67, brother of John
Beamishe. Ref to Anne Beamishe, wife of John B.
James Beamishe of Nawton, Suffolk, yeoman, age 30, son of John Beamishe.
/Name of next deponent torn away.
REQ 2/414/9
Replication of Luke Beamishe, complainant to answers of Edward Andrewes
and Henry Samford /sic/
Denies defence alleged by others and repeats aspects of
debt and bond. Says Andrewes gave longer term of payment
And took out bonds in his own name.
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* * *
Presumed Founder Of The Irish Lines
The family whom it is thought produced the Thomas Beamish who became the progenitor of the Irish lines, is given below. There are several names of the period and general area, although no direct links can be proved. This particular family lived at Brundish, three miles from Worlingworth, whose importance in relation to the later line is referred to below.
Francis = Alice
Francis senior may have married Catherine Rivett of Wingfield 12 May 1586. Alice senior was buried 7 Jun 1584. There is a burial of a John 10 May 1584, which may be the son of Francis.
The theory that Thomas was the first of the Irish lines, and came from
Suffolk, is based upon:
1. The similarity of names; his children and siblings.
2. Lack of similar names in the Midlands -or London area.
3.Thomas' date of birth, which would make him aged 24 in 1601 when
a Captain Beamish is mentioned in Ireland.
Phane Becher took to Ireland the youngest sons of London corporations and other families in various parts of the country. This is to say that their families were moderately wealthy, as merchants and yeomen, and could provide financial backing for the planting of colonists. This might give some indication of Francis senior's standing. Suffolk was then one of the richest counties in England, having made its wealth, from Medieval times, through the production of high quality wool, which was exported to the Flanders’ weavers.
Thomas' line is expanded upon in the section on Ireland.
As to why Thomas Beamish made the decision to go to Ireland one can only speculate. We do know that the national population of England had risen by 60% between 1540 and 1610, so there was obviously pressure on the available land. Also there had been an agrarian crisis 1596-98 because of bad harvests. So simple adventure would not be the prime reason but more probably the lure of land and the opportunity for wealth. Ireland would have seemed then as far away as the Americas to those colonisers.
Later lines.
The later lines, directly descended from the earliest Irish families, have one particular problem in that they cannot presently prove descent from an individual Beamish. Whatever tales have been handed down there is no absolute proof even of Irish descent. Mostly the stories' speak of three brothers who came from Ireland c1800. This however would seem to refer to the sons of Jacob Beamish of Barnby; the progenitor of the greater part of the Suffolk Beamish families. Jacob, born 1764, presents his own problems, since apparently he was never baptised. Therefore there is no record of his birth. And such a record is not recorded anywhere in the British Isles IGI. However, the 1841 census states that he was born in Suffolk, which should exclude any Irish origin for him, or his sons. But see below…
In reference to the story that the progenitor of the line came to Suffolk
from Ireland in the 18th century, it is said that he took a job as a footman
at Worlingham Hall, married a parlourmaid, and of their children two brothers
settled in Barnby and thereby began the line there. However -
1. The first Beamish mentioned in Bamby records is Jacob, who
married there in 1803, which does not accord with the foregoing.
2. It may be that the reference to Worlingham in fact derives
from the wife of Jacob's son James. She was Sarah Smith, who was
born in Worlingham, so there may be confusion between the two villages
of Worlingham and Worlingworth. See above.
Jacob was born in 1764. He married Elizabeth Algar, his boss's
daughter. She was born in Barnby in 1782 and
baptised there 28 May 1784, the first daughter of John and Lydia nee
John ALGAR = Mary ?
m-l Dec 1745 Kessingland
John = ? Robert
m-17 Oct 1783 Wrentham
Elizabeth c28 May 1784 Barnby, married Jacob Beamish 22 Feb 1803 at
William c4 May 1786 North Cove
Mary c12 Aug 1787
Hannah c22 May 1789 North Cove, marr. Samuel Andrews 13 Feb 1806 at
Lydia c15 Apr 1792 North Cove, marr. Joseph Moore 16 Jan 1810 at Barnby
John c23 Mar 1794 North Cove
Alisha c6 Nov 1796
William c28 Jul 1799
William c4 Jul 1801
There is a story that one of the Barnby lines was a shepherd. Perhaps this was Jacob? We may speculate that he went with his employer from Wrentham to Barnby, if Jacob was highly valued as no doubt a good shepherd would have been.
The name Jacob is unusual and does not occur at all amongst the Irish names, in addition to being absent from all the IGI registers. There is the possibility that Jacob was not the name he was born with but adopted later. There is a history of nicknames in the family. It may be that a change occurred because Jacob is the latin form of James, and would thus fit as the name given to a shepherd. However there is no baptismal entry for a James Beamish in this area before 1811 - Jacob 's son! There is a birth of a James Beamish for 1764 given in Ireland, in the Willsgrove & Beaumont line, but he is given as dying unmarried. And why would he have moved to Suffolk, supposing he did not die? It is possible that Jacob felt compelled to lie to the census taker in 1841 because he had settled in Barnby illegally, that is without official permission of the parish officers (see below), and had changed his name to hide his identity – perhaps with the collusion of his employer. He did name one of his sons James – the first in this family. There is no extant record of his settlement in Barnby.
It may be of interest to note that on seeing a photograph of Henry Beamish, a gt-grandson of Jacob, Anne Forster of the Cashelmore line said how like her father Terence Forster Baldwin he, Henry, was. Also there is a marked similarity between Henry's son Charles and Alfred Ernest of the Willsgrove & Beaumont line, as seen in a photograph in Alfred's book on tennis. Names are similar, facial features are similar, but…
In the Suffolk registers there is no baptismal entry for 1764; the closest
is for Samuel in 1763 at Wrentham. This brings us to Jacob’s possible
birthplace. There are two Beamish families residing in Wrentham.
Firstly that of Samuel = Esther nee Gilbert married 1754; who had Elizabeth
1755,Esther 1757, Anne 1760, Samuel 1763, John
1767, Elizabeth 1769. Secondly that of Robert = Elizabeth
nee Mullender who had Elizabeth 1750, Samuel 1753, Robert 1756, Noah 1759,
John 1761.
The. most likely of these who might be Jacob’s family would be Robert = Elizabeth. This theory is based upon the spacing of baptisms every three years - thus the last would be 1764, when Jacob was born. It is possible that Jacob's parents were Samuel = Esther but he would have to be placed only one year after Samuel Sir, and neither John 's nor Elizabeth’s baptisms are missing, as Jacob's is. However, if we assume that he was the last born of Robert's children then this would fit the pattern of baptisms. Why was there no baptism for Jacob? It nay be simply that Jacob was overlooked, he being the last born. Or that he was baptised e1sewhere than Wrentham. Or in a chapel not included in what is still an incomplete IGI.
The probability is that Samuel and Robert were brothers; possibly the two brothers referred to above as having settled in Barnby.
If we now consider who their parents were then the only possibility is Samuel = Elizabeth ? of Walpole, who had Samuel 1730, Elizabeth 1732, Ann 1733, Margaret 1736. There is no baptismal entry for Robert but given his marriage date as 1749 and subtracting an age of 21 this would give his approximate birth date.
A further point is that the entries for the baptisms of Elizabeth and Ann give their names as Bomish. This may be because of an older pronunciatit)n. perhaps still used by Samuel from 'his birth in Ireland'. The pronunciation still in Cork is Baymish, which is not dissimilar and is supposed to be closer to the Elizabethan pronunciation than the present Beamish.
Thus it would appear that this Samuel of Walpole may well be the probable progenitor of the present line. Of course this gives no indication of his age when he married, or indeed the date of his 'arrival' in England. From following the progress of his descendants however it can be seen that they gradually drifted northward, rather than the reverse if he had been a servant at Worlingham. Following the track back from Barnby brings us to Worlingworth, ten miles from Walpole.
If we then consider that the progenitor of the Irish lines, Thomas Beamish, is thought to have originated in Brundish, three miles from Worlingworth, then it seems probable that the young Samuel, if it were he, coming from Ireland; would naturally go to where his relations lived. Thomas would probably then have been Samuel's great-grandfather.
The above is not proof and remains speculation based upon known facts, yet in the compiler's opinion is the most probable' solution to how the present Beamish line in East Anglia originated. It may' well be however that further information will modify this theory.
Why did Samuel leave Ireland? As stated in the Irish section there was widespread poverty in Ireland during those early years of the 18th century. Who were his parents? It is impossible to say. However the name Samuel was certainly commonly used in the Irish Beamish family, as can be seen in the indexes. Unfortunately the names needed to prove a link are missing from any records.
By 1700 the family had been in Ireland for a full century. It
is possible to roughly calculate the size of the family then by comparison
with others over three generations. It should be remembered however
that the death rate in the late 16th century actually exceeded the birth
rate, only reversing three decades later; Thomas had 5 children,
of which 4 were sons. These sons would have had about 16 children
- 8 sons. These grandsons 32 children - 16 gt
Grandsons. Therefore- it is a speculative probability that there
were some 30 Beamish males alive c1700: 8 grandsons + 16 sons + 6(?)
The Beamishes in the north-east Suffolk area were predominantly agricultural labourers during the 18th and early 19th centuries. However they gradually moved into fishing. This followed a long: period of depressed agricultural wages and increased demand for fish, facilitated by the coming of the railway to Lowestoft in 1847.
Agricultural Life in Suffolk.
Information extracted from The Village Labourer by J.L. & Barbara Hammond, published 1919.
“On the movement of labourers from one parish to another: This was not always easy, because of the Laws of Settlement, whereby a village had to obtain permission to live elsewhere. Up to 1795 a labourer could only move to a new parish if his old village gave him a certificate, or the new village invited him. His liberty was controlled by parish officers. (This restriction is referred to in Wealth of nations by Adam Smith). The Enclosure Acts of the 18th century caused unemployment, beside riots and the destruction of farm machinery. Some labourers could move to areas of common land, where there was still a high demand for labour.”
Under an Act of 1691 notice of any immigrant to a village was to be
read out after divine service and his name
registered in a book kept for the poor’s accounts. Immigration
was only sanctioned if the Immigrant (1) paid parish
taxes (2) executed public annual office
in the parish (3) served an apprenticeship (4)
was hired for a year's
service in the parish, this latter only applying to the unmarried.
One can speculate as to how these laws were
circumvented on occasion, and parish officers turned a blind eye.
It is possible that the Irish immigrant, Samuel, was granted permission
under option (4) to work at Worlingworth, or
gained permission by reason of relationship. The problem is the
lack of a documented relative. Jacob's move may
have occurred under option (4) also.
These restrictions were designed to ease the burden- on the Parish Relief.
This relief was of' two sorts. Outdoor
Relief - a weekly pension of 12-24 pence. Indoor Relief - in a workhouse.
The latter was principally used for the
destitute aged, the infirm and for young children
The Speenhamland' Act,' 1795.
Under this Act labouring wages were aligned with bread prices.
Thus, when a gallon loaf of second flour weighing
8 lbs 11oz cost one shilling (I/-), then a man was paid
3 shillings (3/-)for himself and 1 shilling and 6 'pence' (1/6)
for his family, by both wages and poor relief. If a loaf cost
1/4 he earned 4/- plus 1/10. This was based on the man
requiring three gallon loaves a week and his wife and each child one
and a half.
An investigation into the poverty amongst Suffolk agricultural families was carried out and published in The Bury And Suffolk Herald And Yarmouth Chronicle in December 1845. This showed that the usual wage paid to a field labourer was 9s per week – in some areas about Clare and Cavendish reduced to 6s after harvest – with women and unmarried men paid in proportion. During haymaking these rates were raised by 50%, during harvest 100% plus ‘fours’ – meals of bread, cheese and beer supplied at four o’clock – the ‘halfway supper’ and ‘harvest home supper’. Some men would join together and harvest an agreed number of acres for piece work, earning £3-£5 per month. However, harvest money merely paid the rent, hay money went for clothes, and gleaning for shoes, or to pay off ‘the old score’. Wet weather and sickness meant no income and thus debt. In addition to rent the poor were required to pay parish rates of 2s 9d per year.
Extreme poverty was the norm for all but the minority of agricultural labourers; exacerbated by the large numbers of children, a high mortality rate for mothers and children, by illness, poor diet, lack of' education, and by their employers uniting to force down what were already low wages. Added to this was the imposition of local taxes - parish rates - which at today's rates would be the equivalent of £50
As has been stated agricultural labourers found better paid employment in fishing. In Lowestoft in 1863 there were 175 herring luggers and 8 sailing trawlers; by 1900 there were 400 herring boats and 300 trawlers. These boats were owned by small syndicates or by individuals. The ketch-rigged 15-50 ton boats were known as smacks. Each was crewed by 3-5 men; skipper, mate, third hand, deckie and cook. In the 1880s a boat cost £850, rising to £1450 two decades later, exclusive of gear, and had a working life of 15-20 years. A boy working as cook 'aboard a tosher (a small smack) in 1900 earned 9 shillings a week plus one shilling stocker bait (small fish). By the First World War the boats were becoming powered by steam; after WW2 by diesel engines.
Beamishes in the area have been involved in fishing from the mid 19th
century until the 1990s as driftermen, trawlermen, longshoremen, lumpers,
fishmongers and beetsters. Some have owned their own boats, the earliest
in 1844; details are given separately.
Because so many were fishermen they were naturally recruited into the
Royal Navy during the two wars, some serving with the Royal Naval Patrol
Service on minesweepers.
back to CONTENTS
* * *
Boats were owned through a share system of' 64 parts; thus 64 persons might in theory each have a share. The person holding the most shares was the managing owner and their name comes first on any papers signed concerning the boat. Therefore it cannot be assumed that any name listed below wholly owned the boat named.'
BOY EDWARD LT413 1909-1930 steam drifter: built 1909
GERTRUDE LT735 1898-1902 sail
GIRL MARGARET LT430 1914-1925 steam drifter: built 1914
1926-1938 (with E.A. Beamish & Walter
1938-1944 (with E.A. Beamish)
HOSANNA LT167 1930-1952 steam drifter/trawler built 1930
OCEAN HUNTER LT333 1953-1955 steam/drifter trawler
PRINCE ALBERT LT463 1902-1910 steam drifter/trawler built 1902
THOMAS & AMELIA LT22 1901-1902 sail
WELCOME BOYS LT11 1908-1911 steam drifter built 1908 (with Sam Turrell)
WELCOME HOME LT402 1906-1925 himself only
WELCOME HOME LT256 1925-1946 steam drifter built 1925
PEACEMAKER LT768 1911-1919 steam drifter built 1911 (with W Wood
Greaves & G. Beamish)
1919-1945 himself only
EX FORTIS LT350 1915-1938 steam drifter built 1914 (with James
1938-1945 (with June, widow of James)
EX FORTIS LT 350 1948-1954
JUST REWARD LT726 1921-1924
1924-1943 (with G.R. & I. Beamish)
TRUE REWARD LT172 1913-1925 Built 1913 (with Wm & I.A. Beamish)
1925-1946 (with G.R. & IA Beamish)
1946-1948 himself only
WELCOME HOME LT256 1946-1954
RENASCENT LT288 1926-1932 built 1926
YOUNG CROW LT457 1919-1934 built 1915
GIRL GRACIE LT276 1913-1916 steam: built 1915
GOOD FRIEND LT112 1908-1913 steam: built 1909
GOOD HOPE LT668 1874-1893 sail
GUIDING STAR LT508 1903-1908 steam
LADY AUDREY LT508 1902-1903 steam: built 1902
SEA BIRD LT276 1891-1898 sail (with James Beamish)
SPRING FLOWER LT730 1897-1899 sail (with James Beamish)
1899-1902 himself only
STAR OF THE EAST LT578 1895-1899 sail (with James Beamish)
1899-1900 himself only
VALKYRIE LT635 1894-1894 sail (with James Beamish)
WELCOME HOME LT749 1898-1902 sail (with James Beamish)
ADA (widow of Isaac Beamish)
GIRL GRACE LT276 1916-1917 steam
MABEL VERA LT1198 1933-1933 steam: built 1912
AGNES WESTON LT929 1902-1911 steam
BEN LOMOND LT576 1874-1877 sail
BLOOMING LILY LT422 1876-1891 sail (with Isaac Beamish)
CONFIDENCE LT412 1891-1902 sail (with I. & J. Beamish)
CONTENT LT412 1900-1904 sail
EFFORT LT1043 1907-1937 steam: built 1907 (with J. Arthur &
Isaac Beamish)
EMULATOR LT627 1904-1919 steam
FAMILIAR FRIEND LT1144 1911-1918 steam: built 1911
GLEANER OF THE SEAS LT1170 1912-1917 steam: built 1912 (with James
& Arthur
PRINCESS ALICE LT168 1877-1886 sail
QUICK SET LT465 1910-1918 steam: built 1909
RAY OF HOPE LT230 1930-1939 steam: built 1925 (with James F. &
QUEEN OF THE EAST LT205 1879-1886 sail
TWO SISTER LT636 1894-1902 sail
GOOD HOPE LT375 1890=1899 sail
HOSANNA LT467 1844-1899 sail
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* * *
There has always been devaluation of currency, so to give some indication
of monetary values over the preceding
centuries the following is based upon the worth of one English
Pound (£1) as it was valued in 1994.
1260 £700;1300 £550; 1350 £360; 1400 £400; 1450
£425; 1500 £425: 1550 £125; 1600 £100; 1650 £75;
1700 £80;
1800 £40; 1850 £50; 1900 £25; 1950 £15
Since metrication and decimalisation some researchers may not be familiar
with the older forms of coinage or
weights used in England, so these are shown below. The list of
coinage on the left was in use until 1971, except for
the groat, guinea and sovereign which were discontinued many years
earlier. The list on the right is of coins which
may be mentioned in much older documents.
4 farthings = 1 penny (1d) 1 unit = 1 pound
12 pennies = 1 shilling (s) 1 lurel = 1pound
20 shillings = 1 pound (£) 1 broad = 1 pound
21 shillings = 1 guinea 10 shillings = 1 angel
5 shillings = 1 crown 15 shillings = 1 ryal or noble
24 pence = 1 florin (2s or 2/-) 15 shillings = 1 spur ryal
4 pence = 1 groat 30 shillings = 1 rose ryal
1 half-crown = 2s 6d (2/6 12 pence = 1 testoon
1 pound = 1 gold sovereign
Amounts of money written as eg. £56-l4s-7d.
The pound was originally a deposited pound of silver, but c1250 Henry
111 fixed the pound at the current value of
silver, then 243 pence, but to ease calculation this was set at 240
pence, as it remained until I971.
English and Scottish coins were not of equal value until the Act of
Union in 1707, during the reign of queen Anne.
Pre-Union conversion factor:
1 unit 12 pound piece
1 double crown 6 pound piece
1 Britain crown 3 pound piece
1 thistle crown 48 shilling piece
1 half crown 30 shilling piece
1 crown 3 pound piece
1 half crown 30 shilling piece
I English acre = 4840 square yards. 1
Irish acre = 7840 square yards
1 rood = quarter acre or 40 perches. 1 perch
= 304 square yard
1 gneve(gneeve) = 1/12 of a plowland or hide
1 hide = 60-100 acres (in the Documentary Abstracts assume Irish
1 ton = 112 cwt (hundredweight). 1 cwt = 4 qtrs (quarters). 1
qtr = 28 lbs (pounds) or 2 stones. 1 stone = 14 lbs.
1 lb = 16 oz (ounces).
* * *
Amos Beamish of Barnby, Suffolk was and is a local hero. He stood six feet
six inches tall
and weighed 28 stones (3921bs/184ks). He was known as The Barnby
Giant. Because of his size the hatchways of
vessels he sailed on were enlarged, but since he was said to do the
work of two men owners were pleased to modify
their boats. During a fishing voyage to Cornwall he was challenged
by the Newlyn Giant to lift a stone weighing 60
stones (8401bs/395ks), which he did with ease, the Newlyn man failing.
Amos. could carry four hundredweight of
cement at once, one bag tucked under each arm and a sack in each hand,
a total of 448 1bs. He had a tremendous
appetite and would eat 30 herrings at a sitting.
Victor W Beamish was fortunate to meet an old fisherman who sailed
with Amos Beamish, the Barnby Giant, and
who told the story that he and Amos were walking along what was then
a lane from Barnby to Lowestoft to work,
when they were confronted by two men intent upon robbing them. Amos
did not hesitate. He threw the first man
across one hedge and the second man over the other - while his young
friend had only to stand by and watch the
ill-matched contest.
And Frank Beamish tells the story that his mother Frances, when visiting
Amos and Louisa, was sitting in front of
their cottage when Amos came home carrying a tree trunk on his shoulder;
and when he threw it on the ground the
whole cottage shook. He would pick Frances up and sit her on
his knee and call her his little girl.
References from The Eastern Even News 3 April 1957, 5 June 1962, 21
August 1976, Lowestoft Journal 15 March
1953, 1-8-15 March 1957. Legend has it that during the Barnby
train crash Amos Beamish lifted the entire end of a
carriage in order to release trapped passenger. The following extracts
are taken from The Lowestoft Journal date 2nd
January 1892.
near Lowestoft.
Three men killed and more than thirty injured.
Painful scenes
One of the most alarming and at the same time disastrous railway accidents
with which this
district has been visited
for years, and which in some of its features recalls not
a few terrible incidents ... took place at Barnby siding on
Christmas Eve, Dec .24th (1891), and caused the utmost consternation
amidst the inhabitants of Lowestoft and the
neighbourhood generally, and ... Mist from
the nearby marshes had obscured all vision. The down train from
London was late arriving. The up train from Lowestoft left the
siding at Barnby, proceeding onto the single track,
and “... the Lowestoft train dashed into the other with such
force as to deal out death and disaster in every direction,
and by which three of our fellow creatures ... were suddenly deprived
of their existence. ... Being a festive season, in
the cottages at Barnby the villagers were lingering over the 'cup that
cheers but not inebriates'... At. the Swan, too,
there was a considerable number of visitors at the time, and these
hurried with all possible speed to the place ...
Foremost amongst these was Mr Amos Beamish, a man of almost gigantic
strength, which he turned to such good
account as to make one believe it was specially increased for the occasion.
Those present who witnessed his
exertions9 and were undoubtedly stimulated by them, speak in the highest
possible manner of the service he
rendered. It seems his wife had been visiting a sick relative,
and had nearly reached her home, when she-heard the
fearful collision of the two engines, and she rushed into the house
telling her husband what had taken place and the
heart-rending screams to which she had been compelled to listen.
The brave fellow at once rushed out with an
implement which lay at hand which he soon wielded with such effect
as to be the means of rescuing numbers from
their perilous position, and which might possibly have ended in their
case also fatally. By this time fires, made with
portions of the wreck had been kindled, and amidst the cruel
fog, which had been the prime cause of the disaster,
might be seen his massive form moving from place to place, here assisting
one from a quantity of debris and again
with his axe cutting away the woodwork of the wrecked carriages and
releasing the sufferers who had been literally
embedded in the wreck of the ill-fated train. Search was naturally
initiated for any who might have been pitched out
of the train as the fearful concussion occurred. In this, too,
as well as with others, Mr Beamish was successful. Some
were found in a dazed condition, severally perfectly helpless because
of fractures, broken limbs, wounded scalps,
benumbed frames and other sufferings, but eventually the full extent
of the disaster was fairly well gauged, and when
the medical men arrived and they had little to do but attend to their
numerous patients.”
* * *
Mr P. Corbin published an article in the Cornwall Garden
Society Newsletter for Autumn 1983 giving an
account of his many years collecting Lesser Celandines. Included
amongst the descriptions is the ranunculus ficaria
ficaria Beamish Double. Apparently this plant was obtained by
Mr Corbin from a Jim Archibald, who had told him
that it was properly called Bowle’s Double, that he had obtained it
from a retired army major living in Shropshire,
who had himself got it from a house in Albrighton in the same county
– named Beamish. This house was built by
Col. And Mrs Bottfield who were keen gardeners and friends of E.A.
Coincidentally, Albrighton is two miles from Tong, where
Robert de Beaumes, a supposd Beamish
ancestor, in 1139 witness a grant to nearby Buildwas Abbey.
* * *
In the 1923 Wightman Cup Mrs Beamish and Mrs Clayton were beaten 6-3, 6-2 by Mrs Malloy and Miss Wills.
Extracts taken from the Coventry
Standard, Fridays 23 Aug 1861, 30 Aug 1861, 6 Sep 1861, 20 Dec 1861,
1861, 3 Jan 1862.
"An inquest was held on Thursday at the Gloucester Arms, Stoney- Stanton
Road, before the coroner, on the body of
Betsy Beamish, a married woman, living in Spencer Street,Hi1l Field,
in reference to whose death much suspicion
had been aroused. Dr Goate and Dr Dresser were present,
and after the jury had viewed the body, the former said:
'On Friday, the 16th, I first saw the deceased. The husband called
me and told me his wife had a bowel complaint,
and wished me to go to her. I went a little after I1 O'clock
in the morning, and she complained of great pain in her
chest and throat. On Monday I saw her again. On Tuesday
the husband of the deceased called at my house a little
after 9 o'clock and said his wife was dead, and he wished to have a
certificate. I said I thought I ought not to give a
certificate, and that the case be investigated He made no remark,
but I thought he appeared agitated
Dr Wm Dresser said: '... I am prepared to say that the symptom's and
appearance of the body were quite consistent
with death by metallic poison.'
Emma 'Statham said: 'I am employed at the house of the deceased.
I am not married..;' CHARGE OF NURDER
William Beamish, Jane the wife of Mark Stokes (sister of Betsy) and
Emma Statham were charged with
administering poison to Betsy Beamish, and thereby causing her death.
Inspector Payne said:'…
William Beamish had purchased an ounce and a half of arsenic from Mr
Jenkins, on the previous Saturday, and
signed in his own name. Beamish stated, when apprehended, that
he had bought the arsenic to poison rats and mice
in his garden, in HarnalI-lane, and 'Said he would find it strewn about
with oatmeal, but an officer could find nothing
of the sort.".,, 'Statements were made to the effect that Beamish had
an intimacy with the young woman who works at
his house, .., Beamish's demeanour at the station-house, where he is
confined, is calm and composed . .. an excited
multitude were, with some difficulty, prevented by the police from
doing him an injury .. Mrs Stokes said: 'About
half past six Mr Beamish said be should like to' 1ook in her pockets
to see if there was any money in them ... I took
him her dress ... He took a paper out of her purse, and in a moment'
cried Oh, Jane, Oh, Jane and ran about and raved
like a madman. The paper: 'for Jane" Stokes. Dr Sister if anything
happens to me do not let them blame anyone but
for me God forgive me I do not know wat to doo for the moment drove
me mad for to lose my home I could not bare
the disgrace after being so rejectful for so long and do not tell him
if you must elp for it will drive him mad. Jane see
to the little ones for he is so fond of Lisey God bles you all and
house my poor lad. Betsey Beamish Wednesday 14
Aug.' William Henry Beamish, son of Beamish, deposed: 'I shall be eleven
years old next November. I and my
mother and sister were taken ill one morning before we had breakfast.
We had bread and treacle and a cup of coffee
for breakfast, My mother said it was funny we were all ill. The
baby was ill f'irst, my mother next, then me, then
Lizzie ... [A book was shewn to the boy, which had been found in the
prisoner's house, and out of which it is believed
the paper whereon was written the note taken, out of the deceased's
pocket had been torn] .. he wrote in it. I went out
so do not know how long he continued writing. I have often seen
him write in it -- he put down what he got for his
pigs. I never saw my mother write in the book ,,' The body 6f
the infant was exhumed ... Dr Dresser: 'I am of the
opinion that it was poisoned by arsenic' ...Sarah Turner said: '...
I have observed him and Statham at home and out.
About fourteen months ago I saw them alone sitting on the grass near
the Stivichall Arms. His arm was around her
waist and her hand in his. The next time was at a public house,
the Shepherd and Shepherdess, on the Keresley-road.
He was kissing her ... Emma Statham was sent for. The crowd hooted
her ... she did not give her testimony in a
satisfactory manner', ' Her replies were given with a pertness, which
was not agreeable, under the circumstances…
The Coroner said: 'How do you find with respect to Betsy Beamish?'
Foreman: We find William Beamish guilty of
the wilful murder of Betsey Beamish'. Coroner: 'How do you- find
with respect of Emily Beamish?' Foreman: 'We
find William Beamish guilty of the wilful murder of Emily Beamish.'
,.. There is no suspicion against Jane Stokes ...
a man is charged with murder-
of his wife… His Lordship then passed sentence of death in the usual
manner ... The verdict seemed to take the
prisoner by surprise.
At the Warwick Assizes, on Tuesday, William Beamish aged35, weaver,
was indicted for feloniously murdering his
wife Betsy Beamish, by poison, at Coventry, on 28th of Aug. Two
children of the prisoner had also been poisoned in
the same way, and at the same time. The case excited unusual
interest from the secrecy with which arsenic was
administered. A girl named Emma Statham, who was employed by
the prisoner, had been in custody for the same
offence, and a motive was found for the crime in an alleged intimacy
between the prisoner and this girl. The prisoner
was found guilty, and sentence to be executed...
His Lordship then put on the black cap on his head, and addressed the
prisoner; saying William Beamish, you have
been convicted of the crime of Wilful Murder of your wife- and child
by poisoning them with arsenic; there is no
mercy for you to expect in this world. You will have the consolation
and attendance of a clergyman of the persuasion
which you belong, and I would persuade you to attend to his admonissions
as a dying man. The sentence of the court
upon you is, that you be taken from the place whence you came, and
that you be afterwards taken to a public place of
execution, and there hanged by the neck till dead, and that your body
be then cut dwn and buried within the' precincts
of the gaol, and may the Lord have mercy on your soul.
The prisoner, who appeared sadly to feel for his fate, was then removed
from the dock.
As the day approaches when the last sentence of the law will be carried
out on the wretched man William Beamish,
who now lies in Warwick Gaol under condemnation of' death, for the
murder of his wife and child, much public
anxiety is manifested, and, as usual on such occasions, many rumours
have been in circulation. The Times of
Thursday stated that they would be executed this Monday.
The unhappy man Beamish, since his trial, has been in frequent communication
with his spiritual
adviser, the Rev. P. C. Barker, of whose Chapel he was formerly a member,
and we believe his administrations have
not been in vain. We believe he does not deny the Justice of
his sentence, and is resigned to the fate which awaits
him, and which he 'so Justly merits. - Since his trial he has been
visited by his two unfortunate children and by
members of his family. Our readers can imagine for
themselves the terribly distressing nature of that farewell scene.
The prisoner's demeanour is characterised, we understand, by that of
uneasy calmness which he has maintained from
the period of his condemnation.
A broadsheet held by Coventry library:
This morning at ten o'clock the two unfortunate criminals William Beamish
and John Thomson, expiated their awful
crimes on the, gallows. The unfortunate men have occupied separate
cells since their condemnation and have been
frequently visited by their spiritual advisors.
The officials arrived somewhat early, and shortly before the time appointed
for the execution the Sheriff demanded
the bodies of the culprits, who handed them over to the Executioner,
by whom the necessary preparations were
quickly performed. As the prison bell proclaimed the hour the
unfortunate men shook hands with those in-
attendance and the procession moved forward, the ordinary reading prayers
in a mournful voice. On arriving at the
platform a deep murmur was heard from the immense mass of spectators
below9 a minute later the ghastly scene of
suspension was visible. Thompson appeared to struggle violently
far a short time, Beamish appearing in less agony.
After hanging for the usual time they were cut down & interred
within the precincts of the prison. Warwick, Monday
Following is the obituary of William Henry Beamish, the son of William
Beamish. It was in fact this obituary that
led to the discovery of firstly the execution broadsheet, held in the
Coventry archives, and the newspaper extracts,
held in the Colindale Newspaper -Library, London.
From the Leicester Mercury, Wednesday June 19th 1946.
Death notice; Beamish, William Henry of 1 Central Road, passed away peacefully
after a short
illness on Jun 18th, in his 96th year. Service Epworth Hall 11.30
Friday the 22nd prior to cremation at 12.
Obit. 70 Years A Local Preacher
Mr W. H. Beamish. 1 Central Road, Leicester, whose death has taken place
in his 96th year, was, until his
retirement over 12 years ago, well known in political and church circles
in Leicester. He was for many years Liberal
agent for the Newton Ward and for nearly 70 years he was on the Methodist
Local Preacher's plan. He was secretary
of the trustees of the old Free Gospel Hall when it was built; later
on, when it was sold, it was the task of Mr Beamish
to work out a complicated trust. Despite his advancing years
he kept an alert mind and followed attentively the
happenings in local affairs.
Mr Beamish was born at Coventry and came to Leicester at the age of 25.
He is survived by four daughters,
the three of whom live at Kirby Muxloe.
* * *
From medieval references to the Beamishes it can be seen that the family
probably divided into two distinct
branches; one branch appearing in East Anglia and the other in Warwickshire.
References to the latter appear in
Wooten Wawen in the late 16th century. From then on the family
appears centred around Coventry. Since William
Beamish referred to above was a silk ribbon weaver the following may
be of interest.
Silk ribbon weaving was established in Covemtry in the early 18th century,
gradually moving out toward
Leicestershire. Thirteen thousand looms were employed in the
area. The villagers of Bedworth, Nuneaton, Hartshill,
Chilvers Coton, Bulkington, Ansty, Shilton, Sowe and Exhall were only
given work when Coventry had an excess.
South of the city remained agricultural due to opposition by the great
During the period 1800-60 several Beamishes appear to have been employed
in silk ribbon weaving, one of the
principal trades in the city; the other being watch-making. Outside
Coventry weaving was done by wives and
children while the men were colliers and quarrymen. These families
lived in great poverty. In the city children
attended dame school for two years and at age nine were apprenticed
to the loom, qualifying at age sixteen. Wages
were paid by the piece according to a list of ,prices; the Journeyman
was paid two-thirds of the price paid by the
manufacturer to the undertaker. In 1830 this amounted to
five shillings per week, when trade was busy; but over a
year averaged much less; and the weaver had to buy his own loom.
In the city wages varied from 10/6 on a Dutch
engine loom to 15/6 on a Jacquard loom. Winders earned 5-11s,
warpers 8-18s per week. However due to the trade
cycle two months wages could be lost in any one year.
In 1830 a 4 lb loaf cost 6d, butter 1/6 a lb, cheese 7d a lb, tea 4s
a lb, potatoes 3s a cwt, coal 7d a. cwt, candles 7d a
lb. An engine loom cost £40, which a weaver would buy before
marrying. In country districts girls married at 16,
most already pregnant. Men preferred girls trained to weaving.
Other trades' wages: a carpenter 23s per week, a
mason 21s, a watchmaker 18-30s.
The Dutch engine loom was introduced cl77O, the Jacquard loom 1795.
The original single hand loom continued to
be used for high class fancy ribbons. Steam powered looms were introduced
in 1836.
Merchant manufacturers kept warehouses and sold the ribbons; undertakers
collected the silk and distributed it to the
weavers, then collected ribbons for manufacturers.
In 1860 the. silk-weaving industry collapsed and the population of'
Coventry fell. The weavers emigrated,
principally to Lancashire for the cotton weaving - until its collapse
during the American Civil War- to Leicester,
Nottingham and Derby for the hosiery, stocking knitting and framework
knitting trade. Emigration would account
for some connections between Beamishes
in Warwickshire and neighbouring counties.
Information based on: The Industrial Revolution in Coventry by John Prest, Oxford University Press 1960.
* * *
[Louisa Sarah Collins was a daughter of Stephen Collin's of Halifax,
NS and Phebe Coffin of Nantucket,
Massachusetts. A fragment of her diary - August 1815 to January
1816 - was donated to the Public Archivies of
Nova Scotia. She married Thomas John Ott Beamish 21 September
Fri. August the 25 [1815] I have returned from town with Mr Beamish.
I have been spending a week with
his mother and sisters; Never did I spend a pleasanter week…
Mon. August the 28 (1815) The fog came in thick, and Mr Beamish stayed
all night. - George came up
with Betsy, and Mr B. and he has taken my bed. - I hear them snoring
famously, and I shall follow their example.
Thur. September the 14 (1815) Mr Beamish came up and brought his
horse. He spent the afternoon
mending his gun and making me wait on him with the tools.
Sun. September the 24 (1815) Mr Beamish and me took a little walk
to our little bower.
Wed. December the 27 (1815) Our dancing affected us so little that Eliza
and Mr Beamish have been on
our lake sliding all morning and now Eliza and myself, with Mr Beamish,
is going to walk down to Aunt's.
Fri. January the 12 [1816) in the evening, Betsy, Charlotte,
Mr Beamish, and myself went out to Mr
Farquarson 's in the sleigh. It was a very fine, moonlight
evening. Mr B. stayed all night.
* * *
Code: G Great or Grand, C cousin, r removed
4GG Father…………………………………………………………………………………….4 GG Uncle
(4 gg son) (4 gg nephew)
3 GG Father…………………………………………………………………………..3 GG Uncle
(3 gg son) (3 gg nephew) lc5r
2 GG Father 2 GG Uncle
(2 gg son)…………………………………………………………………(2 gg nephew)
1c4r 2c4r
GG Father GG Uncle
(gg son)………………………………………………………….(gg nephew)
lc3r 2c3r
G Father G Uncle
(g son)………………………………………………….(g nephew)
1c2r 2c3r
3c2r 4c2r
(son) (nephew) 1c1r
2c1r 3c1r
4c1r 5c1r
(father) (uncle) 1c1r 2clr 3clr 4clr
5c1r 6c1r
(g father)
(g uncle) lc2r 2c2r
3c2r 4c2r
5c2r 6c2r
(gg father)
(gg uncle) lc3r
2c3r 2c3r
4c3r 5c3r
The summary of the Plantation of Munster (present-day Co. Cork) which
follows is a less than adequate picture of
the times. It may be helpful for those interested in the Anglo-Irish
Ascendancy to consult the following books:
The Anglo-Irish 1602-1745 by Brian Fitzgerald. Stanley Press
1952: Irish Life in the 17th Century by B.
Maclysaght. Longmans, Green 1939: Ireland Under the Stuarts by
R. Bagwell. Longmans, Green 1909-16 London:
Economic History of Ireland in the l7tb Century by G. O'Brien. Maunsell
1918: Ireland Under Elizabeth and James
ed. H. Morley. Routledge London 1890: Ireland in the 17th Century
by M. Hickson. Longmans Green 1884
1586 Plantation of Munster
1592 Foundation of Trinity College Dublin
1598 Munster rebellion. Robert, Earl of Essex, commands
army sent to recover Munster.
1601 Battle of Kinsale
1602 Sir Robert Boyle purchases 42,000 acres of land in Munster from
Sir Walter Raleigh for £1500. Built Bandon
and Clonakilty, the latter as a linen centre.
1608-10 Plantation of Ulster.
1620 Boyle created Earl of Cork.
1629 Boyle appointed Lord Justice of Ireland.
1632-40 Boyle overthrown.
1641 Irish Civil War begins.
1642 Presbyterian Church in Ireland organised.
1642-9 Catholic Confederacy.
1649 Charles 1 beheaded.
1649 Cromwell in Ireland.
1652 Cromwellian Plantations.
1660 Restoration of Charles 11.
1666 English Act excluding Irish cattle.
1670 Navigation Act excluding Ireland.
1689 Siege of Derry.
1690 Battle of Boyne.
1692 Beginning of Penal Laws.
1699 Irish woollen industry crushed by England.
1704 Test Act excludes Protestant Dissenters from office.
After the rebellion of the 16th Earl of Desmond in 1579 south Munster
was laid waste. During the rebellion 30,000
are said to have died of famine and pestilence.: Queen Elizabeth
1 and her statesmen continued to colonise the
country by the method of 'plantation', using Protestant
Settlers Land confiscated from Desmond - half a million
acres - was divided into seignories of 12, 8, 6 and 4 thousand acres.
These were assigned to Englishmen of good
family, who were expected to introduce English colonists. No
individual was to have more than 12,000 acres,
exclusive of 'barren land'; Each "gentleman undertaker'
was to establish 6 farmers with 400 acres each, 6 freeholders
with 300 acres, 42 copyholders with 100 acres and 36 families holding
1500 acres between them for mesne terms in
his seignory.
Notes: Freehold - property held free of duty except to
the king.
Copyhold - land held where the owner can only show a copy of
the rolls originally made by the steward of
the land.
Mesne terms - intermediate; land rented from one, and part then
rented to others.
Seignory - land without a manor, held by free tenants.
In all 36 undertakers were estated but many failed to fulfil the requirements.
In 1589 a commission headed by Robert
Payne investigated progress and reported that the majority were merely
taking a profit.. One of these undertakers
was Phane Becher, son of Alderman Henry Becher of London. His
patent was granted 30 September 1588 for
14,000 acres - at a yearly rent of £66 - 13s - 4d; of which 2000
was barren, waste bogs, heath and mountains. The
lands lay on both sides of the River Bandon. The settlers were
founders of the town of Bandonbridge. Of those 85
founders one was a Beamish. Phane Becher took with him the youngest
sons of London corporation and other
families in various parts of the country. He died August
1611 and was succeeded by his son Hugh.
Becher had to erect houses for 91 families, which he did better than
any other patentee. Shiploads of colonists
landed at Kinsale and rode a bridlepath to Roches castle at Poulnalonge,
thence along the northern riverbank to
Downdanial castle, thence to a ford. It was a deeply wooded way.
Many were accompanied by wives and children.
Bandon was built on a strip of land called Inis-fraoc. (the heather
inch), Bandon river in front, Little River (now
Bridewell) to the rear. It. was a 25 acre site. Local stone
was quarried. The houses were of boards, laths and plaster.
A stone bridge of six arches and wooden rail was built across the Bandon.
In August 1598 Hugh O'Neill and O'Donnell defeated the English at Yellow
Ford in Ulster, leading to countrywide
rebellion. Phane. Becher abandoned his plantation, fled
to Cork, and presumably his English tenants followed him.
Queen Elizabeth, who realised that she could no longer seek a compromise
with the rebels, sent forces into Ireland.
In 1601 3500 Spanish troops in 45 ships landed at Kinsale, confirming
the English fears of a backdoor invasion by
Catholic Spain. They were besieged by the English, who were in turn
besieged by the Irish and Spanish troops. But a
stormy night produced St Elmo’s fire on the Irish spear points, which
caused alarm, and they fled before 1200 Foot
and 400 Horse. The Spanish invaders returned home. O'Neill
was forced to retreat into Ulster, and submitted.
There was however discontent amongst the English officers at the generous
terms offered to the Irish rebels, for
casualties amongst the English had been heavy.
In 1601 a Captain Beamish had commanded a company of 100 Foot.
It is possible that this captain Beamish, in
acquiring land, was taking his reward for military service, or was
already a tenant who had acquired a temporary
commission for the duration of the rebellion.
In August 1611, when Phane Becher died and was succeeded by his son
Hugh, an inquisition was held. The English
tenants were enumerated and amongst them is the name Thomas Beamish,
a copy-holder tenant who held a lease of
100 acres in Cappanure and Brittas in Ballymodan parish. He was not
mentioned by CTM Beamish but appears in
the Cork Historical And Archaeological Society records. Seemingly he
was the first of the Beamish line in Ireland,
was the father of Thomas who died in 1681 and is the aforementioned
Captain Beamish.
After nine years of warfare the whole country had been despoiled, cattle
slaughtered, crops burnt, churches and
castles destroyed. As the war ended plague swept the country,
not slackening for a year. For sixty miles west of
Cork city the country was almost uninhabited, the land not having been
tilled for ten years. An indication of the
desolation was the increase in the numbers of wolves roaming the country.
The total population for all of Ireland
was a little over half a million. Large numbers of Irish paupers
had migrated to England and France. At the end of
1603 there were 9000 English troops in Ireland; by 1606 this figure
was down to 1100.
By 1605 Bandon had become important. In 1610 there were
grants to hold markets and fairs. In 1613 the town was
incorporated. In 1612 the East India Company bought local timber
and iron smelting was set up. By 1617 there
were 2000 English families in the town. In 1620 Puritans sailed
on the Mayflower. Several names are similar to
those in Bandon. By 1625 the town had an army of 66 Troopers
and 564 men plus their officers. This garrison was
withdrawn when Bandon formed its own militia.
In October 1641 there was an insurrection by the Irish.
The Protestants already regarded the Catholics with
contempt and fear. Thus rumours which spread from the initial
uprising, when many English settlers were murdered,
with thousands of them plundered, fed old anxieties. In December
1100 English troops arrived in Dublin, and in
April 1642 2,500 Scots.
In Bandon a militia was raised, and amongst these were Francis and Thomas
Beamish who held commissions for the
next eight years. Bandon had received a charter from James 1.
Amongst the Provosts (mayors) 1613-1841 appear
Thomas Beamish 1655, 1665, 1675, Daniel 1687, Samuel sixteen times
1792-1823. In 1641 Francis garrisoned his
house at Kilmaloda.
In a deposition made on 23 Sep 1642 John, Francis and Richard
Beamish, yeoman, had lost lands, horses, cows,
goods, chattels etc..
During the years. 1610-40 'Richard Boyle purchased Elizabethan land
grants and leased lands at low rents to
favoured tenants, and built the fortified town of Bandonbridge as a
refuge in case of emergency. And for ten years
after the 1641 rising the town was forced to defend itself upon many
After Lord Ormond’s departure from Ireland in 1648 there was complete
political and military confusion. During the
interregnum the Protestants were essentially on the side of England’s
lord protector Oliver Cromwell, yet divided
amongst themselves. There was continuous fighting between different
forces. In 1649 Cromwell began his conquest
of Ireland, which he began by the sacking of Drogheda, slaughtering
the entire garrison. In October he took Wexford
and New Ross; in November Cork, Youghal and Kinsale, all garrisoned
by Royalists who joined him. By March
1650 the conquest was near complete. Yet by then the country
was again devastated by war and there were
conditions of famine.
For the next fifty years Irish rebels continued to harry the English
settlers, preventing some of Cromwell's ex-soldiers
from claiming their rights to confiscated lands. Many of these
men sold their untenable lands. It may not be
coincidence that this is when the wealthier Beamishes began to build
up their holdings.
During the earlier years of the 17th century the constant inflow of
Spanish-American silver into Europe caused
inflation, with prices continuously rising. Yet injurious as
this was to wage-earners it benefitted the merchants,
and-owners and enterprising yeomen. The Beamish investment in
Ireland therefore was undoubtedly profitable, even
set against the hardships of repelling armed attacks. By 1876
the Beamishes held in total 23,000 acres in Ireland, this
later reduced by the Land Commission’s compulsory sales to tenants,
so that holdings were reduced by 1949 to only
1500 acres.
It was during the latter part of the 17th century that the potato began
to be grown in increasing amounts. The country
swarmed with beggars, many of them transported to the West Indies,
but economic recovery had begun. Wealth was
confined however to the landowners and merchants. Those
members of the Beamish family who held land grew
rich. However they were not absentee landlords.
The Restoration had little unsettling effect, but James 11's reign,
with his imposition of Catholicism on England and
Ireland encouraged the Irish to rebel against English rule. Lord
Clarendon left Ireland in February 1687 and was
accompanied, from Dublin alone, by 1500 Protestant families rather
than face Tyrconnells's Catholicism. When
William of Orange, invited by Parliament to take the throne, landed
at Torbay, Ireland was firmly under Catholic
control, the Protestants unable to wrest control from them.
When the deposed. James landed in Ireland, with French troops, and set
about regaining his throne - which he lost
during the Glorious Revolution - he had only a short time to wait before
King William crossed with Dutch and
English troops to defeat him at the Boyne. The battle gave the
Protestant minority supremacy for the next one
hundred years. They now held six-sevenths of the land.
That land was ill-used however because it was usually leased out to
tenants who had no money with which to invest,
so resorted to raising cattle. This required minimal labour.
Yet by 1700 the population had risen to two and half
million. The long wet seasons of 1727-30 caused crops to rot, leading
to famine. The area worst affected was the
south. In 1740-1 famine again struck.
Famine was to be a recurring theme in Irish history, affecting everyone,
and causing mass migration, with that of the
1840s being the culmination. Over the years 1780-1880 several
Beamishes left Ireland to start new lives elsewhere,
in England, North America and Australasia. We can probably never
know how many. The 1871 census for England
states that 567,000 gave themselves as having been born in Ireland,
of whom 200,000 were living in Lancashire. For
those seeking Irish ancestry therefore, it would seem worthwhile to
look at Beamish families in the Liverpool area, as
this was the principle point of entry from Ireland. But
it should not be forgotten that South Wales was also a
traditional entry point, and in the 19th century there was the additional
attraction of employment in the coal mines.
Original Beamish Settlers in Ireland
Thomas BEAMISH = Catherine ?
Francis Thomas
Richard Catherine B
d-1669 d-1679
= = = = =
Elizabeth Catherine Elizabeth Mary William
. . . .
(RAH) (KIL) CASH) . .
(MTB) (WIL) . ……………………………………..
…………………………………………………………………….. .
. .
. . .
Daniel Elizabeth Catherine Richard Mary C
d-1718 d-1682
= m-1668 = m-1665 = m
Elizabeth William John
The following names, the earliest recorded that cannot with any certainty
be placed in the tree, have had their birth
dates estimated from their marriage dates. This is obviously
uncertain but may assist in placing them in their
respective generation. It has been assumed that males married
age 25 whilst females married age 20. Thus they
would fit into generation D.
Cork Kinsale Ballymodan Innishannon
Mary b-c1660 George b-c1660 John b-c1670 Francis
Mary b-c1660 Francis b-c1670 Abraham b-c1680
Ann b-c1665 Thomas b-c1665 Richard b-c1670
Catherine b-c1678 Hester b-c1675 Elizabeth b-c1680
Jane b-c1665 Nicholas b-c1670
Michael b-c1690
It is impossible to satisfactorily reconstruct all of the family trees
of the descendants of the original settlers in Ireland.
Beside the principal families recorded in the index there are hundreds
of names which have no proven connection but
which are undoubtedly all part of the Beamish family in Ireland – and,
we assume, all descendants of Thomas. BUT
we do not know if any other English Beamishes settled in Ireland and
formed separate families.
* * *
Application made by Mrs Oosthuizen in South Africa for a file:
“Authorising Antoine Ferdinand Augustin to assume
the surname Beamish” Request made 1945. Application came back
'File closed'.
There is scope for a separate book to be written on early immigration
into North America by the Beamish families.
This is only a brief mention of those presently identified. For
those interested in early emigration two books should
be consulted:- Voyagers to the West, and The Peopling of British North
America, both by Bernard Bailyn and
published 1986.
The first Beamishes we know of to have emigrated to North America were
Thomas and Elizabeth, who arrived in
Halifax, Nova Scotia about 1760. His family has been well-documented
by Leslie Beamish of Ohio. The first of his
family in Ohio was Frank who arrived about 1860. This family
has been linked into the established families in
Ireland, but is the exception in this. Other examples of early
immigrants all present their problems of linkage, even
though claiming Irish roots.
We have William arriving in Ontario c1820, George in New Brunswick 1833,
Richard in Ontario 1850, and Edward
who moved from London Ontario to Michigan in 1881. These latter
do however show a pattern of immigration
similar to Thomas in that they all arrived first in Canada, at points
along the St Lawrence river, and later crossed into
the United States to settle in New York state and Michigan.
* * *
Abstracted from C.T.M. Beamish's history, with additional
update from Richard Pigott Beamish.
“Early in the year 1792 William Beamish, third son of the original William
Beamish of Willsgrove, and a certain
William Crawford entered into partnership with two gentlemen named
Allen and Barrett who were actively engaged
in the business of brewing. Thus was the firm founded under its
present name of Beamish and Crawford.
Even in those days it was an old established brewery, records revealing
that it was operating early in the 17th
century, when contemporary writers refer to the activities of
the "old brew house".
At the time of which we speak, the January of 1792, the concern was
a small one, but during the next seventy years
considerable progress was to be made, and in 1861 we find 350 men employed
who “were invariably paid upon a
Friday thus removing the temptation to irregularities and
intemperance”. This practice of paying the men on
Friday continues to this day, but it must be admitted that this is
more for the sake of convenience than any laudable
desire to maintain at a high level the morals of the community.
In the year 1901 a company was formed and this replaced
the old partnerships. At the same time Beamish &
Crawford Ltd took over the old established brewing firm of Lane &
Co. which carried on business at the South Gate
Brewery, Cork, and this brought considerable trade to the new
company. Five years later the brewery concern of the
Marquis of Waterford in Dungarvan was to be acquired. And then,
in 1914, the well-known West Cork brewery,
Allman Dowden & Co. of Bandon, became absorbed, and at the same
time in the same town a subsidiary company
was formed in conjunction with the old west Cork family of Walsh,
to carry on the manufacturing of aerated waters
together with a wine and spirit business.
Business prospered during the war years but lean years were ahead, and
in the ten years following the end of the
First World War there was a large drop in consumption of beers, which
continued to bear the high rates of duty that
had been introduced during the war. During this time a labour
dispute arose and was followed by a strike, from the
affects of which the Company found it hard to recover. Business
fell away, and the prospects looked gloomy indeed,
until in the year 1932 a new policy was introduced as a result of which,
slowly but surely and steadily, progress was
affected. Then in 1939 in London, where the firm had for some years
been endeavouring to extend its trade, came the
opportunity to acquire the small but long established Jenners Brewery,
and this was purchased on very advantageous
terms. The month following the acquisition found the world
plunged into war, and for several anxious years
development proceeded but slowly. Jenners, or South London Brewery
as it has now been renamed, occupies an
island site in Southwark, and although no fewer than 963 bombs, 2 landmines
and many hundreds of incendaries
were dropped upon the area all around the brewery, none ever fell within
the perimeter of the brewery itself. Very
considerable damage was suffered, but the structure was fortunate in
being saved from what might well have been
annihilation. In 1944 came the opportunity to secure controlling
interest in Woodheads Canonbury Brewery, and
thus was formed what has become known as the London Group, the South
London Brewery as its first direct
subsidiary. By 1947, the group had control of Vallance's Brewery
in Sidmouth, Hooper Struve one of London's
leading manufacturers of aerated waters, and through an entirely separate
but wholly owned property company,
some sixty to seventy licensed premises in London was purchased.
In 1948 the Company of Letheby & Christopher
was absorbed. This is a very well-known firm of racecourse caterers,
supplying both food and drink at many of the
racecourses thoughout England; Aintree, Ascot and Cheltenham being
perhaps amongst the best known.
Members of the family have been associated with the business from the
beginning. Of William's eleven sons, five
became partners on his death; North Ludlow, Richard, Charles, Francis
Bernard and James Caulfield.
In 1849 the younger three retired, and from this time until the summer
of 1863 the two elder brothers represented the
family. In August of that year Charles’ son (also Charles) and
Francis’ son (Francis Bernard Servington) became
partners, and at the same time Richard retired in favour of his son
Richard Pigott.
Now, therefore, we have as partners North Ludlow, Charles the younger, Francis Bernard Servington and Richard Piggott.
North Ludlow, the last of William's sons to be actively associated
with the firm, died in 1872, and his nephew
Charles six years later.
Once more two members of the family were to be left to carry on, until
in 1879 North Ludlow's son (North Ludlow
Axel was made a partner.
Early in the nineties Francis Bernard Servington died, and was followed
at the end of the decade in 1899 by Richard
Piggott. Two years later the partnerships were dissolved and
a company formed. Richard Piggott’s son, Richard
Henrick, who had been with the firm some time before his father’s death
and who had been made a partner in 1895,
became the first Chairman and Managing Director of the Company with
North Ludlow as the other director
representing the family. In 1923 North Ludlow died, and his son
Harold was appointed to the Board in his place.
With the retirement in 1930 of Richard Henrick and the death in 1934
of Harold, the Company for the first time since
its inception had no one on the Board representing the family.
Richard Henrick’s son, Richard Piggott, however had
joined the Company some years previously and was appointed a director
in 1937, and subsequently Managing
Director in 1947. Thus in 1949, there is still a member of the
family actively associated with the directorate of
Beamish & Crawford Ltd.”
Through the auspices of E.P. Taylor, Canadian Breweries took over the
Company in 1963, and Richard Piggott
negotiated the sale of the London Companies, the holding one of which
was a public company, returned to Cork. An
expansion programme was undertaken during the course of which Canadian
Breweries were themselves taken over
by Rothmans and renamed Carling O’Keefe. Richard Piggott was
appointed Life President of Beamish & Crawford.
In 1989 Elders of Australia took over Rothmans, and stemming from the
former’s ownership of Courage, began to
expand the sale of stout in the United Kingdom.
Contributed by Richard Piggott
* *
The Carbery country lies to the west of Cork City, covers some 500 square
miles and is the most southerly in Ireland.
To the west they can hunt as far into the Kerry Hills as they wish,
but, in practise, they confine themselves to Co.
Although official records start in 1764, there is strong evidence that
the Hunt was in existence before that date and,
because of its age members wear the red coat with plain buttons, unadorned
with distinctive collar, facing or crest.
Tradition says that at first deer were hunted, later hare and finally
the fox. The kennels were on the hill
behind Cashelmore house.
In the early years the Hunt was named after the Beamish family's estate
at Cashelmore, and it is interesting
to find from old records that one of the earliest huntsmen was a Mr
Denis O'Driscoll. In 1787 Mr John Beamish
became master, followed by his son, also named John, who died in 1848,
his early death caused by his insistence on
hunting whilst ill with scarlet fever. He was followed by John's
brother, Thomas Beamish, who continued until
1880. Next came Thomas' son John who was master for ten years
and, finally, his brother Richard Thomas
Beamish, who continued from 1890 to 1913,making a notable record of
family connection with the Hunt.
In the late 1870s the hunt suffered from rabies and had to be shot. and
it was 3-4 years before another pack
was established. The pack was disbanded temporarily during the
1914-18 war. Mastership thus stayed in the same
family for 129 years.
Such a record is now continued by' the O'Driscoll family, whose forebear,
as already mentioned, carried the
horn in the nineteenth century. Mr P.J, O'Driscoll assumed
the ownership of the hounds in 1913 and took over the
Mastership in 1914, continuing until his death in 1952. He was
succeeded by the present Joint-Masters, his sons,
Messrs Edward and Patrick O'Driscoll, while a third son, Mr Barry O'Driscoll
acts as honorary whipper-in. James
Craigs is kennel-huntsman to the pack, which is quartered in the Old
Military barracks in Bandon.
(From CTMB & The Field - 1965)
* * *
House of Lords: 22 Apr. 1861. Present - The Lord Chancellor, Lord
Cranworth, Lord Wensleydale and Lord
The point in the dispute was whether a clergyman was legally able to
perform the marriage ceremony between
himself and another person.
The court below decided that he could do so.
The Lord Chancellor in delivering judgement said:
This was a writ of error from the Court of Exchequer Chamber in Ireland
affirming a judgement of the Queen's bench
in that Country pronounced in an action of ejection brought by the
respondent against the appellant his uncle, to
recover lands of which John Samuel Beamish the grandfather of
the respondent, and father of the appellant, has been
seised in fee simple at his death, which happened after the death of
the Rev. Samuel Beamish the father of the
The question turned entirely upon the validity of the marriage between
the respondent's father
and mother which took place under the
following circumstances. The Rev. Samuel Swayne Beamish, a
clergyman of the Church of Ireland. on the 27 Nov 1831 performed a
ceremony of marriage between himself and
Elizabeth Fraser, the mother of the respondent, at a private house
in Cork by reading the form of marriage from the
Prayer Book. There was not any clergyman present besides the
respondent's father, and the only witness was a
woman who saw the ceremony through a window. Had this case been
brought before the House previously to the
decision of R. v. Mills in 1844 he could not have hesitated to advise
their Lordships to affirm the judgement of the
court below in favour of the validity of the marriage and the legitimacy
of the respondent.
The parties believed that they had contracted a valid marriage, and before
the passing of Lord
Hardwicke's marriage Act in 1753 this would have been sufficient to
make the marriage valid even without the
presence of a priest. The Canon Law held such a marriage legal and
according to Lord Stowell and several other
authorities, the Canon Law regulated our law of marriage until
Lord Hardwicke's Act was passed. However it must
now be considered as determined by that House that no marriage was
legal without the presence of a priest.
He deemed the decision in the case of the Queen v. Mills so unsatisfactory
that he considered it his duty to enter a
protest against it, as he thought there ought to be a public form to
which no person could object and which might by
registration be of easy, safe and perpetual proof, the addition of
the religious ceremony being highly desirable though
not absolutely necessary
He would have asked their Lordships to have reconsidered their decision
in the Queen v. Mills
only he felt bound by it so long as it was the settled law of
the land. The question then arose whether the clergyman
could officiate at his own marriage. He thought not.
Could a testator witness his own will? Surely not. He could find
neither principle nor authority to support this judgement appealed
against and therefore with much reluctance he
must advise their Lordships to reverse the decision of the court
The other judges concurred and the judgement of the court below was
reversed accordingly.
The Times, 23 Apr 1861.
A Mr Henley had got permission to shoot over the estate of a Mr Adderley
of Innishannon. Arthur Beamish had also
obtained permission for a friend Capt. Jack Sealy to shoot over the
estate, and for some reason this made Henley
furious and he swore to insult Beamish at the first opportunity.
A short while later, whilst at a friend's house he did
so, promoting an argument in which Arthur knocked Henley down.
Henley demanded satisfaction in a duel.
A meeting was arranged three and a half miles from Bandon. Beamish
chose Sealy as his second; Henley chose a Mr
Spread. The parties arrived. It was observed that Arthur
looked cool, collected and thoughtful. Henley displayed a
nonchalance toward the affair. Henley was a practised duellist,
a member of the notorious Hell-Fire Club, and had
already taken four lives in duels, whilst Arthur had never fired a
gun in such a situation in his life. Capt. Tonson
loaded the pistols and gave one to each man, then handed the powder
to Beamish who carelessly placed it in his
breast pocket.
Having taken their places, given the command "Present", each raised
his arm extended. Upon the signal they fired
Henley fell, the ball having entered his lower abdomen. Arthur
Beamish owed his life to Henley's ball having struck
the powder flask, glancing off and leaving him unharmed. Henley
was taken to the house of a farmer named Mason
where he was attended to, but there he died a few hours later.
The duel had its sequel. Henley had asked Spread to avenge him
and some years later when Beamish had returned to
Ireland from the West Indies he came upon Spread in the coaching office
in Cork. Spread, seeing who it was,
deliberately excluded Arthur from the fire. Arthur's reaction
was to say: “Oh, if you want to keep all the fire to
yourself, sir, I'll give you enough of it”. Then caught him by the
collar and forced Spread into a sitting position on the
fire where he was held until he roared with pain. Beamish then
handed him his card, saying: “Now, Mr Spread, you
knew me before and you know where to find me now”. No more was
heard of the matter.
The result of the duel was reported in a newspaper. Daniel Connor,
the principal, and Bernard Beamish, the second,
were tried in Waterford on Tuesday 20th March1827 by Judge Burton for
the alleged murder of a Capt. Daunt in a
duel on 31st may 1826. Mr Connor in a long speech addressed the
court on his own behalf and on that of his 'dear
true and faithful friend' Mr Beamish. After delivering his address
in a solemn and melancholy way Mr Connor sat
down. The whole audience was moved. Connor was acquitted,
as was his second, Bernard Beamish.
* * *
A Voice That Is Still: A Summary
This book, by Frances L. K. Beamish, sister of Esther, was published
in 1885 by John F. Shaw & Co, 48 Paternoster
Row, London, prefaced by Kiss E. Jane Whately; and was held by the
University Library Cambridge before being
transferred to the British Library.
The Appendix contains tributes from the British and Foreign Bible Society
committee dated 15 January 1883, and
the Foreign Evangelisation Society 24 January 1883, chairman Don. Matheson.
Esther Matilda Grace was the daughter of the Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish,
born when her father was minister of
Trinity Chapel, Conduit St, London; a man of eloquent sermons who drew
great crowds. At the age of three Esther
was spoken of as being a 'wise little thing'. She was tall for
her age. Her mother, who died when Esther was aged 7,
was loved as a counsellor. Shortly after Miss A R Gadsden became
the children's governess, but died young. Esther's
sister-Mina died aged 16 of an 'internal inflammation'.
On his return from chaplaincy in Bengal their elder brother Samuel Henry
took Anne and Esther on a Swiss tour.
Shortly afterward she began writing religious tracts, published by
Wertheim & Mackintosh. She and Anne read to
patients at St George's workhouse. They also taught at a night-school
for men and lads at Old Cleeve, Somerset,
after their father's transfer there in 1863.
Samuel returned to Bengal; brother Hamilton married; a midshipman nephew
escaped when HMS Bombay caught
fire off Montevideo.
During 1871 Esther spent a long time at Fakenham where she preached;
in 1872 she was in Woodford, Essex where
she took meetings; and returned to Lillington Dayrell where her father
was dangerously ill, dying on the 23rd
February. The sermon was preached by Canon Fremantle, a friend,
Esther went to stay at Lowestoft with the Hon.
Thomas Cavendish, and there held services for sailors. Her sister-in-law
Ada died after a long and painful illness.
Then Esther went to Paris to assist in evangelical work at Belleville.
Writing to Mrs Henry Davies she spoke of
working with a Monsieur B. whose church had been burnt by the Prussians,
and preaching in rapidly improving
French. There she took bible classes; this during the Franco-Prussian
war. Returning to England she preached and
spoke around the country.
In 1874 Esther nursed her brother Percy and did missionary work in London,
working with the Rev. V Hay Chapman
in what were seemingly noisy and excitable meetings. At this
time the pantechnicon which held her possessions and
her father's manuscripts caught fire and destroyed everything.
Her sister Mary Hamilton was then living at Chilham
and was a member of the Plymouth Brethren. Esther wanted to work
with Miss de Broen in Paris but after taking
over the Spa Scheme praying for Belgium she joined Miss Perceval at
Ville de Louvain, Spa where in October she
wrote to Mrs Thomas Cave saying the she was known as la Mere Confesseuse,
and that Anne was in Heidelburg.
In 1875 cholera broke out at Simla where her brother Samuel was; Miss
Perceval died; Esther bought a Gospel Hall
at Spa. In 1876 she was taken ill with fatigue in London.
In 1877-8 she recuperated, visited Lourdes and
pronounced it 'pagan'. On June 7th she wrote to Hamilton, then
commanding HMS Pallas in the Mediterranean when
he received his C.B.. In December the Spa Mission Church opened.
In 19 May 1879 Esther joined the C of E Total
Abstainers. In August, whilst staying in Ramsgate with Hamilton
she joined a mission with Rev JE. Brenan and met
Lady Sebright. Shortly afterward Lady Sebright met with
a riding accident. Esther nursed her and thus began a
close lifetime friendship. At the end of the year Esther was
back in Belgium, with Lady Sebright. Esther here
conceived the idea of building a sanatorium for ladies engaged in religious
work, a scheme that would eventually be a
memorial to Esther.
In 1880 Lady Sebright was advised by her doctor to take a trip up the
Nile and Esther went with her, crossing from
Brindisi to Alexandria, then to Cairo and up to the second cataract.
During' the trip they gave out tracts of the
gospel of St John. She wrote to "The Christian" about the little
mission work in Port Said, saying 'You may have
heard of the massacre of 1860, when 15,000 Christians were killed by
Mohammedans, Duses, Gypsies and Jews" in
Lebanon. During those and the following weeks Esther and Lady
Sebright went to Turin, Mont Conis, Brindisi,
Alexandria, Cairo, Ghizeh, Sakkarah, Minieh, Assiatt, Keneh, Luxor,
Karnak, Nuba, Philae, Abydos, Thebes, Cairo,
Port Said, Damascus, Palmyra, Mount Tabor, Nazareth, Jezbel, Bethel,
Jerusalem (giving 200 texts to Russian
pilgrims), Constantinople, Beyrout, Larnaca, Rhodes, Smyrna, Gallipoli,
Pesth (Hungary), Buda-Pesth, Vienna,
returning to England in late June. In December she was back in
In 1881 Esther preached in London. Lady Sebright developed diptheria
and was ordered to go to
Algiers, and went with her two children and Esther. In 1882 Lady
Sebright was extremely ill. In August however
they were in Algiers, in September in Majorca, On 7 December
1882, at L'Olivage, Algiers the last letter was written
by Esther whilst she was in perfect health. On Sat Dec 16th both
women and the two children were at a juvenile
party. The next day the child Olive became ill, a doctor diagnosing
a throat infection. Her brother Egbert was well.
The 19th Dec as Esther's last birthday. Olive died of diptheria
on the 22nd. Next day Esther was taken ill. A St
John's sister Miss Gilbert (who became Lady Superior at St John's House,
Norfolk St, London) came to nurse her.
But Esther now developed blood poisoning from the diptheria.
She gave instructions to the servants and pronounced
her last wishes. She died on 29 Dec, and was buried by the side of
Olive. Papers were left to Mr Horace Noel and
Sophy Hammond, monies to the Spa Convalescent Home, and distributions
to pilgrims to be continued by Mr Joseph
Hoare. A plain white marble cross marked Esther's grave, and
her and Olive's names are on a dado in the church.
* * *
In the year 1839 John O'Meara Beamish, who was a member of the Southampton
Yacht Club,
arrived. at St Peter Port, Guernsey, in his yacht. Walking up
the main street of St Peter Port - the Pollet - he met a
“crocodile” of young girls. His eyes fixed upon one of the girls
and the infatuated young man followed the crocodile
back to the school.
He rang the bell, asked to see the Headmistress and when she appeared
demanded the name of
the girl. At first the Headmistress, outraged and bewildered
at such audacity, refused; whereupon John said he would
burn the place down if the name was not given instantly.
Terrified the Headmistress finally
gave in and wrote down the name and
address of the girl's father. Armed with this. John at.
once made his way to the house of Peter Harris and demanded the
Hand of Peter's daughter.
After some enquiries into. the social and financial position of the
young man, the astounded parent
gave his consent on the condition that his daughter (Anne) should be
consulted and willing to marry John.
Apparently she also had been struck by the handsome young stranger
and quite willingly
agreed to become Mrs Beamish.
Group Captain Victor Beamish
Distinguished Service Order
Wing Commander Beamish took over command of an R.A.F, station after two
squadrons there had
been intensively engaged in successful fighting operations over France
for thirteen days and personally led them on
many patrols against the enemy. In June 1940 during an
offensive mission over France six Messerschmitt 109s were
destroyed, two of them by Wing Commander Beamish himself, and twelve
driven off. One day recently he assisted
in the destruction of a Messerschmitt 110 while leading the escort
to a convoy and three days later he shot down a
Dornier 17. This officer's outstanding leadership and high courage
have inspired all of those under his command
with great energy and dash. (London Gazette 23 July 1940)
Distinguished Flying Cross
The work of this station commander has been outstanding. He has displayed
exceptional keenness
in is engagements against the enemy and has recently destroyed one
and possibly a further seven enemy aircraft. His
coolness and courage have proved an inspiration to all. (London
Gazette 8 November 1940)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Group Captain Beamish commanded an R.A.F. Station from October 1940 to
march 1941 and
during that period carried out 71 operational sorties in which he destroyed
an enemy fighter, probably destroyed
three other hostile aircraft and damaged others.
Since his appointment to Group Headquarters
he has probably
destroyed two more enemy aircraft. The courage and devotion to
duty displayed by Group Captain Beamish are of
the highest order and he has set a magnificent example. (London
Gazette 25 September 1941)
Total combat claims: 8 destroyed, 13 probably destroyed, 5 damaged.
Note: Group Captain Francis Victor Beamish was killed in action 1942.
* * *
Carin von Kantzow was five years older than Herman Goering. Her father,
Baron Carl von Fock,
had served in the Swedish Army ... Carin’s maternal grandfather,
an Irishman, (Richard Pigott Beamish 1861-99)
having held a commission in the Coldstream Guards, had bought an estate
near Queenstown, and it was from there
that Huldine Beamish came, in 1880, to marry her baron in Skeppholms
Church, in Stockholm ... The Swedish
officer and his Irish wife lived a simple, happy life together, and
to their happiness five daughters added much ... At
the age of 21, Carin married, in 1910, Captain nils von Kantzow ...
Carin, a fervent partisan of Germany ... on that
winter's night of 1921 she met the young German who had so bravely
served the cause in which she had believed ...
asked Captain von Kantzow for a divorce ... The marriage in Munich
was a simple business ... Carin Goering died at
4 am on October 17, 1931.
The following extract is taken from a framed
copy hung on the wall in Lahana House.
Lahana House, in the sub-denomination of Ullanes, towniand of Lahanaght
and parish of Donagh, two and a half
miles from Drimoleague, was built about 1740 by Abraham Beamish, ancestor
in the fifth generation of the present
owner, previously of Ballynard in the parish of Desertserges, Co. Cork,
who in or about that year acquired extensive
leasehold property in the parish of Donagh and Kilmacabea, where be
settled four sons, the eldest Francis of Lahana.
The house is of the Georgian period, substantially built of stone quarried
on the estate, with slate roof, supported b~
beams and rafters of bog oak, still in an excellent state
of preservation, with spacious hall, communicating
reception-rooms on either side, an atched (sic) lobby window lighting
a broad staircase, and three upper dormer
windows. A small hall window, with splayed **** (sic) adjoining
the conservatory entrance, has a quaint appearance
and emphasises the thickness of the walls. Two massive chimneys
at either end made way for lighter structures some
thirty years on.
Tradition has it that the house, if not the earliest, was one of the
first slate roofed houses built in the parish, and
model for two other similar houses which the first settler, Abraham,
built for his sons, one of which is still extant,
while the other at South Lahana has since been dismantled.
The situation, 450 feet high, lies on a gravel mound at the head of
a valley tending westward1 drained by the
Roagach (sic), a trout stream and tributary of the Ben. The south
front is dominated by Lahana hill, a flat mountain
750 feet high covered with *** (sic) and commanding extensive and beautiful
views to the south and west over the
Atlantic seaboard, while to the north the Oath (sic) range of mountains,
five miles distant and 1500 feet above sea
level, stretch in an unbroken line nearly twenty
miles from the confines of Dunmanway to Bantry Lakes, from
which, through Glandagh Pass, one source of the Bandon river can be
The grounds surrounding the house are picturesque, and planed with numerous
ivy-clad trees, such as oak, ash, elm
and beech, with more recent additions in the form of conifers, poplars,
mountain ash, bay, laurel, box, holly, fuchsia
and rhododendrons, which flourish vigorously and contrast strongly
with the peaty sod and the absence of trees in the
neighbourhood. A rookery which migrated some years ago has recently
The family has resided in the original house almost uninterruptedly
since its foundation, the exception being a
temporary absence in the first years of the 19th century by the third
owner in
Note:- The house is no long in Beamish ownership.
* * *
These abstracts are copied by kind permission of the family of C.T.M. Beamish from his book.
List of the Army on 23 Nov 1601 and as it stood on 4 Dec ... footmen
in Munster with the Lord Deputy ... one
hundred men under each of the following… Capt Beamish
The depositions of John and Francis Beamish, made 23 Sep 1642. John and
Francis Beamish,
both of the Town of
Bandon, parish of Ballymodan and Barony of Kinalmeaky,
yeoman. On or about 20th day of January last,
were robbed and despoiled of their goods and chattels to the value
of £60, cows, oxen and horses to the value of £20,
and the value of one lease having fifty years to come, one lease having
forty years to come, worth above the
landlord's rent £20 per annum. They consider themselves
damaged £100. Their total lease amount to six score
pounds ... They were robbed by rebels they know not ... O'Mahoney
and his wife of Desert Serges
heretofore esteemed Protestants have since this rebellion turned Papists.
(Signed) John Beamish
Ffrauncis Beamish
R Richard Bemish late of West Gullath, Ballymodan1 deposeth that
he was robbed and despoiled
about May last of cows to the value of £7, was despoiled
of the lands of Gully aforesaid for the half-term of 22 years
yet to come, worth
above the landlord's rent £10. Wherein he is demnified
the sum of three pounds and ten pounds.
Total loss threescore and seventeen pounds. And further he deposeth
(Signed) Richard Bemish
Francis and Richard Beamish, Capt. John Freake, John Langton, Thomas Beamish
and Thomas
Maulbrack, 108 acres 2 roods, £1 12 11.1/2d, to Francis Beamish.
In NE of 10 gneves Kilmalody, 188 acres 1 rood
35 perches. Another part 113 acres, £4 11 6.3/4d to Francis and
Richard Beamish. In Carharvalder als Derris-cullane
plowland, 284 acres 2 roods 17 perches, £4 6 5d; Knockagh (part
of ) 88 acres; 3 parcels of Cahirconway, 125 acres;
Rosamore (part of ) 22 acres 2 roods 27 perches , £3 11 6.3/4d,
to Capt. John Freake and Francis Beamish,
Capuebohy, 157 acres 1 rood 30 perches; Ballyinloghy 252 acres; Ballyry
or Ballygriry (part of ) 38 acres 1 rood 13
perches, £5 5 10d, to Francis Beamish and John Langton. Altagmore
(N Side) 238 acres 2 roods 27 perches, £3 12
5.3/4d to Thomas Beamish and Thomas Francke. All in the Barony
of East Carbery, Co. Cork.
Dated 24 Apr 20 Charles 11 Enrolled 19 Aug1668
George Beamish, chandler, had a lease of a piece of land part of Gallows-green
for 31 years at ten shillings yearly,
and to admit any freeman of this corporation (Kinsale) at any time
during the said term to have free access and
regress to take and carry away clay for their necessary occasions.
Council Book of Kinsale - 18 Oct 1680
10 Aug 1699, Whiddy Island near Bantry. About a thousand acres
set for about £80 per annum by Mr Davys to Mr
Bishop Dive Downe's Visitation
(This is an early piece of evidence of the family in the extreme west
of Co. Cork)
(A short selection of abstracts is given here to show the type of information
that is available in
them. They have been selected to interest as many branches of
the family as possible. In all there were 487 deeds
relating to Beamish. It can be seen from these given here that
the 'unaccounted for’ branches had considerable
dealings with the five main branches. The sums of money involved
are quite big; it should be remembered that the
purchasing power of money has been going down steadily for at least
the last 400 years.
Deed dated 7 Jan 1711, from John Beamish of Kilvoury, Cork, to Francis
Woodley of Dublin and Arthur Bernard of
Farranasherry, Cork. Recites that Daniel McSwyny of Knocknaneirsk,
son and heir of Owen McDaniel McSwyny of
same, on 15 Apr 1703 assigned to Samuel Sweet, land of
Knocknaneirsk, Kilglass, Lackeragh and E. & ,W.
Garranereagh (3 plowlands) in Barony of Muskerry, he paying £30
p.a. out of same to Mary Murphy als McSwyny,
widow, (mother of Daniel) for her life and after paying £60 p.a.
to said Daniel. On 16 Apr 1703, Daniel by deed poll
assigned to John Beamish said annuities and indentures of lease.
On 27 Dec 1704, Roger McSwyny, clerk, decd.,
Daniel McSwyny and Bdmond McSwyny his younger brother, confirmed sane
to Beamish, who on 27 Aug 1709
agreed with Arthur Bernard to sell same for £500, Bernard
took same in trust for Francis Woodley.
Witnesses: Thomas Cook and Richard Veale of Youghal and Daniel Manser
of Cork. (This is an abstract of earliest
deed recorded at the Registry of Deeds)
Deed dated 8 Oct 17269 from Francis Beamish of Kilmalody, Cork, to 3ohn
Beamish of Kilvorough, Cork. Francis,
to settle lands in his family name and blood, assigns to John the lands
of Kilmalody for the use of said Francis and
his heirs; failing them to use of Francis Beamish oldest son of John
Beamish and his heirs; failing them to use of John
Beamish second son of John Beamish and his heirs; failing them to use
of Richard Beamish and his heirs; failing
them to Thomas Beamish fourth son of John Beamish and his heirs; failing
them to William Beamish and every other
son of said John Beamish. Francis to have power to charge said
lands with £150 p.a. for any wife he might take. The
said sons of the said John Beamish to have power to charge the said
lands with Jointure for any wife they should take
Reg. Deeds - 2 Jan 1734
Deed dated 3 Jan 1726/7, between Francis Beamish of Kilmalody, Barony
of East Carbery, Cork, Gt. and Elizabeth
Smith als Jervois, widow of Percy Smith of Lisaneen, Cork.
Said Francis by lease dated 7 Oct last assigned to John
Beamish of Kilverrough, Barony of East Carbery, lands of Kilmalody
for the use of said Francis and his heirs in tail;
and charged said lands with £150 p.a. for any woman he might
marry. He going to marry said Elizabeth appoints
£100 p.a. for her out of Kilmalody
Reg. Deeds - 1 Apr 1727
Deed dated 29 Sep 1727, from John Beamish of Kilvorrow, Gt., and Francis
Beamish his eldest son and heir, to
Henry Allen of Ballyvacky and David How of Glenvarane,
Recites that Jane Beamish ale Woods, wife of John
Beamish "condescended to relinquish her Jointure" by her marriage settlement
dated 2 May 1698. John and Francis
assign to Allen and How lands of Kilbeloga and Kilvorough whereof John
was possessed by lease dated 1 May 1656
for 101 years
Reg Deeds - 20 May 1738
Deed dated 1 Nov 1732, from Nicholas Beamish sovereign of Kinsale, to
Hugh Winter of Kinsale, burgess, for £50
the residue of lease of bowling green in Kinsale dated 29 Sep 1692,
rent £2.10.0d
Reg Deeds - 17 Jan 1732
Endorsement on lease dated 12 Oct 1738, from Sir Charles Moore of Dunmore,
Cork, to John Beamish, Junr. of
Lianabrinny, of seven gneves of land in North part of Farlahane, parish
of Kilmeen, Cork, for 41 years; rent £22.
This endorsement dated 10 Aug 1753, by which John Beamish for £30,
assigns his right to Richard Wolfe of
Cortnahedy, farmer
Beg. Deeds 8 Sep 1753
Indenture dated 9 Nov 1740, between Sampson Towgood of the city of Cork
and Abraham Bearish of Ballynard, Co
Cork. The lands of Lahanagh (22 gneves) in the Barony of West
Carbery, formerly held by John Taylor and now in
the actual possession of Abraham Beamish, for 300 years at a rent of
forty pounds.
Reg. Deeds. - undated
Deed dated 23 Jun 1749, from Michael Busteed of Mt Long and Jephson
Busteed his son and heir to Thomas
Beamish of Cork, Gt., 100 messuages, 50 tofts, 5 mills, 10 pigeon
houses, 1000 gardens, 500 acres land., 200 acres
meadow, 500 acres pasture, 100 acres each of heath furze, moor and
marsh and appurtenances in Knockles,
Ballygenianig, Knockacullen, Ringnaencan, Mt Long, Knockleagh, Ballyranglannin,
Tims Carty, Kilclovane, all in
Cork, to intent in lease mentioned…
Reg. Deeds - 27 Jun 1749
Deed dated - Apr 1758 .., Francis Beamish, Senr, (of Kilmalody), and
Francis Bearish, jnr. (of Lisgibba), are seized
of lands of Kilmalody, Carrowalder, Mawlavollin, Cloncarbane and Lisgibba,
in Barony of East Carbery, Cork . A
marriage to take place between Francis Beamish, Jnr., and Elizabeth
Sealy; for her portion of £1200, they assign said
lands to trustee…
Reg. Deeds - 6 Apr 1758
Deed dated 2 Sep 1767, from Abraham Beamish of Lahanagh, Co. Cork, to
Francis Beamish of same, his son, lands
of Keelvenoge, Reenapepory and Scrahaskehy, held for 300 years from
25 Mar 1740, at rent of £10 pa. during life of
Abraham and after at £20.1l.4.1/2.d p.a. Jane wife of Abraham
Beamish to have an interest in same. Mary Downes
now affianced to said Francis Bearish
Reg. Deeds - 8 Feb 1775
Release dated 8 Oct 1774, from the Rev. John Beamish, Junr., of Ross,
devises of Thomas Beamish late of the city
of Cork, Gt., deceased,. to Robert Tullock of Cork, vintner, for £100,
3 acres in East Gully, Barony of Kilmalleeky,
Cork, for the lives of Abraham and Richard Donicliffe and Isaac Savage.
Reg. Deeds - 8 Oct 1774
Deed dated 51 Oct 1782, from Francis Bernard Beamish, Counsellor-at-Law,
to James Bernard of Castle Bernard,
for £1900, lands of Garranelahan and Laghane
Reg. Deeds - 5 Nov 1782
Deed dated 5 Apr 1785, from Thomas Beamish of Lahanagh (late of Drimoleague)
to Richard Beamish of Ballyrea.
Recites that Abraham Beamish of Lehanaght on 15 Aug 1767 demised to
said Thomas lands of Lehanaght, for
residue of term of 300 years (from 25 Mar 1741) which Thomas now assigns
to Richard Beamish.
Reg. Deeds – 15 May 1785
Deed dated 22 Jul 1786, between Edward Hayes of Dunmanway, Richard Beamish
of Ballyvea and the Rev. Samuel
Beamish of Mount Beamish. Recites that Richard Beamish on 7 Apr
1785, mortgaged land of Lehanaght (in
possession of Francis Beamish) to Edward Hayes. Said mortgage
has been redeemed and lands are now
conveyed to the Rev. Samuel Beamish.
Reg. Deeds - 9 Nov 1786
Deed dated 20 Apr 1789, from Francis Beamish of Kilmalody and Thomas
Beamish of Kilvorane to John Earl of
Clanwilliam; Lord Clanwilliam on 21 Nov 1782 assigned to them lands
of Aghalusky and Lassalane. By this deed
they for £908,17,0 agreed to a recovery of the said premises
to Lord Clanwilliam
Reg. Deeds - 4 Dec 1787
Deed dated. 11 Aug 1787, from Alice Beamish, widow, to William Beamish
of same, merchant, her son, a
promissory note from Messrs. Beamish, Crawford and Keating of Cork,
to said Alice for £4000
Reg. Deeds - 25 Aug 1787
Deed dated 23 Apr 1791, between John Sweetman, senr., and Catherine
his wife, Richard Beamish of Ballyvea, John
Sweetman, junr., Alice Beamish, spinster (daughter of Richard),
George Beamish of Lehanaght, Abraham Beamish
of Ballyvea, John Beamish of Skibbereen and Thomas Clarke of same.
A marriage to take place between John
Sweetman, junr., and Alice Beamish. John Sweetman, senr., conveys to
George Beamish and Abraham Beamish,
lands of Dromadua and Lahanagh for their use
Reg. Deeds - 3 May 1793
Mortgage dated 18 Dec 1795, from Richard Beamish of Ballyvea
to Francis Beamish of Kilmalody for: £200.
Lands of Kilmacabea, Gurtendroigg, Maulnagrya,
Knockskeagh, Banifane, Ballenlough, Madrena,
Cappenawhohy, Cullane, and Lossough, held by lease of
renewable for ever.
Witnesses: …John Beamish of Ballyvea, farmer
Reg. Deeds - 30 Jan 1796
Deed dated 19 May 1800, from Francis Beamish of Kilmalody, Cork, Esq.,
to Armiger Sealy, Sampson Beamish,
John O'Brien and Solomon Newson, partners in boiling mill of Killavorig.
It be lawful for them to finish erecting
weir above Blind river; if they are interrupted in possession
of weir by Townsend Beamish or any other after the
death of Francis Beamish claiming the inheritance of Kilmaloda,
they to erect a new weir
Reg. Deeds - 24 Jan 1802
Deed dated 18 May 1802, from Thomas Beamish of Lakemount, Cork, Esq.,
George Beamish of same, lane Potter of
Cork, spinster, to Jephson Potter of Cork, Esq., and Nathaniel Evanson
of Friendly Cove, Cork. A marriage to take
place between the said Thomas Beamish and Jane Potter; they assign
interests in the lands of Kilgliny and East
Russagh to said trustees for uses given
Reg. Deeds - 21~May 1802
Conveyance dated 26 Mar 1804, from Richard Beamish of Ballyvea to John
Beamish of Ballyvea, his eldest son, the
lands of Kilmacabea, Maulinguira, Middle Callanane, Madranna, Dunckedlip
and Killevinoge.
Witnesses: Abraham Beamish of Kilmacabea and …
Reg. Deed – 14 Jul 1804
Lease dated 2 Apr 1807, from John Beamish of Ballyrea to Thomas Beamish
of Brookfield the lands of Kilmacabea,
set for the lives of Francis Beamish, eldest son of John Beamish and
Jane Beamish and Leonard Potter eldest son of
Dr Potter of Cork.
Reg. Deeds - 2 Jul 1807
Deed dated 19 May 1808, from Thomas Beamish of Ratharoon, late Major
in 80th Foot, to Arthur Beamish
Bernard of Palace Anne. Thomas possessed
of Ratharoon, and lease from Lord Bandon
of Goranbeg (rent
£20) and Mid Ratharoon from Mr Maule (rent £7.13.Od),
Barony of East Carbery, wishes to indemnify himself from
debts - £14 due "to Mrs Elizabeth Beamish mother of said parties,"
£500 due to Mr Plane, £400 to Mr Allworth,
£250 to the Rev. Laird, a sum due to Mrs Mary Beamish arrears
of payment of £40 yearly, annuity and head rents
payable Lord Bandon. Arthur undertakes to pay said sums also
an annuity of £80 payable to Thomas Beamish.
Reg. Deeds - 20 May 1808
Indenture dated 18 May 1809, from the Rev. John Beamish of Berehaven
to John Beamish of Bandon, clothier, half
of the lands of East Gully, during the lives of Henry Beamish son of
Rev. Samuel Beamish of Mount Beamish, aged
22 years, Samuel Lucy son of Thomas Lucy of Enniskean, aged 21 years,
and John Beamish son of the Rev. Samuel
Beamish, aged 2 years, and for 31 years after the death of the last
of them; rent £7.16.0
Reg. Deeds - 20 Nov 1809
Deed of annuity dated 23 Mar 1812, from Thomas Beamish of Skibbereen
to Elizabeth Beamish of Skibbereen his
mother, granting her an annuity of £40 to be paid quarterly out
of his salary of £150 as Tide Waiter at Castlehaven, to
which office he has just been appointed
Reg. Deeds - 8 Jun 1812
Marriage settlement dated 19 Nov 1813, between Abraham Beamish of Greenfield,
Elizabeth V. Alleyn of
Clonakilty, spinster, daughter of Charles Alleyne, late of Clonakilty,
decd., Westropp Alleyne of Clonakilty and
Abraham Beamish of Kilmakinea. A marriage to take place between
Elizabeth Aileyne and Abraham Beamish of
Greenfield; the lands of Cahie, Mummamucka and Balliva (held by said
Abraham under will of his father Richard)
were conveyed to trustees for uses specified
Reg. Deeds - 30 Nov 1812
Mortgage dated 3 Nov 1818, from John Beamish1 junr. of Cashelmore, and
John Teulon, junr. Of Kinsale, with the consent of
John Beamish of Kinsale, M.D., to Francis Bennett of Bennett’s Grove.
There is due on mortgage of 18 Dec 1795, the sum of
£605. Lands of Kilbacabea, Gurteendoig, Acres, Maulraggrae,
Knockskagh, Banfane, Ballinlough, Caponwohy, Madrana &
Cullanslosserogh in the Baronies of E. and W. Carbery, as assigned
with conditions of redemption…
Reg. Deeds - 23 Jan 1819
Assignment dated 13 Aug 1819, from John Beamish of Ballyean, "Baronies
of Ibane and Barryroe in E. division of Barony
of W. Carbery", to John Sweetnam of Mardyke and George Beamish of Lakemount,
lands of Kilmacabea, Mallishan,
Ballinlough, Banefune, Acres, Millemagera,
Knockeagh, Ballyvane, Creebe, Farranmacroney, Derreenscuip
Killevenoge, until John's creditors are satisfied,
when they revert to him
Reg. Deeds - 10 Sep 1819
Deed dated 22 Apr 1819, between Samuel Beamish of Knockavoker, John Beamish
of same, his
son, Cornelius O’Leary of Bridgetown and Dorothea O'Leary, spinster,
his daughter, Abraham Morris of
Knockavoker and James Mahoney of Bridgetown. A marriage to be
between John and Dorothea: Samuel Beamish
for considerations, assigns to trustees part of lands of Corron and
Knockvoker; if Robert Beamish brother of John
should die without heirs, then the other part of said lands to go to
John for residue of 999 years…
A witness William Beamish of Knockavoker
Reg. Deeds - 8 May 1819
Deed dated 4 Aug 1820, in form of marriage settlement, between the Rev,
Samuel Beamish of Mount Beamish, the Rev. Henry
Hamilton Beamish of Kinsale, his son, Anne Spread of Kinsale, spinster,
John Samuel Beamish, M.D., of Cork, and Percy Scott
Smith of Headborough, Co. Waterford Recites marriage settlement
dated 11 Jun 1791 of said Samuel Beamish and
Mary Hamilton and her portion of £600. Said marriage took place
and the issue of same were Henry Hamilton
Beamish and Mary, then wife of Rev. Richard Francis Webb; at marriage
settlement of Mary dated 16 Aug 1818, she discharged
lands of Glown from all claims she had. Samuel Beamish by lease
dated 15 Mar 1783 held land in Lower Phales, parish
of Ballymoney; he was also seized of Edencurra, ground in Kilsale and
houses thereon; and by deed of 4 Jul 1818,
held Gortileen for the lives of Henry Hamilton Beamish, Benjamin Beamish
and John Beamish. The Rev. Edward
Spread of Youghal, decd., (the father of said Anne) possessed
houses and premises in Fryer's Walk, Maypole Road
and Blue Boy Lane, and £10 p.a out of house in Youghal.
Sophie Spread his widow and the stepmother of said
Anne, had an estate in same marriage settlement of 26 Dec 1800.
Anne was entitled to £500 as by decree in 1812 by
her father V. Lord Riversdale, also to another £500 as by decree,
John Spread (administrator of Edward Spread) V.
Lord Mt. Cashell; also entitled to £1000 by her father's will
at death of Sophia, secured by bond of 13 May 1819 and
Insurance Policy (Union Office-Cornhill). Anne Spread to marry Henry
Hamilton Beamish and above interests are
assigned to their use
Peg. Deeds - 30 May 1820
Assignment dated 8 Jun 1821, from Anne Beamish of Bride Street, Dublin,
widow of George
Beamish of Capel
Street, Dublin, carver and gilder… a house in Bride Street for residue
of term.
Witness: Henry Beamish of Dublin (son of George)
Reg. Deeds - 3 Jul 1821
Deed of Trust dated 18 Mar 1823, from Elizabeth of North Strand, Cork,
widow of George Beamish of Broad
Strand, decd., Phoebe Beamish and Mary Beamish both of same, spinsters,
the Rev. Thomas Wakeham of Youghal
and Jane Wakeham als Beamish his wife, Thomas Beamish of Courtmacsherry,
George Beamish late of Broad Street
now of America (only surviving children and next of kin of said Elizabeth
and George Beamish, decd.) to Henry Jago
of Bandon, James O'Brien and Anne O'Brien als Jago his wife, Elizabeth,
George, Harriet and Amelia Jago, minors
(children of John Jago and Anne Ring als Jago wife of Daniel Ring),
the lands of Garraneagh (137 acres) as by lease
from George Sealy to George Beamish dated 22 Aug 1791, for the lives
of George Beamish then aged 13 years…
and Jane Beamish, aged 11, children of lessee, for £300…
Reg. Deeds - 24 Mar 1823
Lease dated 16 Aug 1823 from John Beamish of Kilmacabea to George Beamish
of Keeloveenogue the lands of
Witness: Francis Beamish of Lakemount and Trinity College, Dublin
Reg. Deeds - 26 Jun 1826
Deed dated 18 Nov 1824, from the Rev. Samuel Beamish of lit Beamish
to John Beamish of the city of Cork, M.D.,
his son, the lands of Bolteen als Mt Beamish, Edencurra, Curryroe,
Knocknatcher, Ballivard, and household
household goods, furniture, etc. refers to marriage settlement
of said John and Arabella Swayne, dated 22 Sep 1822.
Samuel Beamish is indebted to George Beamish of Clohina and Eliza Beamish
and Henry Hamilton Beamish.
Samuel charges lands of Edencurra with £1000 for John, for his
life and life of Arabella his wife and Samuel
eldest son, John to allow Samuel his father an annuity of £150.
Reg. Deeds - 19 liar 1828
Conveyance dated 23 Apr 1827, from William Beamish late of Cork, now
of St Lewans, France, only surviving son
and heir of the Rev John Beamish, late of Berehaven, decd., Matthew
Delaval O'Meara of Loveton late Commissary
General in His Majesty's Army, and Mary O'Meara als Beamish his wife;
Nicholas Marshall Cummins of Cork,
merchant and Joshua Beale trustee under marriage settlement of Thomas
Barter and Jane Beamish, said Thomas
Barter of Clonakilty and Jane Barter als Beamish his wife; Henry Pyne
Masters of Blackrock, Cork, and John Packer
of Berehaven, trustees under will of Francis Beamish of same, M.D.,
Jonas Morris, late Dunkettle, eldest son and heir
of Abraham Morris, late of same, who was trustee of settlement date
19 Apr 1792 to John Beamish of Dunmore4
Cork, for £3238.9.3d paid by him, the land etc, of Maulbrack,
Barony of East Carbery, as same were conveyed to
John Purcell, Abraham Morris and George Beamish by deed dated 19 Aug
1792 for ever, free from encumbrances
Reg. Deeds - 9 May 1827
Deed dated 12 Nov 1827, from Samuel Beamish, senr. of Knockavoker and
Anne Beamish als Morris his wife, John
Beamish, William Beamish, Samuel Beamish, Junr., and Robert Beamish
(son of Samuel senr.) to Thomas
Hungerford of Cahirmore and the Rev Jonas T. Jones, the lands of Corron
and Knockavoker, held by Samuel
Beamish, senr., as by lease from William Morris to Abraham Beamish
for 999 years. Samuel Beamish had assigned
to John Beamish and William Beamish, his sons, several parts of said
land which were devised to him by will.
Samuel, senr., now assigned said lands to trustees for use of himself
and to provide £12 p.a. for Anne if she survive
Reg. Deeds - 10 Dec 1827
Deed dated 11 May 1828, from the Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish of Kinsale
and Anne Beamish als Spread, his
wife, to John Samuel Beamish of Cork, M.D., the only surviving trustee
in the marriage settlement, dated 14 Aug
1820, of said Rev. Henry and Anne. Recites that £2000 damages
obtained in the Exchequer Court in 1815, by the
Rev, Edward Spread and John Spread his son and Percy Scott Smyth (now
decd.) as trustees. The Rev. Henry and
Anne now assign same to John Samuel Beamish, also lands of Glower,
Lower Phale, Upper Phale, Edencurra, North
and South Gurtuleen, and holdings in Kinsale for uses given…
Reg. Deeds - 1 Dec 1828
Marriage settlement dated 31 Dec 1828, between Sampson Beamish of Kilmaloda,
father of Thomas Beamish,
Andrew Poole of Kilrush, father of Lydia Maria Poole, Thomas Beamish,
eldest son and heir of said Sampson, Lydia
Maria Poole, Thomas Poole of Caherone and Francis Bennett of Clonakilty.
A marriage to be between Thomas
Beamish and Lydia Poole. Sampson assigns lands of Reangarragean,
Clugahy and Skeaf in Barony of East Carbery,
to provide £250 for the younger children of Andrew Poole
He encumbers Kilmaloda, Carrowalter, Losgibba, etc.
with £300 p.a. for Lydia for life and £1200 for her younger
Reg. Deeds - 7 Mar 1829
Deed dated 5 Mar 1829, from the Rev. Thomas Beamish, then of Ballinaboy,
to Richard Beamish of Youghal
Cottage. Recites that George Beamish formerly of Cashel
then of Dunmore, decd., on 21 Jun 1825 granted to
Richard Beamish of Gearangh (the said Thomas was his eldest son) property
held under marriage settlement dated
22~Sep 1789 of said George Beamish and Catherine Baldwin his wife.
flow the Rev. Thomas Beamish assigns to
Richard Beamish the lands of Georogh als Gearangh, for lives in lease
dated 1785, from James Beamish of Castle
Bernard to said George Beamish
Reg. Deeds - 19 Mar 1829
Assignment dated 6 Apr 1829, from William Beamish of Beaumont, eldest
son and heir of William Beamish of same
decd., Robert Delacour Beamish and Anne Jane Beamish widow, both of
Beaumont, executors of William Beamish
decd., North Ludlow Beamish, unattached Major in Infantry, Richard
Beamish, Charles Beamish, Francis Bernard
Beamish and James Caulfield Beamish,
all of Beaumont, residuary legatees, Sir James Laurence Cotter
Robert Delacour to Roger Green Davis of Killiagh, Cork1 for £4000,
part of Knockforest (140 acres 2 rds 22 prs) in
Barony of Fermoy
Reg. Deeds - 25 Apr 1829
Deed dated 23 May 1829, from Nicholas Crawford Beamish of Ballynore,
S. Liberties of Cork, and John Beamish
of same to Joseph Linsay Curtis of the city of Cork, attorney, the
lands of Ballyhelig als Old Abbey (64 acres) in
Barony of Barretta, for 99 years or lives of James Good Curtis (4th
son of Thomas Curtis), William Beamish and
John Beamish (2nd and 4th sons of John Beamish); redemption on Payment
of £160…
Beamish); redemption on payment of £160
Reg. Deeds - 29 May 1829
Conveyance dated 3 Sep 1829, from William Beamish of France, Thomas
Barter of Bandon and Jane Barter
als Beamish his wife, to Timothy Sullivan of Bantry, victualler; William,
Jane and Mary the only surviving
children of the Rev. John Beamish late of Berehaven. Refers to
lease dated 24 Jun 1790 from Richard White
Beamish late of Berehaven. Refers to lease dated 24 Jun 1790
from Richard (afterwards Earl of Bantry) to the Rev.
John Beamish of lands of Keelnaravane and Droomleigh; refers
also to will of the Rev. John Beamish dated 24 Mar
1814. Lands now conveyed to Sullivan.
Reg. Deeds - 28 Oct 1829
Deed dated 22 Oct 1832, from James Caulfield Bearish of Cork, and Louisa
Erskine of Mt Donald, Blackrock,
spinster, to Richard Bearish of Sans Souci, S.E. Liberties of Cork,
and Francis Bernard Beamish of Grenville Place,
Cork. A marriage to take place between James and Louisa; he assigns
to said trustees a bond for £12,000 (for
payment of £6000); if James should die without issue, same to
be divided at death of Louisa between his three
brothers, North Ludlow Bearish, Richard Beamish and Francis Bernard
Witnesses: Robert Delacour Beamish of Cork, Barrister, and Isabella
Heise of Blackrock, S.E. Liberties of Cork,
Reg. Deeds - 25 Jan 1833
Conveyance dated 13 Jun 1836 from George Beamish of Lakemount to Alleyne
Evanson Beamish of same his
fourth son, lands of Lehanaught etc, as demised to George and Thomas
Beamish; and to the Rev. Francis Bemish of
Shandrum and Richard Tonson Evanson 5 gneeves of Lisheenroe, to pay
Alleyne Evanson Beamish £50 pa. “for the
life of George Beamish…”
Reg. Deeds - 30 Jul 1836
Marriage settlement dated 14 Jun 1836, between Alleyne Evanson Bearish
of Lakemount, John
Gilman of Milane
and Anne Gilman, spinster, his fourth daughter,
Thomas Gilman of Milane and the Rev. Francis Beamish of
Shandrum. Two bonds of £400 and £600 respectively are assigned
and may be applied to purchase of lands for uses
Reg. Deeds - 30 Jul 1836
Deed dated 18 Aug 1836, from John Samuel Beamish of Cork, M.D., to the
Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish of
London, and James Mewson of Rathkeale, a bond of Francis Bernard Beamish
for £1833 dated 22 Sep 1802 and
executed at his marriage with Miss Swayne and the lands of Baltman,
Broghna and Maulbrack; as trustees for the use
of himself for life, and after for his four daughters and three younger
Reg. Deeds - 31 Aug 1836
Release dated 7 Jan 1837, from Elizabeth Beamish of Palace Anne, widow
of Richard Bearish of Raheroon,
Arthur Beamish-Bernard, George Beamish and Bernard Beamish of
Palace Anne, Samuel Bernard Beamish of
Mamore, Adderley Beamish of Kilcoleman and Anne Beamish of Palace Anne,
spinster, to Sir Robert Campbell and
John Muspratt, the lands of Garranebeg and Raheroon, free of their
claims of £80 p.a. for said Elizabeth and £1000
for the younger children of Richard Beamish, namely Arthur Beamish-Bernard,
George Beamish, Bernard Beamish,
Samuel Beamish-Bernard, Adderley Beamish and Anne Beamish.
Lands granted in mortgage
Reg. Deeds - 10 Apr 1837
Deed dated 20 Feb 1839 from Thomas Beamish of Bandon to Rev. Thomas Beamish
of Kingstown,
Wesleyan Minister, his eldest son, an annuity of £100, payable
out of Tullyhard parish of Ballinadee, Cork (54 acres,
2 roods, 22 perches) as by lease dated 11 Jul 1817
Reg. Deeds - 21 Feb 1839
[The originals of these wills are destroyed, but a few abstracts taken
by earlier genealogists are preserved. Once
again this is only a selection and for the great part only references
to Beamishes have been included,]
Catherine Beamish of the parish of Ballymodan, Co. Cork, widow.
Will dated last day of March 1643, names sons
Thomas and Richard, the latter's children Richard and Mary, sons John
and Francis9 son-in-law William Wright and
John Beamish of Westgully in the parish of Ballymodan, Co. of
Cork, gent. Will dated 18 Oct
1668, names children Elizabeth, John, Margaret, Catherine, Isaac, Rebecca,
Alice, Thomas, Mabel and Francis;
brother Francis who with Isaac Philpot was an overseer of the will.
Francis Beamish of ? Carravarahane parish of Ballymodan, gent.
Will dated 1679 names
Catherine, sons John (who received Maulbrack), Richard, Thomas,
Francis (eldest) and others
Thomas Beamish of Bandonbridge, Free Burgess. Will dated
1681 "... to my wife Elizabeth
£100, to be raised out of my tanned leather." Also £140
for his grandchild Daniel son of Daniel Beamish.
Richard Beamish of Ballinard, farmer. Will dated 1729, proved
1734, names wife Rebecca, sons
Richard and Abraham, daughters Catherine and Rebecca, brother George
Beamish of Kilbrittain.
Thomas Beamish of Cork, gent. Will dated 1772, names his sister
Jane, brother the Rev. John Beamish and his son
the Rev. John Beamish (junr.) and daughter Mary, brother
George (deceased) and his two daughters,
William (deceased) and his children Rose, Mary, William, Charles, Henry
and Isaac, and his nephew Francis, a
student at Temple.
Richard Beamish of Ballyva. Will dated 1776, proved
1777, names his sons Richard, Thomas,
Charles and Francis, the latter’s sons Richard, John, George and Thomas,
testator's daughter Elizabeth, and grandson
Indented articles dated 8 July 1728 being the settlement on the marriage
of Thomas Beamish and Jane Beamish and
made between the said Thomas Beamish of Raheroon, Co. of Cork, gent.,
of the first part, George Beamish of
Kilbrittain, gent., and the Rev, John Beamish of Garranelahan, clerk,
of the second part, and Richard Beamish of
Garranelahan, gent., and the said Jane Beamish his third daughter,
of the third part. The said Thomas Beamish
settled the half plowland of Raheroon. Jane's fortune was £200.
* * *
THE CORK CARD CASE by John Welcome:
a summary
'The action of Joseph Pike against Richard Piggott Beamish opened in
the Four Courts in Dublin before Mr Justice
W.M.. O'Brien and a special jury on Tuesday, 8th May 1894. It
was an action claiming £5,000 damages for libel,
slander and conspiracy to defame.
Both plaintiff and defendant were trustees of the Cork County Club;
both were members of the committee ... The
parties were neighbours, and until the incident close friends ..
the defence filed by Beamish flatly stated that the
plaintiff did cheat at cards ... at games of Napoleon and Poker .,.
Both were deputy lieutenants of the County of Cork
... Beamish was sixty-one ... the Beamish family owned the controlling
interest in the great brewing firm of Beamish
and Crawford.
Richard Piggott Beamish did not play cards at all and never saw any
of the acts of which he accused the plaintiff.
Beamish had been a member of the Club for forty years. Like many militiamen
he clung jealously to his military rank
though he had seen no service to justify it ... He was unbending, humourless
and opinionated ... he was known by the
more formal name of Piggott.'
Beamish's evidence was hearsay, gained from an observer of the game,
Richard Cooper; but Beamish put his
'evidence' on paper. 'this document was a tissue of self-justification,
hearsay masquerading as evidence, and
third-hand information. Beamish, and it is almost impossible
to believe that human stupidity could go further - took
it along to the meeting and proceeded to read it out.'
Pike sued. Beamish's defence was that he had qualified
privilege, as a senior committeeman, and was performing his duty in
conducting an investigation; but if he had made
a malicious statement he would have lost his privilege.
In the event, in the court case, Beamish won a technical
victory; and by the strange conduct of the case Pike's good name was
cleared. The judge 'Mr Justice O'Brien
subsequently accepted from the proud and happy mother of the plaintiff
the gift of a handsome residence at Douglas,
outside the City of Cork.'
* * *
Extract from a letter concerning Samuel Beamish
"... Mary Colby had an illegitimate son by Samuel Beamish at Shipmeadow
Workhouse near Bungay in Suffolk in
1777. The records of Wangford Union, which governed the
workhouse, have the following entries..
21 May 1777 ... Mary Colby is pregnant and has charged Samuel
Beamish of Redenhall with
Harleston with being
the father of the child wherewith she is pregnant, against whom a warrant
is put in hand.,.
2 July 1777 applied for maintenance... to the parish
of Bungay touching the warrant against Samuel Beamish, who
is run away and they informed him that he is gone for a soldier.
30 Dec 1778 warrants issued against…. Samuel Beamish, Bungay
– gone off Dec 1778 – Dec
1781 further eight warrant orders made, presumably without effect!
Mary’s son was named after his father and Samuel Colby was born at Ellough
in 1777. Mary later married Robert
Ladbroke at Ellough and had one more child.”
From a letter written to the compiler by Ken Jackson, 5xgt-grandson of Mary Colby.
Several members of the Beamish family have been connected with Lodge
No. 84. It was established in Bandon
in 1739 and styled "No.84 or the Antient Boyne". It is the second
oldest lodge in Munster and the seventh in all
Ireland. The first recorded Worshipful Master (1738) was Matthew
Adderley, a grandson of Sir Matthew Hale,
Lord Chief Justice of England (1671). When the Lodge celebrated
its centenary in 1838 the Worshipful Master was
Adderley Beamish of Kilcoleman House, a grandson of Matthew Adderley.
In 1938 at the bi-centenary the secretary
was James Edward Somerville Beamish of Hare Hill.
The details given below come from the Register of the Lodge.
Richard Beamish (of Raheroon) -Adm. 1773: J.W. 1774; S.W. 1775,
Rev. John Beamish - Aff. from Lodge 25 Cork, 1774
Major Thomas Beamish (33rd Regt.) -Adm. 1791
Rev. Samuel Beamish (of Mt Beamish)- Adm. 1795; S.W. 1797
Arthur Beamish (of Palace Anne) - Adm. 1796: SW. 1798. 1808
William Beamish (attorney) - Aff. from Lodge 99 Mallow: Deacon
Adderley Beamish (Capt. 31st Regt.) - Adm. 1834; J.W. 1836; S.W.
1837; W.M. 1838
Bernard Beamish (Lieut. 84th Regt.)- Adm. 1834
John Newman Beamish (of Cork) - Adm. 1835
Thomas Beamish - Adm. 1895
Frank Beamish (Dunmanway) - Aff. from Lodge 204 Lisnaskea, 1935
James E.S. Beamish - Secretary, 1938
(Adm. - admitted; J.W. - Junior Warden; S.W. - Senior Warden; W.M. - Worshipful Master; Aff - Affiliated).
* * *
The following is an extract from 'The New Zealand Wars' Vol 2 by James
Cowan, including a narrative given to the
Author by John Gillman Beamish on 28th July 1920, Beamish then being
the last survivor of the defenders in
Taranaki, aged 82 years.
'In the other angle, that facing Waihi, an equally heroic resistance
was made by six men, of whom only one escaped
death or wounds. Among these men were two brothers, John G. Beamish
and Alleyn Evanson Beamish, from
Skibbereen, County Cork, who had joined the Armed Constabulary in the
early part of 1868. The younger brother,
Alleyn, was mortally wounded in the fight, and the other was severely
wounded. "It was quite dark when the
Hauhaus attacked us," said John Beamish, standing on the grass-grown
scene of the redoubt. "It was between 4 and
5 o'clock in the morning; sunrise was not till about 7 o'clock, for
it was midwinter. It had been raining and blowing,
and the night was very cold. We were suddenly awakened
by a shot; one of the sentries had seen something move
on the slope of the gulley just below him, and challenged and fired.
Then there was a return volley, and the Maoris
jumped up from the fern and charged the redoubt. They made their
first rush on the parapet on the side facing Mount
Egmont. When we first heard their yells and shouting as they
came up on that flank, and rushed for our carbines and
belts, we could scarcely realise that it was an attack. We had
been sleeping soundly, and the thing at first seemed like
some terrible dream. When we turned out most of us manned the
low parapet on the north and east, and fired away
there into the darkness, where the yelling and shouting were coming
from. After firing a shot we did not wait to see
the effect - if we could see - but stooped down under cover of the
earthwork and reloaded. Then the Hauhaus worked
round to the south-east angle, and presently there was a rush for the
gateway. They were quite familiar with the lay
of the redoubt, for on the previous day (Saturday) some of them had
been in, having sports close to the redoubt and
apparently very friendly. They knew exactly our numbers,
and knew' all about the weakness of our defences. We
had been there a month, so that was ample time to have had the redoubt
strengthened. The lowness of the parapet
and the want of loopholes were terrible deficiencies that cost us many
men. At the first shot Captain Ross ran out
from his whare dressed only in his shirt, and when the gateway was
attacked he headed the defence. He fired many
shots out of his revolver before he was
shot, probably while reloading. After the fight we found his body
inside the gateway between the earthwork curtain and the guard-hut;
his heart had been cut out; we found it lying
outside the ditch, not far from his hut. While some of the enemy
tried to rush the gateway, others took to the rising
ground on the east and south-east, and fired right into the north-west
angle in which six of us had taken post; they
could rake part of our angle between two of the tents. We, on
the other hand, were able to enfilade the ditch on the
west flank, and so prevent the gateway being rushed, but to do so we
had to expose our heads over the parapet, which
was only about 4 feet high above the firing-step. I was
firing away there for about an hour, I suppose, before I was
hit, and then there was another hour's fighting before relief arrived
from Waihi, by that time the sun was up.
Most of our firing was at very close range; only two or three yards,
sometimes less, separated us from our enemies
trying to swarm into the place. My brother was shot at close
quarters. Both sides were yelling at each other as they
fought. I was hoarse with shouting at the Hauhaus to come on,
and bluffing them that the troopers were coming.
'Come on, come on!' we yelled, and the Maoris called on us to 'Come
out, come out!"'
"Some of the Maoris", Mr Beamish continued, "set fire to the raupo
huts outside the redoubt. They were armed with
muzzle-loading Enfields and shot-guns, and we could now and then see
the ramrods going up and down as they sent
charges home. Then sometimes we would see the flash of
a tomahawk and catch a glimpse of a black head above
the parapets. When they set fire to the huts we were able to
take aim at some of them by the light of the blazing
whares. Then they started to dig and cut away at the parapets
with their tomahawks. We could plainly hear them at
this work, and I heard one Maori ask another for a match; I suppose
he wanted to try and fire our building inside the
One after another our men dropped, shot dead or badly wounded.
I had very little hope of ever getting out of the
place alive. But we well knew what our fate would be if the Maoris
once got over the parapets, so we just put our
hearts into it and kept blazing away as fast as we could reload.
My younger brother fell mortally wounded, and before he died he told
us he believed it was a white man who shot
him. [This would be the deserter, Charles Kane.]
I was wounded about the same time. An Enfield bullet struck me
in the left shoulder. It took me with a tremendous shock, just
as I was stooping down across a dead man to get some
dry ammunition. The bullet slanted down past my shoulder-blade
and came out at the back. This incapacitated me
from firing, or, at any rate, from taking accurate aim, so I had to
content myself with passing cartridges to Michael
Gill, who kept steadily firing away, and levelling my unloaded carbine
as well as I could above the parapet. When
the fight ended, Gill was the only unwounded man in our angle of the
redoubt. Out of the six who manned it when
the alarm was given, three were killed and two wounded. One man,
Tuffin, was wounded in five places.
Daylight came, and those of us who could shoulder a carbine were still
firing away and wondering whether help
would ever reach us. We knew they must have heard the firing
and seen the flashes of guns at Waihi redoubt, only
three miles away. Suddenly the Maoris ceased firing and retired
into the bush. Their sentries had given them
warning that troops were coming. As they dropped back we rushed out
of the redoubt and gave them the last shot,
and then Von Tempsky and his Armed Constabulary arrived at the double,
and the fight was over. Out of the twenty
men who held the place, ten were killed (the Captain, sergeant, a corporal.
and seven privates) and six wounded; and
the only wonder is that any of us ever came out of it alive.
My wound kept me in hospital for five months.
Turuturu-mokai redoubt is in a national reserve vested in Hawera Borough
Council. The name
embodies a memory of Maori warfare, signifying the short stakes on
which the smoke-dried heads of warriors
killed in battle were set in ceremonial display.
* * *
Beamish ?
Effects of Ocean Viability on Recruitment 1990
Alfred Ernest Beamish
The Lawn Tennis Tip Book. Mills & Boon 1923
First Steps To Tennis, Mills & Boon
Anne Beamish
Village-Level Brick-making 1989
Caroline Beamish
Architecture of the Renaissance: From Brunelleschi to
Palladio 199§ (with Bertrand Jestaz)
French Fainting in the Seventeenth Century 1995
(with Alain Merot) as translator The Impressionist Print
as translator Le Corbusier: Architect, Fainter, Poet 1996
Jean Jenger
Claude R. Beamish
No Fault No blame: how to reverse the destruction of self-esteem
and productivity for yourself and your
David Beamish
The Gentleman Usher Of The Black Rod: by Eon & Beamish
Derek Beamish
Mansions And Merchants of Poole And Dorset
Poole And World War 11: by Bennet, Beamish & Hilliert
An Album Of Old Poole
D.W. Beamish
Trout And Other Fishing in New Zealand
Ed Beamish
Wind Shear 1996
Ellenora Beamish with Maria Rankin
Fred & Hilda Beamish
The History of St Paul's Episcopal Church, Hudson, Wisconson
Fred Earl Beamish
Analysis Of Noble Metals (with J.C.Van Loon) 1977
Recent Advances in the Analytical Chemistry of Noble Metals
Frances L. M. Beamish
A Voice That Is Still: Memorial Of Esther Beamish
F.W. H. Beamish
as editor Cyclostomata; An Annotated Bibliography, Supplement 1973-78
Jones GMA Tandler 1979
Freshwater Fisheries In Canada
G. Beamish
Guide To African Tour 1949
Huldine V. Beamish
Cavaliers Of Portugal
The Hills Of Alentejo
Your Puppy And How To Train Him 1960
The Wild And The Tame
A Childhood’s Animals
The Wild And The Tame
James Beamish
Lowestoft Reminiscences
James Beamish
Family and Juveniles
James Maybury Beamish
Memoirs of De Belmeis
Jane Beamish
History Of Singapore Architecture (with Jane Fergusson)
Joe Beamish
The Cook Book
John Beamish
Burma Drop
John Beamish
Basic Introduction To Computing For teachers
Nancy J. & Katherine I. Beamish
Nature, West Coast: A Study of Plants, Insects, Birds, mammals
And Marine Life As Seen In Lighthouse
Noel de Vic Beamish (Anne O'Meara)
The Adorable Ninon de Lenclon
The Grafting Of The Rose
Shadows Of Splendour
Lady Beyond The Walls
The Sign Of The Beast
The Sword Of Love
Fair Fat Lady
The King’s Missal
Beatrice In Babel
Miss Perfection
The Quest Of Love
The Blooming Of The Rose
Venetian Lady
The Queen’s Jester
The Unfortunate Queen Matilda
Le Sorciere de Venise
North Ludlow Beamish
History Of The King’s German Legion
Discovery Of America By The Northmen
The Uses Of Cavalry In War
Peace Campaign Of A Cornet
Paul W. Beamish
Multinational Joint Ventures in Developing Countries
Strategic Management: Canadian Cases (with Mark C. Baetz)
Co-operative Strategies: Asian Pacific Perspectives (Editor)
Co-operative Strategies: North American Perspectives (Editor)
International Management: Text and Cases 1997
Japanese Multinationals in the Global Economy 1997
Cases in Strategic Management (with Andrew Inkpen) 1994 Co-operative
Strategies: North American
Perspectives, European
Perspectives, Asian Pacific Perspectives 1997
International Management: Text and Cases
Multinational Joint Ventures in Developing Countries 1988
Strategic Management; Canadian Cases
Strategic Management: Text, Readings and Cases
Peter B. Beamish
Dancing With Whales
Rae Beamish
American Signature Collection of Modern Letters, A
Rahno M. Beamish
Fifty Years: A Canadian Nurse 1970
Richard Beamish
Memoir of the Late Sir Marc Isambard Brunel The Psychonomy of the Hand
Richard Beamish
Getting the Word Out in the Fight to Save the Barth 1995
R. J. Beamish
Climate Change and Northern Fish Population 1995
Richard Joseph Beamish
History Of The World War
America’s Part In The World War
The Boy’s Story Of Lindberg
Robert Beamish
Marx, Method and Division of Labour 1992
Robert E. Beamish
Pathogenesis of Stress Induced Heart Disease 1985
Pharmacological Aspects of Heart Disease 1987
Stress And Heart Disease 1985
Manitoba Medicine
Dilemmas Of Modern Man
Sarah Jane Elliot Beamish
Barnes, Small (Elliot Family 1625-1976) Mercer Island, Washington 1971
Tony Beamish
Aldabra Alone
Birds Of The Seychelles
Arts Of Malaya 1981
Tufton Beamish
Battle Royal
Half Marx
The Kremlin's Dilemma
Must Night Fall
Twice a citizen: the Future of the Territorials
The Kremlin's Dilemma: The Struggle for Human Rights in Europe
Leslie Beamish
The Beamishes of North America. Private limited edition.
Ties With Neerim by Dorothy Hunt. Neptune
Press Pty. Ltd. 30 Rutland Street, Newtown, 3220 Victoria,
Deals with a branch of the Lahana line in Australia.
The Roaring Boys Of Suffolk by Peter Cherry & Trevor Westgate.
1970. Brett Valley Publications, 52a Angel
Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk.
Mentions Amos Beamish of the East Anglian line.
Wings Aflame by Doug Stokes. William Kimber, London
Biography of Group Captain Victor Beamish
Fly For Your Life by Larry Forrester. Companion Book Club, Odhams
Press Ltd. 1958
Mentions Gp Cpt Victor Beamish.
History Of North Weald And Its People. Nuclear Printing 1985
Mentions Gp Cpt Victor Beamish
Nine Lives. Hodder Paperbacks 1959
Battle of Britain, mentions Gp Cpt Victor Beamish
Cheating At Cards by John Welcombe. Faber & Faber, 24
Russell Sq, London 1963
Includes court case of Richard Piggott Beamish V Joseph Pike.
Marshal Without Glory by Ewan Butler & Gordon
Young. Hodder & Stoughton 1951
Biography of Field Marshal Herman Goering, with references to
his first wife Carin, daughter of Huldine
Memoirs of De Belmeis by Col. James Maybury Beamish. G.T.
Baggaley, Newcastle under Lyme 1917
Account of the de Belmeis family in Salop 12-14th century, and
suggests ancestry of Beamish family.
Burma Drop by John Beamish. Elek Books, Great James Street, London
Story of his war service in Burma
A Voice That Is Still: Memorials of Esther Beamish. John Shaw
& Co, 48 Paternoster Row, London 1885
Biography of Esther Matilda Grace Beamish by her sister Frances
Lucy Margaret Jellard nee Beamish.
The Diary of Louisa Collins. Edited by Doug McClure, Nova Scotia
Government Bookstore, 1 Government
Place, 1700 Granville St, PO Box 6347, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B33 2T3
Includes mention of Beamish family in Halifax during the early 19th
The New Zealand Wars. James Cowan. Vol 2.
Contribution by John Gilman Beamish; his action at Turuturu-mokai.
Beamishes of Indianapolis. Robert Cordingley. Private limited edition.
Beamishes of North America. Les Beamish. Private limited edition.
The Selected Letters of Somerville And Ross. Edited by Gifford
Lewis. Faber & Faber , London 1989
Mentions Thomas Beamish and unknown other. Neither identified.
Beamish of Kilvurra and Halifax. Terrence M Punch. Nova Scotia
Historical Quarter. 1979.
Provides link between John Beamish of Lisgibba and two additional
History of Bandon. Francis Guy 1869.
References to Beamish and other families in Ireland from 17th
Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland. Harrison
Reference to Sampson Beamish of Kilmaloda
Canada Raw. P. Stephen Haack 1996
Memoirs of Henry Hamilton Beamish. His adventures in western Canada
From the Public Record Office
Ref. Ho Date
8/47 1716 Henry Beamish son of William, citizen and
weaver, to Thomas Morelty, citizen and
tinplater, £10l.
11/24 1724 William Beamish son of Robert, of East
Sheen, Surrey, to Joseph Cooper of Putney
smith, £5.
Masters mentioned in the same index vols 1-20
1760 William Clark to Thomas Beamish of Stoke, Northants, tailor
1749 Francis Daniel to Henry Bemish, citizen and tinplater.
1755 James Thomas to Henry Beamish of London, tinplater.
1731 William Long of Stepney, Middlesex, to Henry Bemish, citizen
and tinplater.
* * *
EXTRACT OF LETTER FROM W.D. Beamish to compiler
My grandfather (William Amos) was the 3rd child born
to him (Amos Beamish) and his wife and I am now
the proud possessor of a beautiful old family bible which Amos gave
to his wife as a wedding gift in 1872. The
Bible contains a little bit of family history and I cherish it very
* * *
Extract of a letter from Miss M.D. Beamish-Hunter to compiler
George Beamish, my mother's maternal grandfather. is said to have died
young ... The few facts that she was told
are:- 1. He was of Bandon 2. He graduated front Trinity College Dublin
and was considered a fine Greek and Latin
scholar 3. He became a Church of Ireland clergyman 4. He was alive
at the time of his daughter's first birthday 5; My
grandmother spent some time as a small child in Galway with her parents
6. my grandmother gained the impression
that the Beamishes rather disapproved of a marriage into the Dublin
Guinnesses (not even the rich ones!) My mother
often said that she never heard her grandmother, Emily Beamish, mention
her husband's name, so that it must have
been a taboo subject within the family .. perhaps he 1-died in
peculiar circumstances or 2- his parents engineered an
annulment or divorce, and that later he remarried .. in 1904
Emily Beamish was known to be living in London. My
mother, about 12 years old at the time, remembered coming home from
school to find a brougham at the door, and a
great atmosphere of up-tightness and general upset all round, as a
strange man was shewn out of the door, Much
later she gleaned that the then Lord Iveagh had been looking into his
family tree and, discovering an unaccounted for
relative, had caused her to be traced and interviewed by a secretary.
I suppose to my grandmother and
great-grandmother, it was rather like stirring things up, and bringing
it all back. Anyway they were visibly upset. I
only mention this saga since, at that time, 1904, records were still
available in Dublin ... My great-grandmother returned to
Ireland after her husband's death (!).
(This story remains a mystery. Compiler)
Note: Burkes Irish Families: Emily Guinness b-16 Sep 1833,
d-25 Dec 1923 (living a widow in London
with her daughter in 1904) married Rev. Mr Beamish and had Irene Aethra
Adelaide Beamish b-Jul 1856
* *
This book is concerned with genealogy. But it may be of interest
to show how the name Beamish occurs in some
unexpected forms. Perhaps many are familiar with the beamish
boy in the Jabberwocky. But less known is the
Beamish Suzuki motorcycle. And the hero of a Shropshire folk
song is one Captain Beamish; but the compiler
is unaware whether he is fictional or based upon fact. There
is mention of a Governor Beamish of Jamaica in
pirate literature; but again no knowledge of fact or fiction.
And a flower, a celandine named for Beamish hall in Albrighton, Shropshire.
The Beamish brewery had in London, in 1991, a shire horse named Beamish,
named for the beer he hauls. In Tavistock college, Devon there
was a donkey called Beamish. And the Beamish Handicap Stake is raced
at York.
There are Beamish Roads in Birmingham and London, and probably more
unknown elsewhere. In P. G. Wodehouse's short-story 'Monkey
Business' there is Rosalie Beamish, a girl intent upon marrying in a gorilla's
cage!; in 'Ukridge's Accident Syndicate' Victor Beamish, an artist; in
'Anselm Gets his Chance' Joe Beamish, retired burglar. And
lastly The Adventures of Willy Beamish is a CD-ROM. Not all
bearers of the name are therefore truly related to the family.
* * *
Extract from Saltash, Cornwall newspaper 1994
“A Canadian whale and dolphin expert is visiting the Saltash area as
part of a lecture tour to help celebrate the 30th
anniversary of the Cornwall Trust for nature Conservancy.
Dr Peter Beamish has been researching whales and dolphins for mare
than 20 years and is currently working in
His research interests include the study of rythmn-based communication
between the animals and his work is
particularly concerned with the humpback whales
More than 110 dead dolphins have been washed up on Cornwall's beaches
this year and both Dr Beamish and the
trust are concerned over threats to dolphin and whale populations.
Dr Beamish has been given free airline tickets with Virgin Atlantic
and Brymon Airways to travel from Canada
to the South West. Sir David Attenborough,
president of the Royal Society for Nature Conservation
Wildlife Trusts Partnership, of which the Cornwall trust is a member,
asked Richard Branson for the Virgin
Virgin tickets.
Dr Beamish has been involved in a number of rescue operations to save
whales from fishing nets and has also
rescued a giant blue whale trapped by ice.
His talk on Newfoundland Whale Watching will be given at St Hellion
Golf and Country Club, near Saltash, on
November 10 at 7.30 pm.
Earlier in the day Dr Beamish will talk to pupils at Saltash Junior
* * *
Extract from a letter to the compiler from Garry Beamish Burton 4 Jan 1991.
“You may have wondered how the ‘Burton’ name became connected to Beamish.
It is a long story so I will give you
a condensed version. My father arrived in the small farmer town
of Darkan, in Western Australia, in 1932 looking
for work as did dozens of other men as the depression had left thousands
of people out of work. He gave his name
as John Lawrance Thomas Beamish Burton, saying he was born in Tasmania
in 1899 only son of Joseph William
and Sarah Ann, whose maiden name was Bugg. He had been a farmer
in Tasmania, joined the A.I.F. in 1916 and
fought in France, returned to Australia in 1919, had then worked in
Victoria as a timber worker before working in
South Australia, then working on the Trans-Australian Railway which
runs across the Nullabor Plain linking the
eastern states to Western Australia. On the goldfields of WA
he heard of work in the pastoral areas and headed
there. He found work in Darkan, net and married my mother
in 1934, and raised three children and was known as
a well respected hard working man who never passed judgement on anyone.
He served in the Volunteer Defence
Corp as a Lieutenant during the second world war, bought a small farm
in the late forties on which he built a house
on his own. In 1956 Dad suffered a heart attack and passed away
at the age of 56.
During the early 60s I wrote to the Australian Army asking if
I could have a copy of his war
service medals but unfortunately was unsuccessful as they had already
been issued. In 1977 I received a letter from a
lady in Tasmania who was writing on behalf of her father Arthur Beamish
who had been searching for his eldest
brother Thomas who had disappeared in 1924. She had written to
the army asking if they had any information on
Thomas Beamish, and they had replied linking him with John Lawrance
Thomas Beamish Burton and the letter I had
written some 15 years before. It was a surprise to say
the least, especially to my mother who had no idea of the
name change or that he also had four sisters and four brothers.
Dad had always said that his name was so long as he
was an only child and that Beamish was a family name. He did
not elaborate that it was his. My wife, two children
and myself went to Tasmania in 1978 and met Dad’s two brothers and
sister, who were the only immediate family
members living9 they have since passed away, and their families. Believe
me it was a very emotional meeting. Dad
was treated as an idol by the younger family members and it is not
hard to see why.
Dad's father, Joseph William Beamish drowned in 1913 and his mother
Sarah Ann remarried in 1914 to John Alder.
Sarah died in 1916. In 1916 Dad joined the A.I.F. and went to
France where he was wounded three times and spent a
total of 18 months in hospital in England. In 1919 when
he returned to Australia he found his stepfather had married
his eldest sister Elizabeth. There was a lot of ill feeling among the
family at this, and after my father returned from
the war he and another sister took the youngest children away and raised
them. After the youngest child was 12 in
1924 my father just disappeared and was not heard of again until that
letter in 1977. The view is that the pressure of
constant threats from his stepfather, bringing up the children, and
the effects of the war injuries were too much and
when they could live without him he had decided to start anew.
This is possible as he would not have had much time
to himself as a young man, being the man of the family at 13 when his
father died, being in France on the Somme at
16, and a father to seven children from age 19 to 24. It seems
that the only untruths that Dad had told was that his
name had John Lawrence Burton attached, and that he was an only child.
Everything else, his father's Christian
name, his mother's name and maiden name, uncles and place names all
corresponded. He did not say it was Beamish
so everyone presumed it was Burton.”
Note: Thomas James Beamish was born 9 Oct 1899 Wynard, Tasmania:
married 3 Feb 1934
Violet M Nordstrom: died 16 Apr 1956 Narrogin, Western Australia.
* * *
Dated 30/11/37 and written on House of Commons paper.
Dear Major Beamish, Delighted to hear of & from you &
to know that you have met my son. I
met your uncle David Gregory B. several times in Kingstown years ago
& did write to your brother during the war
years to find out who he was.
There is in Burke's Royal Descent a Beamish under that name much
closer to both of us than
Otway. Many thanks for the photograph from Families of the Blood
I know very little of the BvB case & one day would like
to find time & borrow some of your records. The Pedigree
progresses slowly but is nearing publication & preparation
for it & Malcolm B of Lansdowne Square Weymouth
where he is a schoolmaster has done nearly all the investigation
& Arthur J Beamish son of Colonel Alten Beamish
14 Brook Green Hammersmith has been one of the moving spirits.
I hope that we may meet & if you are in London this coming
year will look me up here. Yrs sincerely TPH
Dated 4/6/38 and addressed Chelworth9 Chelworth Gate, Haywards Heath.
Dear Major Beamish, I am here fishing with my boy in the 5th which
your uncle David Gregory commanded.
I I have asked Burke's Peerage of 6 Carmelie St EC4 to send you
p.6 of the draft that has passed
thro' my hands for the new edition. Much of what is necessary
has been filled in by Malcolm B-h of 6 Lansdowne
Square Weymouth but as you (failing descendants of Frank Beamish 2nd
grandson of Rev John Beamish b1748
rector of Berehaven) are now head of the family ! I think you will
like & see things correct. Please do what you can
& drop a note to Burke's & take no notice of their persuading
you to buy a 5 guinea copy!
I I hope specially you will fill in about D.G.Beamish as I know
he commanded the b5th and left
two daughters. Yr. sincerely TPH Beamish Rear Admiral
* * *
Thomas Beamish arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1765. County
Cork records describe him as a 'Gentleman of
Cork',.. On 30 July he married Amelia Mason. He was 25 and she
a mere 15, her father a Lt on a privateer... On
March 25, 1782 Mr Thomas Beamish was appointed Port Warden of Halifax...
his duty to grant passes to all vessels
and boats leaving and to visit all those entering the harbour...
Ships will send their boat on shore to Market slip (as
Frederick's Wharf , then Beamish Wharf and now Market Wharf is called
– c1880). Thomas possibly became
involved in an ill-fated privateer venture and slipped into debt.
He was confined in a debtor's prison for non-
payment ... he was forced to forfeit his property. Sometime after
1790 Thomas was listed as an absconding debtor.
He abandoned his family and was never heard of again. Perhaps
he returned to Ireland... We likely will never learn
about the final chapter in the life of Captain Thomas Beamish the patriarch
of "the Beamishes of North America".
* * *
“William Beamish, born c1787, his wife Nancy and five children, left
the County of Cork, Ireland for Canada on 1?
Jun 1817. In May 1818 he petitioned for Crown land at York (now
Toronto). William indicates that he brought
from Ireland "the most favourable recommendations". The petition
was granted and he was granted 100 acres in
Carin Township, Just north of Port Hope... In 1821 he sold the
property for fifty pounds. The money helped
William to become established as a saddler…. He petitioned again
as his family grew in size... He acquired further
properties... He died in 1857... His eldest son William
Moore Beamish set up a practice as a Doctor of Medicine
and Surgeon in Catarague in Kingston Township in 1832, probably returning
for training in London or Edinburgh...
George Beamish in 1878 at the age of 22 emigrated to the United States
and settled in Kansas City, Missouri...
George Thomas Beamish became a lumber dealer in the 1840s in Syracuse,
New York State.”
* * *
“Sir, As reported I send you a statuary declaration giving the dates
and periods of time during which I have resided
on my selection. The six weeks in 1878 should count as twelve
weeks as in 1878 I was under the Old Land Act of
1869. It was quite impossible for me to bring my wife and young
Family at first. My wife was in delicate health and
at that time there was no doctor within 40 or 50 miles and the roads
were impassable in Winter. I have sold out the
house and acre of land I had at Werribee and brought up my wife and
family last December.
For the Secretary for Lands.
Sir your Truly. Henry Beamish”
* * *
“Gorgeous Gemma Craven plans to ask the Pope to annul her marriage to
Emmerdale Farm heart-throb Frazer Hines
so that she wed her live-in lover. Devout Catholic Gemma, 37, is desperate
to marry David Beamish in church but
divorcees are forbidden to do so
But Gemma faces two big obstacles. Handsome David is divorcing
his wife who accused Gemma of "stealing" her
man and he does not believe in God.”
“Actress Gemma Craven tells Constance Craig Smith about her relaxing
Sundays at home in London with husband
….I always go to mass at 12 o'clock while my husband David Beamish,
who's an accountant, stays behind and makes
breakfast ... one of my favourite places is a restaurant called Leonard's
in the Kings Road, Chelsea. I've been going
there for 11 years, and David and I had our wedding reception there
last June ...we'll sit out in the garden of our
house in Fulham, West London ... we love the TV series Bread, because
David's from the Merseyside area
* * *
EXTRACT FROM NEWSPAPER: The Independent 5 Jun 1993
SALLY BEAMISH - composer
“Sally Beamish was born in 1956 into a musical family where she wrote
notes before she wrote letters. At the age of
seven she wrote an “opra" based on a Paul Gallico story ... it was
her mother Ursula Snow, who encouraged ... Sally
at 15 to take up the viola ... At the Royal Northern College of Music!
where she officially studied the violin and
viola, the principal, John Manduell, recommended that she attend a
composition course given by Anthony Gilbert…
She became a busy viola player with the London Mozart Players and the
Scottish Chamber Orchestra... not until
1986 that she received her first professional commission ... Dances
And Nocturnes .. In January 1989, “No, I Am
Not Afraid” received its first performance ... Arts Council awarded
her a bursary of £2,500 for composition. It
bought one year's child care for her five-month-old baby and allowed
her to write Commedia, the Premier Ensemble
commission! and to make the move with her husband to Scotland ... The
piece was met with ecstatic reviews ... With
her husband Robert Irvine, principal cellist of Scottish Opera, and
James MacMillan, she has founded the Chamber
Group of Scotland A second child, and the lack of
a publisher, have failed to abate the flow of compositions ...
Beamish appears serenely happy; during
May alone, 10 performances of her works took place including
“Soundbite” ... and “Magnificat”… oboist Douglas Boyd gives the first
performance of “Tam Lin”… In July she
is a featured composer at the Cheltenham Festival where another new
work, “Into the Furnace”, commissioned by the
Gaudier Ensemble for Schubert Octet forces, receives its first performance.”
Review of a CD
“Sally Beamish. The Imagined Sound of Sun on Stone, etc.
John Harle (saxophone), Sally Beamish (narrator),
Swedish Chamber Orchestra, cond Ola Rudner”
“This is an excellent showcase for Beamish (b1956), Islington-bred,
as her note on The Caledonian Road explains,
she began her career as a viola player, but duly followed that northern-leading
road to Scotland and life as a
composer. Landscapes north of the border have vitally influenced
her output. The Caledonian Road, a vivid
invention for chamber orchestra, is inspired by the ruins of St Andrew’s
Cathedral. The Day Dawn transforms a
Shetland fiddle tune associated with the winter solstice into a haunting
string-orchestral piece. The
soprano-saxophone concerto, The Imagined Sound of Sun on Stone, a work
of wild splendour, especially as
interpreted by Harle, must be Beamish’s most original statement so
* * *
The mansion of Palace Anne, situated on the main road between Bandon
and Enniskeane, was erected 1714 by
Arthur Bernard and so named in honour of his wife Anne Power.
Their descendant Thomas Bernard willed the
place to his nephew, Arthur Beamish of Raheroon, who assumed
the additional name of Bernard. He was a captain
of yeomanry and very active in the Whiteboy disturbances of 1821-22.
Local tradition credits him with having shot
a suspected Whiteboy near Coppeen and caused his body to be dragged
at a horse's tail from Coppeen to near Palace
Anne. where it was strung up to a tree on the road-side. The
dead boy was an O'Donovan and when his bereaved
mother came for her son's body she prayed that the green grass should
yet grow on the threshold stone of Palace
Anne. The roofless mansion, now covered with ivy, may still be
Gravestone Inscriptions of County Cork-1
Leemount House, Coachford was, c1895, the residence of Albert Beamish,
who held the post of managing director
of the Dripsey Woollen Mills under the ownership of Messrs. Daniel
Lynch & Co. Ltd. The Beamish and Bowen
families as well as being associated in the operation of the woollen
mills were also connected in marriage.
Proceedings of the Society: Outings during 1943
On the invitation of Colonel S S Cummins and Mr B B Beamish, a very
large party of members met on Wednesday,
10th November, to be shown relics of Old Cork located at the premises
of Messrs. Beamish and Crawford, South
Main Street. The party was most hospitably received by
the directors, and entertained at tea before being shown the
objects of interest by Colonel Cummins, who gave an interesting talk
on the collection.
Among the exhibits was a charter given by George 11 to the Cork Brewers,
also wage sheets and lading bills of the
eighteenth century, etc. The remains of medieval Cork on the
site included two stones with floral design from the
Chapel of St Laurence, and a threshold stone (or wall stone)
with the inscription: W.M. C+R. 1602. These three
stones are now built into the fireplace in the boardroom. Relics
of the old South Gate Prison included a stone which
once held the iron spikes for impaling the heads of executed prisoners.
The lock and key of the prison were also
shown - these being still in use in the main doorway of the Counting
* * *
CHELWOOD’S £2m: Daily Telegraph
Lord Chelwood, who as Sir Tufton Beamish was Conservative HP for Lewes
from 1945 to 1974, left £2,217,870 net
(£2,262,870 gross) in his will published yesterday. He
died last month aged 72.
* * *
Co Cork East Co Cork South West
Beamish G Barrymore
Beamish G T
Beamish G5 T Cork
Beamish G15 T E. Car. W.D.
Beamish G9 Cork City
Beamish G7 T Kinalmeaky
Beamish G Kinsale
Co Cork North West
Beamish G3 Muskerry
Beamish T Kerrycurrihy
Beamish G2 T Muskerry E
Beamish G2 T W. Car. E.D.
Beamish G18
T W. Car. E.D.
Beamish G14
T Ibane
Beamish G17
T E. Car. E.D.
* * *
“My memories of Granny Read (note: Frances Beamish b1855 who married
George Read 1876) was of a big
woman but of comfortable ways and had reared a big family ...
Granny was a great believer and at one time used
to have little 'Meetings' in the house. In those days there were
several tiny chapels in that area and we later knew
it as the 'Suffolk Bible Belt?, She drew a lot of wisdom
from her bible and her family were brought up 'on the
* * *
It should be noted that the Beamish Coat of Arms was originally awarded
to William Beamish of Beaumont
(1790-1838) and should properly only be displayed by his direct descendants;
that no other member of the
Beamish family is so entitled to bear those arms.
* * *
Indianapolis: A Summary and Selections from Robert Cordingley's Book.
William Beamish, who was born c1787, emigrated from County Cork with
his wife Nancy and their five children on 17 June
1817, and settled in York (now Toronto), Canada. They arrived
"with the most favourable recommendations". He their
petitioned for and was granted 100 acres in Carin Township, just to
the north of Fort Hope, Ontario. He soon sold the
land for £50 and used the money to establish himself as a saddler,
but petitioned once again for land, This he also sold.
further land deals he made more money and was soon established as a
merchant. By the 1837 rebellion he was captain of a
volunteer militia of Loyalist families. By this time
his children had increased to nine, though he very likely remarried.
were by now William Moore 1808, Catherine 1809, John Sweetnam 1811,
George Thomas 1813, Francis 1816, Frances 1821,
Samuel Richard 1823, Ann 1825, Sarah Alice 1837. William Beamish
died in 1857.
William Moore Beamish became a doctor and surgeon in Catarague, probably
training in London or Edinburgh, since there were
no facilities in Ontario at that time. By his first wife Ann
Purdy he had William Adderley, by his second wife Mary
Purdy (Ann4s sister) he had Ann. William Moore also speculated
in land. Catherine married Dr John Cullingford in
1850, had no children but adopted the daughter of her brother John
when he died.
John Sweetnam Beamish was a successful businessman but died aged
47, leaving £7000 estate
(at today's value
£350,000). Francis became a miller and merchant and
land dealer in Fort Hope. In 1852 he was on the Board of
Harbour Commissioners, and by 1870 was Mayor of Port Hope. By
1871 he owned 5000 acres, 50 village lots and
10 houses He had Francis M. 1853, William E. 1854, and
George 1855. Francis H. owned flour and plaster mills,
was a cooper and farmer. William F. became a manufacturer.
George emigrated to the United States and settled in
Kansas. Samuel Richard Beamish remained a batchelor, clerking
for his family.
George Thomas Beamish became a lumber agent in Syracuse, New York
State, working across
the border. In
1850 he met Sarah Richards, a farmer's daughter. In that year
he was charged with assault and battery upon Charles
Joins, but found not guilty. In 1852 George Thomas charged Lyman
King with embezzlement. The entire province
of Ontario was timbered, with every village having its own sawmill,
and there was an insatiable demand for timber.
"Cattaraugus and Chautaugua counties had especial appeal. The hillsides
along the tributaries of the Allegheny River
had became resplendent with towering pines grown over the centuries.
Saw mills could be powered by the streams and
rivers which also afforded floating, natural transportations, of long
lines of log rafts down to the great markets of
Pittsburgh to the south and even closer to Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse
and the other eastern centers... The leading
men in the lumber trade were generally merchants who were accustomed
to being supplied with goods on long
credit... Although much money was made by many men in the lumber
business the risks were high and there were
many losses,"
By 1854 George Thomas Beamish had sold to his brother William
a property held in Port Hope.
"The sale of this
property probably forecast the end of any thoughts George T. may have
had about abandoning his vagabond life for any
alternative requiring him to settle down, despite the fact that
he was acquiring a family." He had Sarah 1852,
George Clinton 1857, John Cullingford 1862, Alice Anna 1867.
John Cullingford 'Beamish married Florence Potter
(aged l4yrs), his sister Alice A. (aged l6yrs) marrying' Florence's
brother Herman in a double wedding at Cherry
Creek, Chautaugua County in 1884. "If success is the exercise
of the free spirit. a gypsy type existence, easy
mobility and a non-recognition of family needs, then George Thomas
Beamish achieved success." Whereas the other
children inherited considerable wealth from their father, George T.
was left Just $100 by his disapproving father.
"On various occasions the children were farmed out to their aunts and
uncles and others," None were given a
particular education.
"John Cullingford Beamish was listed as a common laborer and worked
at various Jobs such as basket-making9
locomotive shop labor and Janitorial work." He had Mabel 1886, William
1888, Ethel 1891, Lawrence 1893,
Howard 1903. "They selected some rather unique middle names for their
children. Mabel got Persis, a name she did
not like or use. Greek for Persian woman (Romans 16.12).
William got Clinton from his uncle George Clinton
Beamish. Ethel received Odessa, a small town in Canada"
"By 1916 William worked at the Redwing Canning Factory of Bond House,
located on East Main Street," His
family also made hard bottomed woven baskets. "Two different
basket contractors were located in that section of the
grape belt which extended along the southern shore of Lake Erie.
Beatrice Beamish and her Uncle Howard
competed with each other to see who could assemble baskets more quickly.
William Clinton Beamish installed a
pipe through the floor to his sister Mable's apartment in the basement
to act as a speaking tube."
"John Cullingford Beamish went to Erie in 1917, seeking better employment.
For a while he had a selling Job then
janitored at East Tenth Street Methodist Church... For a time
he preached and counselled on Friday nights at Erie's
Florence Crittenden Home for unwed mothers... At the age of 60
he could still support the weight of his full grown
son Howard held horizontally on extended arms over his head.
He delighted in balancing his grandchildren on his
extended palms at arms length
William Clinton Beamish married Mildred Billings in 1910 and had Beatrice
Vera 1911, Vivian May 1914, Lyle
Clinton 1917, Violet Jane 1923, Clifford Neal 1924. "Although he left
school at an early age he learned many skills,
mostly self-taught. He was naturally sharp with arithmetic and
musical despite the lack of any formal training. He
played the piano and violin by ear and amused his extended family of
relatives, to the special delight of the children,
by playing a wood cutting metal saw blade with a violin bow, oscillating
the saw blade back and forth to get the right
tones. William furnished the music for many square dances, 'some
in his own home."
William and his family worked at a local factory making baskets for
grapes. He eventually decided to set up the
necessary equipment in his own barn for the convenience of his family.
After acquiring craft skills as a carpenter,
electrician and mechanic, he built his own homes in Erie, Pennsylvania
and Florida and helped his son Clifford build
his own home, also in Erie. William was a good automobile mechanic
and even built his own truck. William
enjoyed entertaining and was instrumental in establishing an annual
Memorial Day get-together at his home for the
Beamish clan. There was always a ball-game, music and plenty
of food... For many years in the 1930s these
reunions were held at Harrysburg Beach at Dunkirk" but terminated prior
to World War 11.
Beatrice... "As her uncle Howard Beamish was just eight years
old when she was born the two of them related well
to each other in their younger years
"Lyle. as his father William had done before him. worked at the Al Tech
Speciality Steel Corporation in Dunkirk.
He was a die polisher. Lyle was also a member of the Fredonia
Exempt Firemen's Association and former chief and
secretary of the Fredonia Fire Department. He was also
a member of the Lambert Hook & Ladder Company... and a
member of the United Steelworkers of America Local No 2693."
"Ethel Odessa Beamish moved to Jamestown, flew York and worked as a
nursemaid. "In 1912 she met and married a
young chauffeur George Cordingley. After a few years they moved
to Erie. About 1916 George1 now a machinist,
worked at the Erie Brakeshoe Company, then moved to the General Electric
Company where he remained until
retirement... In her early marriage Ethel had two miscarriages
and her niece Beatrice Vera became like a first child...
After the first two children arrived... a call for help from
Beatrice became routine. Beatrice took care of the children
and also became a good cook. George loved her chocolate
cakes." They had Robert Vincent 1918 (author of this
book), Doris Marian 1920, Phyllis Mae 1927. "George Cordingley
worked steadily at the General Electric Plant
throughout the Great Depression. He was instrumental in obtaining
jobs for some of his less fortunate relatives.
Ethel supplemented his efforts by picking cherries and grapes, clerking
in retail stores and working in Aunt Lena
Curtis' Pie Factory"
Lawrence Richards Beamish married Beatrice Sawyer in 1927. "He
utilized his carpentry skills to build his own
home at 164 Water Street, Fredonia. When Beatrice decided upon
a career as a Beautician, Lawrence remodelled
their separate double garage into a Beauty Shop for her use.
Beatrice was a Beautician for about 25 years but also
found time to dabble in hand painting, a craft of great interest to
her... Beatrice has been instrumental in reviving the
Beamish family reunions. beginning in 1983 at her own home...
Lawrence and Beatrice adopted a son, Norman, who
was popularly welcomed by the Beamish clan. Norman eventually
received a Batchelors Degree at Fredonia and
Masters at the University of Buffalo. Norman is currently Director
of Music, Auburn City Schools, New York..."
"Howard Herman Beamish... was a real victim of the Great Depression.
When his mother died in 1918, fifteen year
old Howard lived briefly with his married sister Mabel, then with his
brother Lawrence. Howard followed the
family custom of making grape baskets but also obtained a job as a
gasolene station attendant. He became engaged
to a Fredonia girl but she died before the wedding date.
During this period Howard became an avid pool player and
devoted every night possible to this pastime. By
1929, seeking better employment, he moved to Erie and stayed
with his sister Ethel Cordingley. He was unable to find any meaningful
work for several years, thereby qualifying for
welfare. To the extreme embarrassment of his brother- in-
law George Cordingley, weekly deliveries of food
baskets were made to the front door. The contents of these baskets
were blended into the household food larder very
promptly each week by a prudent sister Ethel.”
In February 1931 Howard secretly married an Brie girl. Martha
Page was five years older than Howard and had been
married twice before... Martha and Howard's marriage was
kept secret because he had no way of supporting her...
By 1935 Howard obtained a job working on an assembly line at the General
Electric Company. He immediately
moved out of his sister Ethel's home and publicly married Martha in
1936." After building their own house... "They
had a vegetable garden on the adjoining lot and despite the objection
of neighbours maintained 22 bee hives"
* * *
"I Mary Beamish of Lillington
in the County of Warwick widow... I appoint my nephew Joseph Radford
Lillington aforesaid farmer and my friend William Ledbroke of Cubbington...
I give and bequeath unto my Bailiff George Paris
the sum of three hundred pounds... Executors... stand possessed
of all my watch and all my plate and plated articles
until my grandson John Beamish Tibbitts shall attain the age of twenty
five years... But if my grandson shall die
under the age of twenty five years then I give and bequeath...
equally amongst my nephews and nieces Joseph Radford Mary
Radford Susan Radford Hannah Radford and Elizabeth Reeve widow...
the monies to arise by the calling in sale and
conversion into money of such parts of my estate... Executors...
shall transfer unto him my grandson John
Beamish Tibbitts all the said monies so directed to be invested aforesaid
or the Stock funds or Securities in or upon which
the same shall be invested... this Ninthday of April One Thousand Eight
hundred and Sixty One"
Her husband was John Beamish. married 30 Mar 1815 Lillington.
John Beamish Tibbitts appears to be the son of
Mary Ann Beamish and William Tibbitts who married 1848, so John was
aged about 12 years when this will was
drawn up. It would appear also that none of Mary's other children had
"This is the last will and testament of me John Beamish of White Street
Southwark in the County of Surrey Furrier...
I give and bequeath all my Household Good and Furniture
plate linen and china unto my dear wife absolutely...
and all money that I shall be possessed of at the tine of my decease
to invest in Government Securities and to pay the
dividends thereof to my wife during her life... shall be invested
unto my son John and my daughter Ellen wife of
Bartholomew Pomphrett... bequeath unto my said dear wife my freehold
Estate situate at Moorfields in the town of
Wolverhampton... my leasehold Messuages or tenements and
premises situated in New Court White Street... I
hereby appoint my said son any my said son in law Bartholomew Pomphrett
of Guest Street Grange Road
Bermondsey Executors of this my will.. .the eighteenth day of September
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty
I John Beamish late of the Borough of Southwark Skinner and Furrier
but now of Wolverhampton... devise my two
messuages numbered 8 and 9 erected on part of a plot of land situate
in Franchise Street Moorfields in
Wolverhampton aforesaid containing Eight hundred and seventy yards
or thereabouts with the appurtenances unto
my wife... this seventh day of May One Thousand and eight hundred and
sixty six. Proved... by the oath of
Bartholomew Pomphrett the surviving executor...
* * *
Extract from THE MORNING POST 24 June 1918
",,, This case was followed by the Clapham by-election, in which the
formidable MR BEAMISH appeared like a
portent of wrath. But our PRIME MINISTER was too much for MR
BEAMISH. Just as when a prairie fire
threatens to overwhelm the hunter he sets alight the prairie
in front of him, and so escapes into the blackened zone
from the raging conflagration behind him, so MR LLOYD GEORGE lit a
little fire of his own against the alien
Government Press. According to the Daily Mail, he got his teeth
into the job three days or so before the by-election
was decided."
The Mr Beamish referred to here is Henry Hamilton Beamish who had come close to being elected. See below:
Extracts from Fascism in Britain
p63. “The major historians of political anti-semitism in Britain in
the inter-war period, Colin Holmes and Gisela
Lebzelter. have produced fascinating accounts of the publication of
the Protocols in England, the ideology of the
belief system and the personalities of Arnold Leese and Henry Hamilton
p65-70 “Beamish and the Britons. More plebeian than the
die-hards and entirely independent of Conservative
control were the activities of populist organizations who rose to challenge
the Coalition government in by-elections
at the end of the war... Standing as an Independent, Henry Hamilton
Beamish came within 11,881 votes of winning a
by-election in Clapham in June 1918. In December 1918 he came
second in the same constituency in the Coupon
election. After a short association with Pemberton-Billing's
Silver Badge Party of ex-servicemen, Beamish
quarrelled with him and developed his own organization. which he called
the Britons Society.. dedicated to the
eradication of what it termed alien influences in British life, the
Britons campaigned for the forcible expulsion of
Jews from England and the revoking of the Act of Settlement of 1700...
Later the Britons showed an interest in the
activities of the National Socialist Workers Party in Munich and Beamish
spoke at a Hitler meeting... The Britons
remained a small lecturing and debating society, with a miniscule middle-class-membership.
The organization
concentrated its activities on publishing anti-semitic literature,
most notably the Protocols and Beamish's own
concoction The Jew's Who's Who (1920). Beamish had formed the
provocatively titled Judaic Publishing Company
in August 1922... The Britons Publishing Society... separated
from the parent society in 1932, and continued as a
publishing and distribution business for extreme right-wing groups
until the 1970s.,. Founder and president of the
organization from 1918 to 1948 was the above-mentioned Henry Hamilton
Beamish. Beamish was the son of an
admiral who was aide de camp to Queen Victoria. and brother of the
conservative MP for Lewes. He fought in both
the Boer and First World Wars, In South Africa he came to the
conclusion that the Boer War had been fought for the
benefit of Jewish gold and diamond financiers, who were exploiting
British imperialism... convinced of a plot to
undermine civilisation and British Empire... Beamish decided
to communicate such views to a wider public.
Together with H. McCleod Frazer of the Silver Badge Party for ex-servicemen,
Beamish displayed a notice at
Charing Cross in 1919 which alleged that Sir Alfred Mond was a traitor…
Beamish was sued by Mond and judgement found in the plaintiff's favour
to the cost of £5000 In order to escape
payment Beamish fled the country and he only returned to Britain at
irregular intervals from then on1 His later role
as a travelling salesman of international anti-semitism,,1 the legacy
he bequeathed to Arnold Leese was to help him
revive racial nationalism after the Second World War…”
p74 “… the IFL vice-president H.H. Beamish in 1937… Members
heard Beamish tell the audience that Germany
was a great country today because Hitler had a named enemy and it was
to be hoped that he would soon call an
international conference on the question1 According to Beamish,
the IFL (Imperial Fascist League) knew three
remedies to the Jewish question: to kill them, sterilize them or segregate
them, In answer to questions after the
lecture Beamish said that the Russian Revolution had killed off the
intelligentsia and that the country was now
inhabited by 'animal life people', With a chilling prophecy he
then stated that it would be the task of a great leader,
Hitler for preference, to march into Russia in the next five years
and place one half of the population in a lethal
chamber and the other half in a zoo.”
p80 member of the Nordic League
p96-97 “… addressed Nupa on The Blindness of British Politics under Jew Power in April 1932.”
p170 Leese and Beamish
p240 “Leese… inherited part of the estate of H.H.Beamish after
the war. After paying succession duty he received
£3,350 from this source...”
* * *
Extracts from: FLY FOR YOUR LIFE by Larry Forrester
p173 "The station commander (of North Weald, Essex) was Group
Captain Victor Beamish, an officer with many
years' service to his credit and a rich, Irish burr to his voice.
He was tough, direct, demanding. Though middle-aged,
he was still flying, and insisted upon taking part in some of the most
difficult flying actions assigned to the wing."
p175 "Beamish had an adhesive memory. He knew every pilot,
airman and N.C.O. on the station by his Christian
name. He knew where they came from, and what they had done in
civvy life. He could spot the phoneys, the
'flannellers' and twitch cases unerringly, and with some he was ruthless.
But with others, seemingly irretrievable, he
often performed miracles, displaying surprising tenderness and patience.
In all his established pilots and ground
crews he inspired extraordinary loyalty and endeavour.
On the station he never had more than a very occasional
half-pint, but regularly, on a sudden whim, he would drive
a bunch of his pilots up to London and lead them on a mad round of
pubs and clubs and drink most of them into a
At this stage of his life Beamish never slept more than
four hours a night. He didn't walk - he ran, or rather he
bounded everywhere. Every day he did at least thirty minutes
callisthenics under the guidance of one of the physical
training instructors - 'to keep m'waist down, so's Oi fit into a Hurri'.
(Hurricane, a Royal Air Force fighter plane)
In the mid-thirties, as one of the air force's most promising
young pilots, he'd suddenly collapsed with roaring
tuberculosis. Doctors told his family he'd never fly again, that
he'd be lucky to live more than another three years.
After only a few months in a sanatorium Beamish had rebelled,
walked out and taken ship to Canada. There for
two years, he worked as a lumberjack in the cold, crisp air of the
Far north. On his return an R.A.F. medical board
passed him as perfectly fit and he was readmitted to flying duties…
'I tried to emulate Victor,' Tuck (Wing Commander Robert
Stanford Tuck, D.S.O. D.F.C., and two bars) say.
'because I considered him one of the best commanders I'd known.
While you were under his leadership, you could
never do anything without stopping for a second and asking yourself:
Now is this what Victor says is right - is this
what he'd do? He was the kind of man you came to trust completely,
the kind of man you tried to be like in every
way possible.'
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* * *
C.T.M. Beamish states: "In 1876 a government enquiry was made into landholdings
in Ireland, and the returns for
Co, Cork show that over 23,000 acres were in Beamish hands. These
show Beaumont (Clonakilty) 1563 acres,
Castleview (Glanmire) 3852 acres, Delacour Villa 1671 acres, Hare Hill
1281 acres, Killinear 2249 acres and
Kilmaloda given under two headings Thomas Beamish of Kilmaloda, Clonakilty,
3446 acres and Sampson Beamish
of Kilmaloda, Timoleague, 3180 acres. All of which was before
land was sold off to tenants under the Land
Below is a list of holdings obtained from
Beamish ?
18 acres
Beamish, Reps. Of
223 acres
Albert Beamish, Leemount House, Coachford
Andrew Poole Beamish, Kilmaloda House, Bandon
Messrs. Beamish & Crawford, South Main St, Cork
5 acres
Benjamin Swayne Beamish
146 acres
Charles Beamish, Reps. Of, Delacour Villa
1671 acres
Colonel Beamish, Cork
595 acres
E. L. Beamish, 5 Verdon-Row, St Luke's, Cork
37 acres
Francis Beamish, Killinear, Enniskean
2249 acres
George Beamish, Dyke-Parade, Cork
171 acres
Dr. H. Beamish
91 acres
Henry Baldwin Beamish, Muckross, Clonakilty
507 acres
Henry George Beamish, same address
82 acres
J. Beamish, Reps. Of
454 acres
James D. C. Beamish, Ditchley, Glanmire, Cork
60 acres
John Beamish, Corran
125 acres
John Newman Beamish, Queenstown
439 acres
Richard Beamish, Skibbereen
80 acres
Richard Beamish, Lahanaght
413 acres
Richard Beamish, Wilson Lawn, Southampton
392 acres
Richard Beamish, Leap, Co. Cork
561 acres
Robert Beamish, Ditchley, Cork
571 acres
Robert Beamish, Castleview, Glanmire
3852 acres
Sampson Beamish, Kilmaloda, Timoleague
3180 acres
Rev. Samuel Beamish, East Indies (Agent-Richard Webb, Timoleague, Co.
289 acres
Mrs Sophia Beamish, Corriga, Clonakilty
239 acres
Mrs Susan Beamish, Beaumont, Clonakilty
1563 acres
Dr. Thomas Beamish, Passage west, Cork
124 acres
Thomas Beamish, Harehill, Bandon
1281 acres
Thomas Beamish, Reps. of, Kilmaloda, Clonakilty
3446 acres
William H. Beamish, North Mall, Cork
136 acres
William Morrison Beamish, Dublin
286 acres
back to Contents
Total 23718 acres
* * *
EXTRACTS: From The Selected Letters of Somerville And Ross edited by Gifford Lewis
p.2-3 Letter dated Sunday March 28 1886. 'We turned to the
left at Bunulun gate and drew a cover up the hill to the
right of the road, the hounds working much better without Mr Beamish'
Refers to Thomas Beamish
p124-7 Letter headed Drinane January 1st 89. 'It was about 10
o'clock, so A. and I stuffed a hasty meal and then we
mounted to meet Owld Baamish - who presently appeared with Woodboine
and Waurrior, and Saulamon, and Jally
and all the rest of our friends.
'The ensued long waiting and trying back. Mr Beamish creeping
on foot among the jungle, and no one knowing
where the fox would break… Just then on a hill about a mile to
the north - going like blazes, we saw the hounds and
Mr Beamish.
'In about ten minutes Mr Beamish came up. He was awfully nice
to us, and regretted we hadn't killed.
Mr Beamish and I had both cast hind shoes, so while they were being
replaced we went up and had some admirable
chicken pie at Manch.
'We then worried without further success - except that Sorceror jumped
so well that Mr Beamish remarked upon his
cleverness - (owld Beamish and two blugs, and the hounds and I had
gone on a little fruitless excursion up and down
and round a precipice)…
'I have written this to you, partly because I promised and partly because
you know and love owld Baimish and all his
p175 Latter dated 1891. The Horse Fair at Dunmanway.
'There were three good horses there. One was a grey of Old Beamish's,
a stout clever horse…
'We were sitting on the bank eating apples that old Dan Connor gave
us, when a young mare ridden by a helpless
countryman scattered down on us, we fled up the bank, when she turned,
& began to go back right on to where Old
Dan & Old Beamish & others were feeding. It looked as
if they had got to be trampled, but Old Beamish without
rising from his lunch produced a huge whip & flailed the mare's
fat thotham with such a fury, roaring at her as if she
were a hound, that she took to her heels & ran to scatter death
at the other side of the field. It was the funniest thing
you ever saw, & Old Beamish treated the whole thing as calmly as
if he had been attacked by a house fly & brushed
it off. Our other escape was from his grey horse: he had lent
it to a fat middle aged farmer, also a Beamish, to ride
about, & this man, who must have been a little screwed, went thundering
round & round the field, in each swoop
coming nearer to us, & apparently losing control over the horse.
At last, when we had again to skin up the bank to
get out of the way, "Old Sta" called to him & demanded why he was
using the horse in that way. To which the other
Beamish who had a face like a turkey cock, fiery whiskers & moustache,
& a huge stomach, rep[lied in the voice of a
dying Sunday School girl, "Ah, I was only coaxing him". I could
describe to you the absurdity of this little mincing
voice coming out of the immense flaming face - & if you had only
seen the "coaxing".
back to CONTENTS
* * *
ROBERT EARL BEAMISH C.M., O.M., M.D., F.R.C.P. (C) Peacefully,
on Saturday, February 17, 2001 Dr.
Robert Beamish passed away at Riverview Health Centre at the
age of 84. He is survived by his beloved wife of 57
years, Mary; daughters, Catherine, Judith and Mary Anne; sons-in-law,
Mel Stewart, Chris McCulloch and Philip
Tunley; and grandchildren, Michael
and Denise McCulloch, Robin and Jonathan Tunley. He is also survived
by his brother A. Douglas Beamish and
sister Dorothy Cochrane, both of Hamiota, MB.
Born in Shoal Lake, MB, Robert Beamish graduated B.A. from Brandon
College in 1937 and M.D. University of
Manitoba in 1942. After intern and residency training in Winnipeg,
he served for two years in the Royal
Canadian Army Medical Corps. Receiving a Nuffield Dominion Travelling
Fellowship in 1947, he studied at
Hammersmith Hospital in London, England and later became a registrar
at the National Heart Hospital.
While in England, he obtained membership in the Royal College
of Physicians of London and also, in the speciality
of cardiology, membership in the Royal College of Physicians
of Edinburgh. Later he was advanced to
Fellowship in these colleges. Returning to Canada, he qualified
for the FRCP, FACP and FACC and served as a
physician and cardiologist at the University of Manitoba, the Winnipeg
Health Sciences Centre and the
Manitoba Clinic. In 1970, he joined the Great West Life Assurance
Co. becoming Vice President, Underwriting and
Medical but retained his interests in teaching and research in the
University. He was appointed Professor Emeritus in
1989 and received honorary degrees from both Brandon University and
University of Manitoba. Dr. Beamish was a
Founding Director of the Manitoba Heart Foundation and served on its
Medical Committee for over 30 years as well
as chairing the Medical Advisory Committee of the Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Canada (1970-
1972). He was a Member of Council of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society
for many years and served as
Secretary-Treasurer and later President (1968-1970). He served as President
of both the Manitoba Medical
Association and the Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons and
received distinguished Service Awards from
Brandon University, the Canadian Heart Foundation, the Manitoba Medical
Association and the Medal of Service
from the Canadian Medical Association. Dr. Beamish was active in many
civic activities. He was a member of the
United Nations Association in Canada and served as its National
President. He was General Chairman and
organiser of the Winnipeg Centennial Symposium on "Dilemmas of
Modern Man". He sat on the Boards of
Directors of the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre Foundation,
the Manitoba Medical Services Foundation, the
Medical College Foundation, the Paraplegia Foundation, Brandon
University Foundation and the Board of
Governors of the University of Manitoba. He had a long association
with the St. Boniface General Hospital
Research Centre in the Cardiovascular Sciences Section where he worked
closely with Dr. Naranjan Dhalla. In 1984,
he became the Founding Editor of the Canadian Journal of Cardiology
and remained as Editor-in-Chief until 1997.
In recent years, he pursued his longstanding interest in the history
of medicine, culminating with the publication,
co-authored with Dr. Ian Carr, of Manitoba Medicine - A Brief History.
In recognition of his achievements and
contributions, he was awarded the Order of Canada in 1990 and the Order
of Manitoba in 2000. Dr. Beamish's family
wishes to gratefully acknowledge the care given by Dr. Lloyd Bartlett
and Dr. Ralph Wong and the Cancer Care staff
at St. Boniface General Hospital. A memorial service was held
Thursday, February 22 at 2:00 p.m. at St. Andrew's
River Heights United Church, 255 Oak St., Winnipeg. Donations may be
made in Dr. Beamish's memory to the St.
Boniface General Hospital Research Foundation, 409 Tache Ave.,
Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A7 or to the Manitoba
Heart and Stroke Foundation, 301-352 Donald St., Winnipeg, MB
R3B 2H8. Arrangements were entrusted to:
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